View Full Version : First try

Roy Cobb
04-08-2013, 08:30 AM
HI here is my first try at casting my own bullets they are 30/1 tin lead .4585 532 grain not perfect but very happy for my fist attempt can only get better and it was fun as well

04-08-2013, 08:32 AM
Great looking Boolits ; )

04-08-2013, 09:42 AM
Roy, I see wrinkles in some of your bullets which shows that the temp of your mold is not high enough yet. Try running your lead tin mix at around 750 degrees. If those bullets are from a Lyman 457132, then maybe you won't need that hot a lead mix as I've found that the smaller molds will do well at a lower temp. Throw the first ones back in the pot as the mold comes up to temp. Also, make sure your mold is oil free as that can also cause wrinkles. Pretty soon, you'll be casting perfect bullets.

04-08-2013, 01:09 PM
Some people want the truth ... some don't.

If a bullet's base is not fully filled out (rounded corner) that bullet is a cull.
A good base is recognizeable as soon as you swing the sprue plate away.
None of yours are equal, which means none are fully filled. And, second from right is truly ugly.

Great looking Boolits ; )


John Boy
04-08-2013, 02:28 PM
Roy, for a 1st casting session = C+ grade. OK, let's get you up to an A+ ...
* Insure the sprue plate is tightened properly with no wiggle. Hold the mold handles and flip the mold. The sprue plate will swing open freely
* Looks like you have the mold and melt temperature set a tad low. I flux 2X times to remove the dross at the casting pot temperature
* Stuff the ladle spout into the sprue hole and hold it there for a head pressure pour of 5 seconds
* The sprue puddle should frost in 8 - to 10 seconds for 500 plus gr bullets. If not raise the pot temperature higher
* When the sprue puddle frosts in the 8-10 second range, cut the sprue puddle. There should be no smear, the bullet base is absolutely flat and the fill is exactly to the level of the top of the mold with the bullet edges looking like you can shave with them
* Tap the handle bolt and release the mold halves. The bullets will be completely filled out and you now have A+ bullets.
... Keep you casting rhythm the same constant speed and and your pot temperature constant. This will provide you with bullets in the 0.05gr consistent weight range.

One of the keys to casting is, when you cut the sprue puddle --- you bullet base 'talks to you' and let's you know when you have excellent or mediocre bullets in the mold before you drop them. Be sure to mark on the mold box, the alloy and temperature that gave you perfect bullets

I cast this morning another 10 lbs of H&G 68, 200gr bullets using Bhn 15.4 alloy. The 1st 15 lbs were cast with at 730 - so cranked the pot up to 730 degrees with the ladle in the pot to heat to the same temperature. Mold was warmed on the gas burner ... First pour in the double cavity mold - perfect bullets![smilie=w:

Roy Cobb
04-08-2013, 04:16 PM
Thanks for all the imformation will only get better as I go along

04-16-2013, 09:55 AM
Those are a whole lot better than my first try. Or my second and third try to be quite frank. Keep pouring, you are doing very well.