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04-13-2013, 11:55 PM
I feel I'm a little young for this @ 54 but sometimes reality sucks. Had to make an urgent trip to the doc's office this past week, I dislike doctors so it helps that I was treated by a physician's assistant. Seems I have a pretty serious kidney (and likely bladder) infection but my blood pressure was high enough that I got the "you're not leaving until..." speech and a thorough workup followed. Then I had to get an emergency CT scan to rule out kidney and bladder stones and of course, I had a minor reaction to the dye used in the procedure. CT scan negative, guess it was worth the $500, could have done without the drama. Had to take the rest of the day off work.
BP meds and antibiotics seem to be working but BP is still a bit above my norm-which is a bit above borderline...been checking it on my new toy.
On a more positive note I was able to mow and trim my neighbor's 2 acre yard today. He's on oxygen 24/7 and his son, a high-functioning Downs individual, asked me to mow for his dad. It's something I regularly do, am proud to do, and will do every time I'm able. Kinda puts things in perspective. I've had a little setback and will have to take meds for the rest of my life but for my neighbor the end is in sight and he's no longer enjoying life.
I can't recall my neighbor's name, but I won't forget the day we met. Soon after I bought my place he welcomed me to the neighborhood. His cat even came over to say "hi".
Life is good on my little spot on the prairie, reality check complete and I have a new outlook on life.

04-14-2013, 12:17 AM
Counting your blessings instead of your troubles is the secret to life. Proud to call you a friend.
Will be praying for you for a speedy recovery.

04-14-2013, 12:47 AM
Counting your blessings instead of your troubles is the secret to life. Proud to call you a friend.
Will be praying for you for a speedy recovery.

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers, good Lord willing we'll have that cup of coffee someday. I'm hoping for favorable test results Monday but feel I'm on the road to recovery, thanks.

04-14-2013, 03:53 PM
You never have to look far to find someone in worse shape than you. I hope that you get good news from the Dr. and recover fully and quickly. Wishing you good health and good shooting!

04-14-2013, 05:59 PM
I think I'm going to get that treatment Monday if it doesn't go down.

Bullet Caster
04-15-2013, 12:18 AM
Got my results from the VA a couple weeks ago. Left carotid artery is 69% blocked. Right carotid artery 39% blocked. BP was over borderline so they put me on a diuretic to go along with BP meds. Aspirin regimen started too. Next appt. is in June; hope I don't have a stroke before then. Will pray for you and hope for speedy recovery for ya.

Since they don't make caffeine free Hazlenut coffee, wifey is cutting regular with Folgers decaf. Not as good...but health is more important than good taste. Lol. BC

04-17-2013, 12:31 AM
No news from the lab, have cut way back on coffee and sugar. PA didn't tell me Allegra was a no-no for BP issues, had to learn that on the web. Nice to have a sister who's an RN, among other things. I guess I better schedule a physical so I can get all the bad news out of the way.

04-17-2013, 01:38 AM
PA didn't tell me Allegra was a no-no for BP issues,

The Allegra for me really works. As you probably know there are two types of Allegra the regular and the D(decongestant). It looks like the D is the culprit that causes the high blood pressure issue which can come from Claritan and many more if you use their D version.