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04-22-2013, 01:05 PM
the new reverse 357 sig?

i normally frequent a public shooting range about half an hour away from my house. there were some real special people out there yesterday afternoon.

there was a guy all the way on the last lane to the right that just walked past the line of fire to set his target back up while shots were going off. me and another guy just started yelling for the range to go cold. then about 20 minutes later he did it again. it was quite unsettling to say the least.

my son was shooting his ruger 77/357 that drops the casings more or less right at your feet on ejection.
a guy 2 lanes down to our right, as soon as the range was called cold hopped over the railing and came down to directly in front of me and strated picking the 38 brass from my sons rifle. after a few words about how those were mine he pocked the ones in his hand, shrugged his shoulders and walked off. he had apparently only brought an ar that day
on the next time the range went cold i asked my son to pick up the brass from my .45 which had went about 6 feet to our right of course. just as he got about 4 or 5 mags worth or to good handfuls in his hands the same guy walked over to him ( again he was looking to the left of his gun for the brass that didnt come out of his gun) and said he was picking all the brass over here because he would be reloading it. i was watching to see if i needed to intervene and just as i started to move that way my son brock just said "ok" and dropped it all right where he stood. it was hilarious, the brass junkie was visibly upset that he had to bend over to get it. which made it even funnier to me.
the 45 brass was no real loss as its been loaded 5 or 6 times already and he only got 10 or so of the 38 brass.
as it turned out there were a few ladies around that werent really shooting, wives or girlfreinds of some fellows there im sure that saw what went on with the brass and just started picking up all the brass around and throwing it in my bucket. and were just laughing about it as they went.
when i got home and was sorting some i came across the "fire formed" 9-2-40 i just thought to myself what an interesting day at the range. and all that in just around 2 hours

04-22-2013, 01:09 PM
,,, ;)

04-22-2013, 01:22 PM
my son is 12, im pretty sure that he didnt mean any disrespect to the man as he hasnt been taught that way, he walked back up to me as i was laughing and asked, "why are you laughing? that guy said they were his."

04-22-2013, 03:42 PM
I recall a post by Recluse some time back where he took a more direct aproach in a similar situation. Someone got sore fingers.

04-22-2013, 04:00 PM
I've seen a case like that when someone fired 9 mm in a .40.

04-22-2013, 04:19 PM
I understand the thrill of finding good quantities of quality brass at the range, but that's just rude, in my opinion to walk over and take someone elses brass when you know they don't want you too. I would have told him where to stick it.

04-22-2013, 04:34 PM
I understand the thrill of finding good quantities of quality brass at the range, but that's just rude, in my opinion to walk over and take someone elses brass when you know they don't want you too. I would have told him where to stick it.

Same here, i would be a little more than upset at that point, as Capt Woodrow Call said "I have rude behavior in a man, won't tolerate it".

bruce drake
04-22-2013, 04:41 PM
I've told brass vultures before that I'd let them have the lead as well if they wanted my brass. It keeps them within their lane.


04-22-2013, 05:10 PM
So you have a suicidal brass thief on your range. I think I would have been more
direct and clear about the problems that might come up if he came to the left of
his lane again. "You can have all of your brass and NONE of mine." .45 ACP brass
with 5 or 6 loadings is just getting fully broken in!

Also someone firing 9mm ammo in a .40. This will result in pretty poor accy, but
many are at a skill level where it makes no measurable difference at the target.


04-22-2013, 05:36 PM
no no the brass guy and the guy walking out to fix the targets were 2 different guys
yeah there was plenty of that poor accuracy going on, as there usually is there on the weekends

04-22-2013, 05:37 PM
I've told brass vultures before that I'd let them have the lead as well if they wanted my brass. It keeps them within their lane.


bruce i may have to use that one next time

04-22-2013, 06:38 PM
I'm glad to shoot at a private range,, little lonley at times ; )

04-22-2013, 09:22 PM
That is some kind of gall on that guy. I probably would have muzzle checked him and told him to leave my lane.

04-22-2013, 09:45 PM
I had not been to the range in a long time but went last weekend and there were new signs being posted about handling range brass. You can keep your own and give it to whoever you want but if you leave it on the ground it belongs to the range. Not a problem for me I had gotten tired of collecting and selling range brass anyway. I mostly collected the range brass because I could not stand seeing it go to waste, I even collected the berdan stuff and sold it as scrap along with my worn out brass. I am glad someone else is taking care of that now.

04-22-2013, 10:37 PM
I think his brother must have been at my range last week, I found a couple of highly custom fire formed 45 - 40's:veryconfu

Funny, I can never find that brass in any of the catalogs[smilie=s:

04-22-2013, 11:29 PM
I had a Louisiana police officer in uniform walk down to put his targets up while a bunch of us were shooting. After a very hasty cease fire he walked back like nothing he did was wrong. I have a lot of respect for law enforcement but it took a beating that day. Frank

04-22-2013, 11:57 PM
I was at the club I belong to shooting in the indoor range. There was a guy with his kid a couple lanes down shooting 9MM and 380 well he got done shooting and went into a panic saying he was gonna be late for this or that (I didn't catch the whole thing), anyway he was complaining about having to sweep up and how this was gonna make him even later for his appointment! So I offered to sweep up for him when I was done, as he was packing it in I mentioned I would keep his brass to reload, he said he didn't care, didn't reload and thanked me for cleaning up for him, off he goes. A few weeks pass and I run into the guy again, this time he walks over to me makes mention about how I swep up for him he thanks me, and then tells me he thinks I should pay him for the brass I swept up for him and he was gonna throw away!! I was shocked and told him I wouldn't pay him for it and if he wanted it he should have cleaned it up!! What is wrong with people??

Bad Water Bill
04-23-2013, 03:21 AM
The Indiana D N R range I have used for years just lost its last GOOD range master. They wanted him to sign papers saying he would NEVER remove ANY brass.

The NEW rules at the range are if YOU shot it it is yours but if someone else shot it it BELONGS to the D N R .

No one can GIVE you their fired brass.

I do not know how they will enforce that rule as the 2 current RANGEMASTERS can not get their noses out of the latest issue of PLAYBOY to see who is belt loop firing their semi auto weapons.:evil:

41 mag fan
04-23-2013, 07:20 AM
Sounds to me like a few idiots need thrown off the range for creating a safety issues on going down range while the lanes are hot.

04-23-2013, 08:16 AM
Sounds to me like a few idiots need thrown off the range for creating a safety issues on going down range while the lanes are hot.


04-23-2013, 08:41 AM
Where in the Low Country are ya Kinkbreaker? I've just returned to Maine from 6 years working around Hilton Head. There's some yahoos around for sure, but some pretty good ol' boys as well. The brass vulture thing may be new due to the current shortages of everything, I know Iwas surprised at how folks left brass under foot everywhere. I know I picked up a lifetime supply from empty ranges while I was down there. It was nothing to find 300 .223 cases in the weeds in front of the benches at Dos Lupes. What I miss is the hog hunting!

04-23-2013, 10:59 AM
i live in goose creek its northwest of charleston just a bit. the range i normally go to is called boggy head, its out in the francis marion forest.
just a few years ago the dnr shut it down because of vandalism and trash that people were leaving on the range. like junk that they would take out there to shoot at. microwaves, old tvs, card board boxes, fruit. it was closed for almost a year i think. it now is mostly gets cleaned up by shooters who are concerned with it staying open.

they place isnt monitored by anybody officially. the local ranger just goes over there and opens the gate each morning.

you normally meet pretty good fellas out there but sunday was just a higher concentration of yae-hoos

04-23-2013, 11:07 AM
Looks like someone tried to invent the .40 GI round.

04-23-2013, 12:21 PM
Sounds like you were shooting at a certain range near me in GA.

04-23-2013, 01:26 PM
I shoot on public land, to many crazy people go to shooting ranges.
Other gun shooter also use my private range so I get to pickup
range brass, 223 and 45acp,have a life time supply. Last week I found
15 rounds of 45 Casull???? An owner would not have discarded that brass.
Revolver must have been stolen.
Almost nothing for sale in this area. Range brass now is like an Easter
egg hunt.

04-23-2013, 11:38 PM
Seems like the ROs job is to keep brass for the range to sell instead of culling the unsafe shooters.