View Full Version : Scored clean ww

Von Gruff
04-10-2013, 02:00 AM
Had a good, albeit small, score in the city yesterday. Picked through the top few inches of a drum of WW and got 8kg of dirty ww but sorted most of the Fe and Zn out on the spot. Was in go to town clothes so couldn't get too carried away with the scrabbling through the debris that was more rubbish than ww. Went to another yard and got 6kg of clean, never been on wheels, still in the original packaging, wheel weights. Payed 50c / kg or US42.5c KG which is just US20c / lb. On my scales there was 30.8lb and after the smelt had 29.8 lb of clean, ww in ingots. Highest percentage of nearly 97% of clean ingots from raw ww I have ever had. Not a big score admittedly, but a very satisfactory one all the same.

04-11-2013, 02:59 AM
Dang, I could suffer like that, good score.

04-11-2013, 05:16 PM
good lead to clip ratio.

L. Bottoms