View Full Version : CVA Bobcat - breech plug questions?

08-31-2007, 09:51 AM
Hey guys,

I inherited a repair project from a relative. It is a .54 Cal CVA Bobcat with a totally rusted up drum/ forward part of breech plug - right at the drum and nipple. Upon inspection I find that most of the bbl is still salvageble. Are these breech plugs right or left hand thread? Are these lock-tited in or just torqued tightly? It appears as if it was fired and cleaned but not good enough - the drum area is trashed.

My thought was to remove the breech plug and figure out how much of the bbl is good then cut it, re-thread and install a new breech plug/drum and nipple. Might have to move some thimbles, etc. but thats ok.

The steel is soo soft and the bbl hoot is soo small I doubt seriously I can remove the plug without drilling and chiseling it out or using a large easy-out. I can easily just lopp off the breech end and be done with it I guess but curiousity has got the better of me!

Thanks All!

08-31-2007, 12:27 PM
I used to own a Bobcat, the factory manual said the plug can only be removed at the factory, no other info. Sorry I can't help, since I am a lefty I gave the Bobcat to my son and bought a CVA inline.

08-31-2007, 01:21 PM
Early CVA's had a weird breeching system. I believe the drum was screwed into a cut in the breechplug, effectively locking them together. So, I would see about removing the drum first, if possible.
Using reverse electrolosis may remove the rust, to free things up for you.
These are just things I am remembering from nearly 30 years ago, the breeching system may have changed in that time. It may well be more cost effective to chuck it up in a lathe, cut off the breech end, and rebreech it. If there is much corrosion, this would be my choice.

09-01-2007, 01:01 AM
I ended up trying to remove the plug and that didn't work. I soaked it in transmission oil, Ed's Red and PB_Paster at different times. Most of the rust is now gone. The drum came out with vise grips and it is definitely threaded through a portion of the breech plug. I tried backing the plug out and it easily sheared the locking knub off. At this point I am cutting the plug end off and starting over.

I don't know how in the heck they achored these plugs in but an eazy-out just chewed the plug up after drilling a pilot hole through the plug. Hack-Saw time!

Thanks Waksupi - You were right - they two are attached and work as one unit.

My cousin will end up with a bbl that is 2.5" shorter than what he started with!
Thanks for the help!

09-01-2007, 06:14 AM
They may also be reverse threaded....

09-09-2007, 10:53 PM
Right hand threads, but you have to remove the drum first it locks the breech plug. Since you didn't do that, the ball's in yore court.