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View Full Version : Recluse

Bad Water Bill
04-20-2013, 06:31 PM
Has anyone heard from the Ill-Tempered Texan.

I have not seen him around for a while.

Hope he is not back in the hospital again.

Love Life
04-20-2013, 06:39 PM
I thought he was finishing up his book? He also got mad in the spelling and grammar police thread.

04-20-2013, 06:57 PM
I think I saw a post from him on Facebook this morning.

Bad Water Bill
04-20-2013, 07:15 PM
I thought he was finishing up his book? He also got mad in the spelling and grammar police thread.

I thought the book was finished BEFORE he started flirting with all of those pretty nurses. :bigsmyl2:

As far as him being mad just that is a part of being an ILL TEMPERED Texan. :kidding:

And just what is a facebook and can I check out a copy from my local library sometime?

If he is feeling ILL TEMPERED that is OK but since he has not been posting here causes worry that he is back in sickbay.

04-21-2013, 01:31 AM

Page three post #97 in the above thread.

If I were to be writing a book AND posting here, then somebody pissed in my wheaties, I'd quit posting here and finish my book. At least I hope that's what he's doing. I can't wait for it to get done so I can read it.

Bad Water Bill
04-21-2013, 06:46 AM
Well it has been 70 years since the nuns tried to teach me proper spelling and sentence structure.

Has anyone counted all of the new words added to our vocabulary or how the spelling has changed?

Some of us were fortunate to be able to attend school for many more years but some here for one reason or another found work where a miss placed whatchamacallit just did not matter.

We have a fantastic site here made up of folks from every walk of life anyone can imagine.

Why is it we can live with someone calling the object we pour lead into to create boolits moulds without someone jumping up and down because IT SHOULD BE MOLD.

For over 50 years I worked with my hands,put a roof over my head,raised a family just as many others here have done. Over 60 years of working with folks from EVERY country and walk of life I and many others have learned to understand what you are trying to say even if you fill 100 lines without a single, .? I will still understand.

I have educated my children not to judge folks by the colour of their skin,how much money they have or do not have but by what kind of person they are.

We have a great crew here with a vast amount of knowledge to share. Why tear it apart simply because a 60-70-80 year old has forgotten over the years where a noun or verb or /// should be used.

Accept the fact that we are ALL different and live with it.

04-21-2013, 07:51 AM
Here we go again, folks I started that thread and it had absolutely NOTHING to do with spelling or bad grammar, I never corrected anyone nor even suggested anyone be corrected so why the dickens do people keep bringing up that nonsense? I even went so far as to say in the thread it was not about those things and challenged the couple of people who were complaining so much to point out the posts where I did but they did not, they couldn't because it was not there yet they continued anyway but why? Bill not a single thing you are saying there was addressed in that thread but still the complaints continued! The discussion was about overuse of abbreviations for uncommon terms to the point of making a post confusing (most folks agreed with that) and mention was made of a trend to INTENTIONALLY abuse the language on most or all forums on the internet and it was NOT a complaint nor was it about this site or anyone in particular. Let it go!!!

04-21-2013, 09:52 AM
Yep, let it go. Hard feelings on this subject may have cost us a valued member.

04-21-2013, 10:37 AM
I simply pointed out the possible reason for his absence. I too am concerned about his well being. For a selfish reason that I anxiously await his new book. AND I always enjoyed his posts.

Anybody have his email? I suppose it's listed in his profile, somebody that knows him could give him a shout, then let us know he's up to his ears in writing the book!?[smilie=s:

04-21-2013, 11:14 AM
I simply pointed out the possible reason for his absence. I too am concerned about his well being. For a selfish reason that I anxiously await his new book. AND I always enjoyed his posts.-Snuffy

I agree, I appreciate you doing that. I too miss his posts but it was his decision to make.

Bullet Caster
04-21-2013, 12:11 PM
Well, I think Recluse is a stand-up guy. I cannot wait to read his new book. I also enjoyed his posts simply because he is an ill tempered Texican. I, too, am worried about his health and I certainly hope that he's doing okay. Hell with punctuation and grammar. Communication skills are not as important as some think they are and don't want to open that can of worms again.

Recluse, if you read this then I'm happy. BC

04-21-2013, 12:38 PM
For a guy that stirred the pot as much as he did to pick up his ball and go home is out of character.

04-21-2013, 01:01 PM
For a guy that stirred the pot as much as he did to pick up his ball and go home is out of character.

I thought so too. Still hoping to have a cup of coffee with him someday. :coffee:

04-21-2013, 01:30 PM
Recluse is one of the posters I seek out because of his wit and mirth. I hope he is in improving health and will rejoin us when he is feeling better.

04-21-2013, 03:04 PM
Communication skills are not as important as some think they are and don't want to open that can of worms again. BC

Why do people keep bringing up that nonsense? That was NOT the subject of that thread and he got upset over something that never happened! I was accused of things I never said but it seems people just continue to ignore that fact, why do you even mention grammar and such?

04-21-2013, 09:23 PM
http://castboolits.gunloads.com/showthread.php?192405-How-much-trouble-is-it-to-type/page5 (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/showthread.php?192405-How-much-trouble-is-it-to-type/page3)

Page five post #97 in the above thread.
I don't think we are going to see him around here again.
The above post was his last on this forum.
Looks to me like he meant what he said...

MT Gianni
04-21-2013, 10:24 PM
I don't think we are going to see him around here again.
The above post was his last on this forum.
Looks to me like he meant what he said...

That is dated 3/25. Profile says last activity 4/11.

04-21-2013, 10:56 PM
Well I hope that he hasn't walked away from here.
I have learned a lot from Recluse and value his insight. All this because some people get hung up on other people's grammar?
I thought we were here to discuss bullet casting and related topics?
I have only been around here since 2009 but it does not quite feel like the same community it was back then.

04-21-2013, 11:21 PM
I reread the thread and it went downhill quickly. The best part was Olevern's post with the 19th century 8th grade exam. Anyway, he may be gone, but his legacy, 45-45-10, etc. will live on. I use his lube and bless him for working it out. A few months ago he did "disappear" for a few weeks and he came back. Only the fullness of time will tell.

Love Life
04-22-2013, 01:56 AM
I hope he comes back. It is nice having him around to kick people in the junk (myself included on a couple occasions) every now and again.

Down South
04-22-2013, 01:01 PM
Last PM I had with him, he was dealing with health issues and trying to finish a book. I think that he will be back.

04-22-2013, 01:20 PM
ain't been nothing on here for him to post about.

04-22-2013, 10:37 PM
He has been on Facebook and doing a bit of flying also.