View Full Version : meeting a couple of Cast Boolit Shooters under different circumstances than last year

04-15-2013, 03:09 AM
Just over a year ago, I was a prisoner behind the great wall of Kalifornistan. Escaped by the skin of my teeth and was welcomed here to Idaho by a couple of fellow cast boolit shooters who have been instrumental in turning me back into a human being. I feel alot like I did in the days when I lived back in Illinois and had a few true friends that I could always count on.

This weekend got to meet a few of the fellows from our fold who came up to spend the weekend with their old buddy. Good to get to meet Nevada Curmudgeon and Deputy Al.

With any luck at all, I might be able to get to the cast boolit shoot in Nevada this year. I will keep my fingers crossed. I hope for Deputy Al that they don't spot him sneaking in back "over the wall" into Kalifornistan and gun him down with Nerf Darts (only defensive weapon legal to own in K-Stan).

Seriously though guys, good to meet you. A coule of real fine gents, Thanks for coming up.

04-16-2013, 01:24 AM
Mutual pleasure at meeting you, Newtire. Here I thought you wrestled with a tire machine, only to find that you are considerably higher tech than that. There are quite a few casters from the Land of Famous Potatoes at NCBS every year, so you'll feel right at home.

04-18-2013, 01:32 AM
Cal, I'm not so sure we have you completely humanized. You're kind of a work in progress...


04-18-2013, 11:48 PM
That's right Mike, I would like to keep a small part of my Martian heritage just to keep the gals on their toes.

04-19-2013, 01:29 PM
We are now back safe from an on the ground introduction for Cal to the wonders of North Central Idaho. Been way too many years away from there for me,also...Hopefully, our resident 21st century gunwriter in waiting will be along to detail yet another of our "adventures" in the field.. Onceabull

04-19-2013, 05:20 PM
I hope you can make it to NCBS as well so you can add a dozen or two more good friends to your list.

04-19-2013, 06:57 PM
I too hope you make it to NCBS so I can make your acquaintance.
Less than a month to go!

04-20-2013, 04:42 PM

I also hope to meet you at NCBS, I'm married to Marlene, (CookieCutter), oncesabull's sister. I think by now we are considered "Fixtues" at the event! With only a month to go, it may not be possible for us to make it, but we are going to try. Marlene has had a series of unfortunate health problems, that she is going to beat! Just hope there is time.

again, hope to see you there,

PS. Still in California and very likely to stay!

04-22-2013, 02:31 AM
I am hoping to go too. From what I hear, it will b a fun time. Looks real promising! I will be happy to meet up with all of you characters who can make it also.

04-22-2013, 02:33 AM
So the question left outstanding is: Didja buncha idjits bag any gobblers?


04-22-2013, 11:00 PM
Hey SlippShodd,

I know the answer to the outstanding question! But, I am-a gon-a let somebody from the "buncha" tell their story.

04-25-2013, 09:06 PM
Our mission was more than just a Turkey Hunt. It was to see who would survive the myriad adversities thrown at us by the great Cosmic Conjurer. (Kind of like "Order of the Arrow" initiation in Boy Scouts but for bigger kids).

Our trip started with my having to go in for a root canal on our day of departure so I had planned on staying behind and catching up later.

After a long time in the dentist chair (getting worked on between regular patients) it was too late to start out until the next day anyway. I got woke up by a phone call from one of our teammates saying that the van had broken down about 30 miles or so from the destination.

We figured that the best thing to do was for me to drive Don's truck with a tow dolly attached to bring back the wounded (and now "less than trusty") steed.

It was also decided later that we should go hunting anyway so I threw my shotguns into the car and went over to Don's to get the truck. After a slight delay in getting the temporary registration renewed, I set out from the local Maverick with a full tank. Made it up to Grangeville with no incident, getting to take in some of Idaho's scenery-mountains, rivers, so unlike the California crowded freeway conditions I have left behind. Somehow strangely, I survived and was glad to see the guys standing out along side the road waving like mad.

Another test still awaited us when we got into camp and got all set up to prepare dinner. My camping stove had somehow gotten sabotaged and was leaking out a crack in the gas feed pipe. We made do nicely with a propane heater as a stove and had dinner anyway.

Our hosts felt it was going to be too cold for us city slickers and had set up a little camping trailer for us to stay in. Between it and the back of the big Ford Super-Duty, there was room for us all to sleep. Next morning, we were treated to breakfast inside our host's house.

Don managed to use the turkey call to call in a coyote or two, a turkey which wouldn't come close, and it seemed to be a major source of irritation to all the rooster pheasants around every corner. We think it may also have contributed to the sighting of hundreds of whitetails and a nice herd of elk.

We went home after a couple of days empty handed but had a real great time with all the scenery and wildlife that we took in. We passed our tests.

There's probably more that can be added to embellish the story but that's about all I can tell without giving away the part about Bill, with his new 10 gauge, fending off aliens that landed near the camper in the middle of the night...but, that's another story.