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View Full Version : Boston Bombers on Welfare

04-24-2013, 09:12 AM
Turns out the Boston Bombers were reported to be on welfare.


I guess they never heard that old proverb "Don't bite the hand that feeds you"


04-24-2013, 09:34 AM
And the surprise is???

Smitty's Retired
04-24-2013, 09:50 AM
The ones such as the bombers, don't look at it as "Biting the hand that feeds them." They look at it as using the system to suck funds from their enemies. Those who are citizens that abuse the system, and milk the 'gubment' teat, doesn't see it as abuse, they see it as an entitlement and even a right that is owed to them.

Yet, if you ask for entitlement restrictions for illigals, for tighter regulations on how one qualifies, or more strigent controls and prosecution for those that abuse the system.... then you are an uncaring, uneducated, racist that only wants the rich to succeed.

Just my .02 cents worth that aint' worth a nickle.

04-24-2013, 10:37 AM
Here in the South, its seems that most of the crime is being done by people who are on the government dole. They have plenty of free time to steal from the people who work for a living (and pay taxes to support the non-working criminals).
I wonder how many people on the watch list are getting free education, health care, welfare, etc...

04-24-2013, 10:49 AM
Here's an idea. How about stopping ALL welfare. We used to get along without it fine.


04-24-2013, 10:58 AM
Here's an idea. How about stopping ALL welfare. We used to get along without it fine.


Wouldn't take the politicians long to come up with a new method of buying votes.