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04-12-2013, 06:35 AM
Good morning
On Thursday we have a late afternoon at a small village outside of town about 10 miles away in the southern part of the valley. Yesterday we left home a bit early to stop by a peruvian pastor's home to drop off something. As we were approaching his home area our Samurai started to engine rattle alittle under power. I was thinking maybe the distributor came loose and shifted advance ??
Any way stopped at the pastor's home but only the older children were home. Gave the article to a daughter and moved on. Went about a mile and the engine rattle (knock) was getting worse. Stopped and checked but the distributor was tight and in position.. strange.
Moved off and as long as I did not apply power all was right. Went about another mile and the oil light came on. Temperature guage reads low ? We were near an oil change place so pulled in. Popped the hood and it smells hot. I had bad feelings in my gut. Checked the oil and it is fine. But the radiator is HOT ! Got the rag out and popped the cap slowly.. no water comes gushing out. Look in and there is no water.
Knock on the door of the oil store and owner gives me a bucket of water. Start the slow pour into radiator and it is hot, boiling the new water. Started the motor and slowly kept pouring. Poured about a gallon and there is no getting full yet. Then noticed the water collecting at the rear of the motor on the ground.
Shut off motor and found the problem. Small hose that runs from motor to carb sensor is split where it attaches to motor. Visible but not real accessable. All I have is a pliers and screwdriver. So off goes the tie and clean shirt. Had to use the pliers to get off the carb vacume group screws to get that off out of the way. Then the pliers again to rip off the split hose to get to the clamp. Needed the screwdrive to get the hose clamp spun around so it could be removed with the pliers. The return line from the sensor to the engine was easily removed at the sensor and rerouted to where the other hose split. Replaced the carb vacume group and was finished. Two simple tools but just right.
The oil store owner kindly gave me another bucket of water which finished the task. He was amazed someone could do that along the road.
That was when God gave the oppertunity to share with him there are no accidents in life. All this possibly happened so he would have the chance to be kind to us. In turn the best kindness we could show him and his family was to share God's provision of salvation through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Owner stood and listened and kindly said I could return and sit and talk somemore. Owner said no one had ever told him about God like this before. Left him a tip and our weekly Bible tract. Will return today with a loaf of banana bread and the Bread of Life.
Pray with us as we share the Gospel again with an oil store owner.
Mike in Peru

04-12-2013, 07:12 AM
Godspeed you onward to many more.

Wayne Smith
04-12-2013, 07:22 AM
Prayers on the way, Mike. God's appointments should never be ignored!

04-13-2013, 08:11 AM
Good morning
Went back to the oil store yesterday and not open. Will try again today. The police I visit just up the road at the check point were not there either ?
Mike in Peru

Down South
04-13-2013, 02:12 PM
God Bless and God speed. I pray that the Lord will open the door to a future visit to the fellow and his family at the oil change place.

04-13-2013, 04:42 PM
Oil store open and was able to talk to Pedro (owner) for a short time. He had a truck tire to break down (manually) , repair the tube and get replaced on truck.
But I got to say thanks again and tell him it was no accident it all happened so we could know one another. Pedro said as a family they read the tract together Thursday and decided they needed to read the Bible together. They did so yesterday and would again today. I gave Pedro another Gospel tract called The Bridge that clearly explains the Gospel. My wife sent along a loaf of Banana Bread.
Mike in Peru

04-13-2013, 08:32 PM
Glad to hear you're making new friends and sharing the Word with them. Pedro sounds like a good man, suspect he will be a good friend to have. I worry about you, so glad someone like Pedro was there to help you.

04-13-2013, 10:49 PM
Good to hear of these "Accidents" I'm glad you were not frustrated eough to forget your real purpose. God Bless.

04-14-2013, 12:11 AM
Good to hear of these "Accidents" I'm glad you were not frustrated eough to forget your real purpose. God Bless.

Welcome to the forum, BNE. Our friend Mike is a fearless missionary, he and his bride venture into Peru on a regular basis to spread God's message. I wish I had his drive and courage, please join me in praying for him, his bride and his congregation.

04-14-2013, 10:36 PM
May God's blessings continue to follow you.

04-15-2013, 09:27 PM
Amazing, simply amazing when the plan is revealed.

Heavy lead
04-15-2013, 09:32 PM
Thanks for sharing Mike, made me smile.

04-16-2013, 04:10 AM
In God's economy, there are no accidents.

In God's economy, there are no unanswered prayers, either. Whether we understand or accept the answer to prayer or not is irrelevant, God answers prayer.

04-17-2013, 06:30 AM
Good morning and AMEN everyone.
Headed back 1st oppertunity to Pedro's oil store / home. Small self owned buiness along the road that leads to the end of the valley.
It is a joy to watch God work. I do not relish the "incedents" that come up in life but being able to watch God engineer the details makes life well worth it all.
May we all be able to be lead by the Holy Spirit into those "appointments" (thanks Brother Wayne for that word) being well prepared with His compassion and Bible Truth.
Mike in Peru

04-17-2013, 09:58 AM
Thanks for sharing this touching story Mike. Congratulations on a successful witness, and a successful repair job.