View Full Version : problems adding tin to my alloy

04-09-2013, 06:00 PM
I scored 40 pds of some sort flashing looking tin from scrap yard .20cts pound and decided try it out its 3"wide 1/16 in thick certified tin not alluminum but tin and for some reason it dosn't want to melt too good nor mix in to my alloy like the pewter does or my lead free sauter wich blends in nicely. can someone tell me what I am doing wrong. I had planned on smelting in into tiny 1/4 pd or so muffin iggots to make it easy to gauge how much I am adding. thanks in advance

04-09-2013, 06:18 PM
From your description I would say it's not tin. Tin melts at 449 degrees and should go about instant liquid at normal casting temp of around 700.

Bend it, if it is tin it should make a crinkling, cracking sound called crying.


04-09-2013, 07:23 PM
yup it makes crackling sound

just fired up my pot and when its on full casting temp it melts if I only put small pieces in and even then takes little bit to melt and this sludge acumiliates on top and won't mix but when I flux (using sawdust) and scoop this silver sludge off it looks much brighter than without the tin and the boolits drop with a nice bling to it. yesterday I took a small pot ful of the tin flashing trying to melt it down to make iggots and after 25 min or so with lid on it just refused to melt but when I put peuter in it it melted on contacted so I thought maybe if I add 2 2lb iggots it might melt better but no luck their just this thick silver brownish on top. I no its not allum I checked it with magnet and knife and listened to the cry

thanks for the help

04-10-2013, 01:56 AM
dosent sound like tin to me , tin melts REAL FAST in molten lead ..