View Full Version : using 22 mag and 17 hmr brass for heavy 22 bullets?

04-08-2013, 08:46 AM
Any reason you couldn't do this?

Could you use conventional 22 LR brass conversion setups, or would it require something different?

I'm wanting to make 80 gr bullets. BTHP a plus.

04-08-2013, 09:00 AM
Though this has been covered before, the answer is yes. I have made bullet as heavy as 100gr in 22cal. Just watch your load development if your dies are for normal 50-55gr bullets (6S) when you make the longer bullets you end up with more bearing surface which can raise pressures. Start low and work up. I use my standard derimming set up but I have a walnut hill swaging press. Might be kind of tough to derim in a standard reloading press. I use a HF chop saw to shorten before derimming.

04-08-2013, 09:40 AM
RCE and others offer a jacket trimmer. This is what I have. I can trim the jacket to any length I choose. The longer bullets will usually require a longer ogive to give you more case capacity. This allows more of the nose to extend out of the case and not increase the pressures.

I'm waiting on my VLD point form die now from RCE. I know commercial jackets will work, but unknown if the 22 jackets will form that ogive.

04-08-2013, 12:38 PM
RCE and others offer a jacket trimmer. This is what I have. I can trim the jacket to any length I choose. I'm waiting on my VLD point form die now from RCE. I know commercial jackets will work, but unknown if the 22 jackets will form that ogive.

Is your jacket trimmer one of the pinch trim type?

04-08-2013, 05:20 PM
Yep. It expands the jacket in one step, then pinch trims in step 2. Works very well. No problems so far.

bullet maker 57
04-08-2013, 09:58 PM
22lr will form a VLD ogive. I made a bunch not to long ago.

04-08-2013, 10:19 PM
If anyone wants to make long 6mm bullets from 22 lr here is a neat trick. First make a 55 gn 22 cal bullet. Then seat about a 45 gn core in another 22rf jacket opened up for 6mm. Now seat the 22 cal bullet on top of the 6mm core and finish up in a 6mm point form.
I make these at 100 to 110gn and only use 22 lr for jackets. The resulting bullet is a dual jacket. I have shot these at about 90% loads from a 243 and they work perty good.