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04-05-2013, 05:30 PM
Recently, I picked up a copy of a magazine I had not seen before called "Living Ready". In the Spring 2013 issue I bought is an article entitled "The Versatile Shotgun". The article starts on page 21. On page 22 is a photo of a typical pump shotgun with notes attached to the various parts of the shotgun. The photo below is of the note concerning the barrel.


I wrote an email to Patty Dunning, the "Content Editor".

"Ms. Dunning,

I'm not sure if you're the right person to write about this. Since you're listed as "Content Director", I'll take my chances with you.

In the Spring 2013 issue is an article entitled "THE VERSATILE SHOTGUN". On page 22 is a photograph of a typical pump shotgun with notes attached to various parts of the shotgun. The note concerning the barrel reads, in part ".....For civilian use it should have an eighteen inch or shorter barrel....."

I would suggest you folks be a bit more knowledgeable in firearm laws before you start making reccomendations. A shotgun barrel of less than eighteen inches is a federal felony without a special permit. The general populace is not aware of this.

If an individual were to purchase a shotgun and then cut down or have cut down the barrel to less than eighteen inches and get caught with it, said individual would be facing a prison sentence of up to 20 years in a federal prison.

I bought a copy of the magazine in hopes it would fit my reading criteria. Sadly, it does not. With the kind of bad advice I saw in the first issue I bought, I won't be buying another copy."

This, my friends, is a college level textbook example of why there is so much misinformation about guns these days.

I can see it now: "But that magazine said....."

04-05-2013, 05:49 PM
A good general purpose magazine, not for gun advice, is Countryside and Small Stock Journal. It is not a survival magazine but good for country folks. For firearms information none of the survival magazine/site are useful. http://countrysidemag.com/

04-05-2013, 05:58 PM
Didn't Ruby Ridge happen because of a shotgun barrel of supposedly less than 18 inches?

04-05-2013, 06:02 PM
Yes it did Nolan....and Randy Weaver did not measure it and then cut it off....the undercover Fed had already marked the barrel and asked Randy "to cut it off here where I marked it"......the rest ofcourse is History

country gent
04-05-2013, 06:02 PM
Yeppers and common misperception is that shout gun will fill a whole room with the shot pattern. LOL

04-05-2013, 06:08 PM
Jim, any reply from them or they just shrug it off?


Aces an Eights
04-05-2013, 06:08 PM
On my shelf sits "Firearms-the illustrated guide to small arms of the world" which has so many mistakes it's a joke. For the S&W 29 the've even gone to the trouble of putting a picture of a not-so-real plastic toy gun. Hehe, too funny.

However just like Playboy, I like it for the pictures : - )

04-05-2013, 07:09 PM
Jim, any reply from them or they just shrug it off?


I sent the email just before posting this here. If I hear back from them at all, It'll probably be first part of next week. If I get a response, I'll copy and paste it here for ya'.

04-05-2013, 07:35 PM
No worse than information given by our Veep Joe Biden recently i have heard since then two people have been jail and one shot dead by police and Joe said to do it that way! I agree 100% with you they need to properly edit that magazine.

04-05-2013, 10:40 PM
On my shelf sits "Firearms-the illustrated guide to small arms of the world" which has so many mistakes it's a joke. For the S&W 29 the've even gone to the trouble of putting a picture of a not-so-real plastic toy gun. Hehe, too funny.

However just like Playboy, I like it for the pictures : - )

Really? I only read it for the articles!

04-05-2013, 10:52 PM
its funny how different some of the rules are, in Canada theres a websight that sells shotguns with 8.5" barrels listed as non restricted. shotgun

Aces an Eights
04-06-2013, 02:37 AM
Really? I only read it for the articles!

Oh'no the cartoons are far better than the articles, especially in the old ones (with O.J. Simpson modeling snake proof boots.) hehe : - )

Lead Fred
04-06-2013, 03:35 AM
Seems I need to head over to Harbor Freight for more hack saw blades

04-06-2013, 07:59 AM
Seems I need to head over to Harbor Freight for more hack saw blades

If you try to use Harbor Freight hack saw blades it will take a looong time! :mrgreen:

04-08-2013, 01:03 PM
I got a response from the editor of "Living Ready" magazine about what they printed.

"Dear Mr. Connor,

Thank you for pointing out that error. It was an unfortunate copyediting mistake that should have read, ". . . a barrel no shorter than 18 inches."

I'm notifying the author and we plan to print a retraction in the next issue.

Thank you for your keen readership and best regards,

James Card

Charlie Two Tracks
04-08-2013, 01:29 PM
Well,,,,,,,,,,,,,, maybe it was a mistake. Maybe I won the lottery and didn't pick it up also.

04-08-2013, 04:53 PM
On my shelf sits "Firearms-the illustrated guide to small arms of the world" which has so many mistakes it's a joke. For the S&W 29 the've even gone to the trouble of putting a picture of a not-so-real plastic toy gun. Hehe, too funny.

However just like Playboy, I like it for the pictures : - )

Oh, I think I have that one. It also has a picture of a commercial Norinco SKS in one of those black plastic "ultralight" folding stocks (that they started making in the mid 80's) and they say it's a genuine Chinese military paratrooper model. I put the book down after that.