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View Full Version : What is wrong with people these days?

04-21-2013, 09:18 PM
Sorry for a rant, i know i might get long winded but i am a bit torqued still!
My twin brother and i are transfering down to MSU-Bozeman this fall, so we went down there this weekend to put in our transfer paperwork and sign up for classes. That all went well, and as usual, everyone on campus treated me wonderfully and i got to spend a weekend with some friends at the ag frat there.
On our way back yesterday we had just made it to Three Forks, and were pulling off for a stickybun at Wheat Montana there, and i noticed something on the side of the road on the onramp going west-bound, and it looked like a person laying there. My brother drove over there in the parking lot to the fence next to the road and sure enough, there was a man laying with his feet on the road, head in the ditch laying downhill (not a natural or comfortable sleeping postion). HEY BUDDY YOU OK?? Nothing. Semi's are driving within feet of this guy and he's not moving or flinching. Dial 911, tell her that there is a guy on the side of the road, exact location, etc... Can you check for responsiveness? Yes, we are staying on the line, but if he jumps up and freaks out because he's high on meth, i don't wanna have to shoot him but i will! Lady says just check on him and let me know what happens, so we do, i swear to God i thought he was dead until i finally was close enough to see him breathe. 911 says medical is on their way and we can leave if we want or stay with him since he is not responding to anything. We said we'd stay and make sure somebody found him. Finally spotted a Highway patrolman at the gas station and flagged him down, he could not get the guy to respond either but was going to stay with him till medical showed up, so we left when another HP showed up to assist. I have no idea if he was hit by a car, beat up and dumped, high on something or drunk, but i feel better for trying to help. What made me mad was THE ENTIRE TIME WE WERE THERE EVERY SINGLE CAR DROVE PAST HIM. We were the only ones who even dialed 911 or stopped, everybody else just stared and drove by. So the moral of the story is if you are ever laying in a ditch someplace, DO NOT expect anybody to do a dang thing for you!
If anybody knows of a way to find out what happened to him, you heard anything or know a LEO or something in the area i'd just be curious what happened to him.
My brother said they talked about this situation in his Psyc class, that it has been tested many times before, that people will not go out of their way to help somebody else laying on the street or sidewalk. What is wrong with people? Why not help each other? Yes i was cautious and tried to maintain my distance to have some reaction time, but a simple 911 call isn't a hardship or require someone to get involved to still help.
P.S. this was all in the same weekend i nearly saw two guys get in a fistfight over two boxes of 9mm bullets one snagged out of the other guy's basket while he wasn't looking because they were the last two in the store. Do people just generally not respect their fellow man anymore?

04-21-2013, 09:30 PM
Do people just generally not respect their fellow man anymore?

No, I think most don't! Good for you for checking on him. Just don't expect it from someone else. Sad to say.


04-21-2013, 09:40 PM
Because they've been trained to believe that the Government will handle everything. Surprise?

04-21-2013, 09:45 PM
Because they've been trained to believe that the Government will handle everything. Surprise?

I believe it is because we have become an "all about me" society and people just can't be bothered.

04-21-2013, 09:59 PM
One of the sorriest parts of this is that us older generation are the ones that created this sorry situation.

04-21-2013, 10:05 PM
Something to take in mind helping someone results in the person helping being sued or ticketed for some reason or another. But I have to say your right people just don't care anymore so many scammers out there and people faking distress to rob any one that stops to help.

04-21-2013, 10:13 PM
Well you did the right thing, lead by example!

04-21-2013, 10:16 PM
well the ammo grab must have been at bob um.. that place...and the location that this happened at is at a very small i mean micro sized town. everyone from that town driving by probably knew him. If they did not shame on them. Also there is no way of knowing how many people called before or during your wait. Dont assume that you were the only good guy there because you stopped. I would have called and waited but I would not have gotten outta my car. Some kid walking in that same area got jumped and stabbed in the foot by a delta foxtrot just for kicks and got a staff infection on top of that. Be concerned but be alert...any junkie can be a serious risk to your health and life.

Never forget this...

No good deed goes unpunished..this is true and I live by it but I still help those in need. Call me a masochist.

MT Gianni
04-21-2013, 10:18 PM
Welcome to BozAngles. It can be beautiful but there is a lot of hard uncaring people there. LA may truly find more empathetic folks there.

04-21-2013, 10:19 PM
I'm glad it worked out that way. Google, Rodger Dale Stafford.

04-21-2013, 10:19 PM
Luke 10

30 . In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. 31 A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. 32 So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33 But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him.

Case Stuffer
04-21-2013, 10:20 PM
One of the sorriest parts of this is that us older generation are the ones that created this sorry situation.

Care to explaine?

I am almost 68 and I go out of my way to help stranded motorist , my father was 87 when he passed away 12 years ago and he always helped anyone anyway he could. I have a 33 year old son who goes out of his way to help others.

Not everyone lives where they do not know thier neighboors and could care less about anyone but themselfs, thank God.

04-21-2013, 10:27 PM
Care to explaine?

I am almost 68 and I go out of my way to help stranded motorist , my father was 87 when he passed away 12 years ago and he always helped anyone anyway he could. I have a 33 year old son who goes out of his way to help others.

Not everyone lives where they do not know thier neighboors and could care less about anyone but themselfs, thank God.

Case Don't take the good things that you know and compare them to the bad things that others have gone through. The world wont make sense if you do that.

04-21-2013, 10:52 PM
Ammo situation happened at Sportsmans Warehouse actually, Bob Wards would have actually had to have had something on the shelves for people to fight over, i was not impressed and don't know why i still even stop there.

Only reason we even approached him was because he was in a busy area next to the parking lot with alot of people around, and had he done anything he would have been catching +P Buffalo Bore 9mms from two directions. Had an experience with an escaped kid from JD a few years back and have a pretty low level of trust for people wandering around now, but when someone is obviously in trouble I can't simply drive by.
Bozeman is a bit too busy for me but i have friends that ranch down there and already have a job, plus lots of country kids that are old friends in the College of Ag, so i don't mind it too much, but come hunting season living there is really gonna hurt!

04-21-2013, 11:41 PM
I sent a message to some friends of mine who are EMS, that live about a mile from Wheat Montana. I'll let you know when I hear, remind me if I forget.

04-22-2013, 06:03 AM
Good morning
Ben nailed it for me.... Compassion is dying. Jude 22... "And some have compassion making a difference".... Many have not seen much in their lives from any dirrection. They cannnot see past their own meager existence. They do not want to.
Blessed are the merciful (compassion) for they shall see mercy. Being self-centered or showing forth compassion are learned. Most learning takes place at home. Schools plant seeds.... homes water and tend the garden. Take away the Bible and God but fill that time with the television and you have the U.S. of A. 2013. Schools no longer plant the seeds of righteousness generally. Many parents no longer take the time.
Then on the personal side my 60+ year old heart gets crusty and hard and too busy and too tired... If it were not for the intervention of God in my life I would never lift a finger to help.
Praise God Cowboy and his brother and many more are still out there ready to help showing forth compassion and making a difference !
Mike in Peru

04-22-2013, 06:23 AM
Most Alaskans are helpful in situations like this and we even Back up our State Troopers if needed.
But, I still Pray for GODS kingdom to come and WILL to be done to cleanse this earth of the Wickedness...

Down South
04-22-2013, 07:34 AM
Ben, you beat me to it. I was going to post the same thing.

04-22-2013, 10:06 AM
Thank you Ric, i would be just curious to know what happens. My guess is that it likely was sadly drugs or drinking but it'd just be interesting to know if he's ok.

04-22-2013, 10:08 AM
They had heard nothing about it on emergency calls, so the cops must have handled it. Most likely an alcohol overdose, in that case.

04-22-2013, 10:19 AM
Well, cowboy, you did the right thing. I think two points have been made that sum it all up.

1-There are a lot of people who don't give a rat's *** about anybody else. You can apply this to any number of situations.
2-"Let the professionals handle it." In my career in public safety, I saw this attitude catch on, and partly it was our fault. We kept pushing people to call us and eventually they started calling for everything, emergency or not.

All in all though, I'm still optimistic about humanity. Just as there are a lot of selfish bozos, there are a lot of good people left out there. For every idiot who nearly ran me over while gawking at a wreck, there was someone who dragged hose or took in a neighbor at a fire.

04-22-2013, 10:54 AM
Well there is this to consider also. Sorta of a long read but may offer some explanation.


04-22-2013, 12:09 PM
Thanks for the update, at least they got him outta the road so he didn't get run over.

I guess sometimes you just think living in a low population state that people would be a little bit more caring about other folks!

04-22-2013, 12:28 PM
Anothrer side of the story is that those of us that live in these huge cities that are full of gang bangers and drug addicts better be very cautious. If we see someone stopped first thing is to stop ahead of them...no way they can back up and block you...we will holler back and ask if they need us to make a cell call for them...if suspicious or something wrong, 911 and wait and watch. There have been any number of times when someone has stopped and walked up to a stalled or stopped car and gotten held up or beaten or worse. We try and be alert and helpful of course but no way are we going to present ourselves as a target. Really tough to live in these times but especially older folks like us have to be aware and careful.