View Full Version : Too much lead!!

04-23-2013, 08:14 PM
Not really, but this old man smelted over 1000 pounds of COWWs today. Buckets were building up just inside the shop door and I couldn't get stuff in and out the overhead--so get out the pot. Started at 9 and smelted until 4 and even did 175# or so of SOWWs while I had the pot out. Will sort ingots, mark them and determine the %yield. I also have all the steel scrap separated so I will know percentage yield. I had already sorted steel and zinc out. Probably just more than I need to do in one day's melt. I also was supervising a burn pit where a neighbor and I are burning dead limbs, trees and brush.
Dug an 8 x 8x 16 feet hole with the backhoe and don't have problem with fire getting out and I can cover the ashes and trash with the spoil from the hole.

I am glad I don't walk by the buckets of WWs in the barn so I don't have to worry about getting them done. There is a metal barrel half full at over a 1000# yet to work up.
Yes I am still looking for a chapter of the Lead Hoarders ann. locally so I can shake this habit. But as my old neighbor used to say "keeps me out of the pool hall."

04-23-2013, 08:38 PM
Sounds like a hard day!

But, you can never have too much Lead. It is like money in the bank. Just sell what you don't want or need!

04-23-2013, 09:22 PM
Defcon-One, right on! Bear67, I sure hope I'm smelting 1000 lb in a day when I'm an "old man".

04-24-2013, 09:40 AM
Careful what you wish for. I do this about twice a quarter and it is not something I hope for. But it does keep me in lead and make my shooting hobby free.

04-24-2013, 02:24 PM
To much lead in not a problem I'd complain about!!!

04-24-2013, 07:26 PM
The complaint was really tongue in cheek, but I am a tired boy today. Somehow I don't bounce back at 70 like I did at 40. When I start a project, hard to stop--wife says it is just a hard head.

04-24-2013, 11:59 PM
Wow, 1000lbs in a day and your 70.... My hats off to you sir! Im 47 and have a problem with 200lbs, I do have fibromyalgia so its not that often I feel good enough to smelt lead anyway.


04-25-2013, 09:30 AM
I hope you can manage your health with the help of the real Docs so you can enjoy life to its fullest extent.
I thank GOD every morning when I wake up without dirt in my face. I have a few maladies, but am generally blessed with good health, a loving family and what I consider a good life. If we take the time every day to count our blessings, we will not have time to complain.

04-25-2013, 04:54 PM
Last time out I did 500#s and remixed the batches to get a consistant mixture. More power to ya as an "old man", this kicked my butt at middle age.

04-26-2013, 09:36 PM
Definition of to much lead,
cold ingots/pieces of lead, to much is when it hurts if you drop it on your foot.
melted lead, to much is any that splatters on your bare skin.
In a pile, never to much.

Michael Grace

04-26-2013, 09:44 PM
re mixed about 200# and logged 2000 (usable) boolits (bout 2500 total) and still managed to get some range time in today. My Brand new 6 banger looks less than brand new.

04-27-2013, 07:51 PM
I hope you can manage your health with the help of the real Docs so you can enjoy life to its fullest extent.
I thank GOD every morning when I wake up without dirt in my face. I have a few maladies, but am generally blessed with good health, a loving family and what I consider a good life. If we take the time every day to count our blessings, we will not have time to complain.

Ya know that is a good way to put it.... "I thank GOD every morning when I wake up without dirt in my face"
I will have to start saying a little prayer everyday to say thanks for another day!
I have been in chronic pain from 14 years old but never let it stop me. Me and the wife used to remodel houses, I used to work on classic cars and golf as much as I could. Now I cant do those but I love to cast boolits and with my OCD I throw alot of them back into the pot!! I live for the days where my pain level is below 8 so I can at least try to put in a couple hours sitting at my casting pot (I do have to take a lot of breaks) but it lets me think of something else other then when do I take my next pill.

We buried my father today and when I got home all I wanted to do was cast some boolits to take my mind off things, I forgot until I got home that my molds had to go back to get redone so I was left without any to play with. So I am on here reading what others are doing and trying to live the next few hours through you guys (well not silverman1...) I have already got hit in the eye with molten pewter so his post I can relate to.

Enough rambling.... More reading to do


country gent
04-27-2013, 08:24 PM
My thoughts and prayers to you Doc, Its hard working around these things but dont let it win. Keep fighting as best you can. Do what you can how you can dont ever give up.
Around age 40 I was diagnosed with Multiple Schlrocis. I still do everything I did before just not always the same way as before. I have mobility issues and numbness. Im lucky there like you some have constant pain. Ive gotten in the habit now of getting twice as much lead for a casting session and invite a friend over to "join me" at the pot. This way I have someone else present and am not here alone working with molten metal. It makes a casting session alot easier for me and they get the benifits of making some "free" boolits. I went out tonight and finished up what is in the pot from last time about 150 510 lymann round nose 457125s. Im whipped and tired but am happy I got it done.
As I said above I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Dont ever give up keep fighting as long and hard as you can. Look for ways to make things work for you. (I made a new ladle with a longer handle since I dont realize when my hand is getting hot with the numbness) Take it easy take a few extra breaks. dont push the pace let it go as it is.

Iowa Fox
04-27-2013, 10:16 PM
bear, thats a lot of smelting for one day. I got a bunch of buckets with sorted coww here that I'm tired of looking at by the barn. Its still too cold for smelting here as I like a fairly hot day to help conserv LP gas. My son was in Texas last week and he told me the temps were in the 80s there. We were in the rainy 30s with temps dipping into the 20s at night last week. This week is warming up but the wind is still cold.

04-27-2013, 10:22 PM
Thanks Country!! I never thought of inviting someone to cast with me.... Maybe I should post in the local paper for someone close that has a place and wants to learn how to cast. I am so sorry to hear about the MS diagnose... My nephew got it a few years ago, he is in his 20's and it changed his life over night! now he doesnt get around much and his depression is getting worse, I am very worried about him but he lives 16 hours away in Oregon.

As soon as I can get away from this place I want to go up north to visit but Dr visits are keeping me here :mad:

Ok, I just realized that I was hijacking the thread..... Sorry

Bear67, I wish I had your stash of COWW's, I got zinc'ed by the guy I purchased alloy from and I am waiting for a good day pain wise to try the sulfur treatment on it. Going to take pics as I go so I can post them for others that get zinc'ed. Too bad I already went through it once and got the stuff out that wouldnt melt in so I could post pics of how bad it was.
