View Full Version : Is copper harmful?

04-13-2013, 04:29 PM
alloy, sb 1.04, sn 88.59, cu 9.17, results from XRF gun analysis.

Hi Folks,

A fellow is trying to sell some solder in the S&S area, and someone offered the conjecture that there is no interest because of the copper content. A quick and dirty calculation indicates that if this solder were used to make 20:1 alloy, it would have somewhere in the neighborhood of 1/2 of one percent copper. Would that much copper ruin the alloy for bullet casting? I wouldn't think it would matter.

Take care, Tom

04-13-2013, 05:42 PM
1/2% is in the area of too much but not that bad.
copper is very useful in lead alloy's up to a point.
I advised the seller to use the alloy like 1/2% then make up the other percentage[s] with other tin.
that way you get the benefits of the copper without having to deal with it's potential casting issues.

04-13-2013, 08:25 PM
I'd go for 30 or 40:1 or 20:1 and add Sb to 1-2%.

04-13-2013, 08:56 PM
That should cause no problems.

You have heard of Lyman #2

Well before Lyman no 2 there was a Lyman no 1

Ideal #1 alloy was intended tor for high velocity rifle loads.
The alloy was 3%Cu, 7%Sb, 90%Pb.