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04-04-2013, 03:20 PM

Is it just me but is this story a harbinger of a sinister plot to outlaw the possession of lead. Funny how they just decided to change the definition of lead poisoning to double the statistics. [smilie=b:

What do you think?

04-04-2013, 03:24 PM
Gotta have more sinister data for the War on America.

04-04-2013, 03:33 PM
All we can do is vow to give it to them when THEY want it. I will happily give mine up in 1 to 300 grain doses ata time and at rather stiff velocities........They will have to come and get it as I will not ship it more than 1/4 mile.....I hope THEY are ready to play catch during a mean game of hide and go **** yourself. :mrgreen:

Love Life
04-04-2013, 03:35 PM
^^^One of the best posts ever.

04-04-2013, 03:36 PM
IF people don't start waking up & vote the mentally ill Liberals in office, this insanity will continue. If you count yourself a progun Dem, you are lying to yourself, pick a side. Either give up your guns or your politics, you can't have it both ways.

04-04-2013, 03:39 PM
I believe it was done to help stimulate economic facets of the medical community. More kids with SUSPECTED lead poisoning means more testing, research, staff, drugs. Cholesterol standards were changed a while back and that means new drugs, of which doctors get a percentage for every prescription they write, more clinics, staff in those clinics, research, etc

04-04-2013, 04:37 PM
I've sucked on lead fishing sinkers for most of my life and I have less heath and mental problems than the average 6 year old. I'm begining to wonder lead deficency isn't the problem in modern day kids............................

04-04-2013, 04:38 PM

Is it just me but is this story a harbinger of a sinister plot to outlaw the possession of lead. Funny how they just decided to change the definition of lead poisoning to double the statistics. [smilie=b:
What do you think?

Nothing happens in politics by accident. There are of course unintended consequences, but yes, they want lead to go away for making boolits.
Anything gun related will have attempts to make it go away.


04-04-2013, 05:13 PM
More perversion of science in the name of TOTAL control of everyone, everything, everywhere, all the
time. IMO, if someone says that they are a scientist, I am going to start reading them the riot act
for the glow-bull warming hoax and this sort of "scientific" fascism.


white eagle
04-04-2013, 05:25 PM
IF people don't start waking up & vote the mentally ill Liberals in office, this insanity will continue. If you count yourself a progun Dem, you are lying to yourself, pick a side. Either give up your guns or your politics, you can't have it both ways.

You really think its that simple?
just sayin because there is a whole lot more to it than that

Lead Fred
04-04-2013, 05:35 PM
If they cared about children, no one would know what fluoride is, or does to the human body.

99% of kids are putting a hazmat registered toxin in their bodies several times a day since the 1950s

Not my Kid, or her kids

04-04-2013, 05:45 PM
If they cared about children, no one would know what fluoride is, or does to the human body.

99% of kids are putting a hazmat registered toxin in their bodies several times a day since the 1950s

Not my Kid, or her kids
flouride is banned and ilegal in most countries

04-04-2013, 07:27 PM
My gf just helped me unload 2000 lbs of hardball alloy this afternoon. After we were done, she says, "Shouldn't we have been wearing a mask?" The damn liberals affect everyone.

I am concerned about what is coming down the road. I now have over 3000 lbs of good casting lead with plans to build a lead recycling range on my property to reclaim the bullets/slugs shot for fun. At my age, I will not need to worry about what these ******** come with next. I have (or can recycle from my property) all the lead I will ever need.

I hope to obtain another 2000 lbs of range lead if I can. I can "cut" the hardball alloy and Linotype I have with it. Nice to have but not a necessity.

Stock up gentlemen. Lead will NEVER go down in value and there could come a day when it is difficult to get.

04-04-2013, 07:44 PM
Yes, "they" can have all my lead, a piece at a time whenever they want.

04-04-2013, 08:13 PM
I have said this about 100,000 times:

If you your a gun owner, and you don't Vote like a gun owner, your an ***hole!!

04-04-2013, 08:23 PM
What country are we living in?

04-04-2013, 08:28 PM
Sorry to post what I have posted in the past but it's not nearly enough to vote. We are outnumbered by those on the dole, those too young or gullible to question what they're told, and those who vote illegally. We have to volunteer to work on political campaigns, write letters to editors of newspapers, wave campaign signs on election day, write letters to elected officials, and if we can we need to contribute money to campaigns. Someone I know very well became a volunteer election registrar and she registers voters at churches, my gun club, and other events. Voting is essential but it is not nearly enough, and by now that must be clear to everyone.

The campaigns we work on have so much money to spend that what they really need are volunteers. We stuff envelopes, go door-to-door, help staff fundraising events, make sure the newspaper blogs have balance, ghost write letters to editors for people to sign and send, put up yard signs and solicit places to put up yard signs, and make sure no candidate gets a free ride on the gun issue. We donate our money to the NRA and our time to pro-gun candidates.

04-04-2013, 08:58 PM
Several years ago, I got a table at a gun show to sell off my excess quantities of recovered lead shot. Some of it had been smelted down into ingots. As a little kid walked by, he picked up a bar & asked if it was silver. I said no, it's lead. His mom grabbed it out of his hand, put it back on the table & said to the kid, - "Don't touch that. You'll get cancer."

Misinformation abounds.

04-04-2013, 09:02 PM
Sorry to post what I have posted in the past but it's not nearly enough to vote. We are outnumbered by those on the dole,

This is one of the great roots of our problem. The politicians have managed to normalize the taking of so much money FROM US that they can now afford to buy off whoever it takes to push THEIR agenda & force it down OUR throats.

We need to jail a bunch of the politicians that are guilty of treason & greatly reduce their ability to tax us to our own detriment.

04-04-2013, 09:15 PM
All we can do is vow to give it to them when THEY want it. I will happily give mine up in 1 to 300 grain doses ata time and at rather stiff velocities........They will have to come and get it as I will not ship it more than 1/4 mile.....I hope THEY are ready to play catch during a mean game of hide and go **** yourself.

I also really like that post.

04-04-2013, 09:45 PM
LEAD, like I said before. One of the new excuses for stupid liberal childran. They have to blame something, it always has to be someone or something. Gtek

04-05-2013, 01:03 AM
Recently, someone posted the results of lead testing in city folks and country folks. City folks have higher concentrations due to plumbing and paint, country folks do not. Lots of older cities still have old infrastructure using lead soldered main pipes and such. Not to mention older schools or apartment buildings that were painted with lead based paint and never cleaned up, just painted over.

Country folk tend to eat things perforated with lead, usually perforated by the person doing the um 'shopping' for their meat. Country folk are smart enough to spit the bird shot out out when enjoying their duck, pheasant or goose dinner. Even if ingested the amount transferred is way less than what is absorbed from oxidized lead. Good grief, we used to breath lead oxides by the ton before unleaded gas.

How many folks have been shot where the doctors left the slug in them as removing it would be more dangerous. They don't get lead poisoning because the lead isn't oxidizing. I've got two friends carrying slugs, and knew of dozens more (inmates I supervised) who had interesting x-rays but low lead levels in their blood work-ups.

They raised the number of kids by lowering the threshold limits. Creating a new scare creates new studies and a new crisis. The true problem is not going to be addressed as cleaning up old city water mains is not their goal. They are going after first bird shot, then wheel weights and next boolits themselves. They did it 'condor country kommifornia' and now they want to take it globally. Galena comes from the ground. I wonder what ground water testing looks like in Missouri in and around their lead mines. Probably more data like global warming they will manipulate in order to scare the low information voters.

04-05-2013, 01:17 AM
If they cared about children, no one would know what fluoride is, or does to the human body.

99% of kids are putting a hazmat registered toxin in their bodies several times a day since the 1950s

Not my Kid, or her kids

Just FYI, the phosphoric acid in Coca-Cola is a registered hazmat material too.

Jusy sayin'

04-05-2013, 06:49 AM
All we can do is vow to give it to them when THEY want it. I will happily give mine up in 1 to 300 grain doses ata time and at rather stiff velocities........They will have to come and get it as I will not ship it more than 1/4 mile.....I hope THEY are ready to play catch during a mean game of hide and go **** yourself. :mrgreen:

Max you push south and I will catch em in a crossfire!! We may not win but i plan to make them pay!!! Clint

04-05-2013, 08:00 AM
God willing, we will prevail, in peace and freedom from fear, and in true health, through the purity and essence of our natural... fluids.

04-05-2013, 08:12 AM
The quote in the middle of the article says it all:

"When you look for it, you find it".

In other words, we'll lower the standards then we'll find LOTS more and justify our jobs!

04-05-2013, 09:34 AM
They didn't have enough US guns turning up in Mexico to support their agenda, so that instituted Fast & Furious to boost the numbers. They didn't have enough people with lead poising to support their agenda, so they changed the standards. Look at the bright side. At least they didn't air drop lead oxide powder over school yards.

Sarcasm aside, we really do need to get the politicians working for the best interests of the average US citizen again. The things that they are doing to us these days are not good at all. These days, unless you are part of a special interest group that is feeding at the government trough & filtering part of your ill gotten goods back to the politicians, you are treated as a resource for them to take from & allocate as they wish.

04-05-2013, 10:02 AM
It is apparent to me that lead poisoning in the last 50 years has caused much brain damage. This severe damage also causes certain people to run for positions in government.

Also please note that fluoride is a poison too.

Now go brush your teeth!

04-05-2013, 12:19 PM
IF people don't start waking up & vote the mentally ill Liberals in office, this insanity will continue. If you count yourself a progun Dem, you are lying to yourself, pick a side. Either give up your guns or your politics, you can't have it both ways.

I think the populace has already voted "the mentally ill Liberals in office",???-- Or was that a typo??

04-05-2013, 12:19 PM
What this says is maybe kids under 6 should not be casting boolits. Well duh!!!

04-05-2013, 12:28 PM
Poster "thxmrgarand" is right on the money! The only thing he left out was that everyone NEEDS to join a political party and get some input as to who gets the nod to become the candidate!

04-05-2013, 09:08 PM
Several years ago, I got a table at a gun show to sell off my excess quantities of recovered lead shot. Some of it had been smelted down into ingots. As a little kid walked by, he picked up a bar & asked if it was silver. I said no, it's lead. His mom grabbed it out of his hand, put it back on the table & said to the kid, - "Don't touch that. You'll get cancer."

Misinformation abounds.

And she was probably a smoker.

04-05-2013, 10:40 PM
I have said this about 100,000 times:

If you your a gun owner, and you don't Vote like a gun owner, your an ***hole!!

I couldn't have said it better. People need to check out the party's platform and if it doesn't line up with your own convictions you had better choose the other side. To do otherwise is to be a total hypocrite among other things.

04-05-2013, 11:10 PM
Seemed pretty innocent to me......article about children's lead levels and that the CDC has lowered what they consider unsafe. If there were an MD in the crowd they might comment on U.S.A. vs other countries on what safe lead levels are?

Long stretch from lead in paint to lead in my rifle/handgun.

There are enough gun rights related issues readily apparent without straining to see them in an article that really does not seem to one....just my humble opinion

04-05-2013, 11:20 PM
Long stretch from lead in paint to lead in my rifle/handgun.

There are enough gun rights related issues readily apparent without straining to see them in an article that really does not seem to one....just my humble opinion

Straining a bit, yes. But my main concern is that those who seek to control firearms in this country could most easily do it by controlling ammunition and components. I think this has been the big elephant in the room amidst all the bloviating about magazine capacity, assault rifles, etc, etc. etc.

Ain't none of 'em gonna work without BOOLITS:smile:

As the OP, I appreciate everyone's input.

Lead Fred
04-05-2013, 11:32 PM
These bills are not to stop you from getting lead, its the folks 10 years from now, that wont know what casting is about.

BTW Ive seen several articles on how the China made products stay just under the FDA allotted lead threshold.
Sometimes they dont meet that level, and stuff gets imported any way.

04-08-2013, 12:22 AM
Straining a bit, yes. But my main concern is that those who seek to control firearms in this country could most easily do it by controlling ammunition and components.
That is my concern too.

Just because there are some obvious gun grab attempts going on right now, doesn't mean that there aren't some more subtle ones also going on at the same time. The progressives have proven time & time again that if they can not get the big prize that they are reaching for today, they will settle for a small piece today & come back for more at a later date. They have done that over & over again. It's been working for them. The pendulum has been swinging further & further in their direction as time has gone by. If we do not stay vigilant on all fronts, we will continue to loose ground.

In my opinion, we have already lost too much ground & we should push back & try to move the pendulum back to the center.

04-08-2013, 12:56 AM
Just FYI, the phosphoric acid in Coca-Cola is a registered hazmat material too.

Jusy sayin'

Look up "anhydrous caffeine" sometime if you want scary.


04-08-2013, 09:30 AM
You really think its that simple?
just sayin because there is a whole lot more to it than that

Maybe so, but that would make a really significant start to fixing a problem that most of us didn't cause. It's taken about 40 years for liberal socialism to evolve its way into the problem that it is today. The democrat party of today is NOT what it was a few decades ago. It's been infiltrated by a leftist scourge who's lifeblood began on college campuses in the early 1970's. They've only kept the name "Democrat".

Case Stuffer
04-08-2013, 09:45 AM
Befor I became a recluse I strongly advised this book and one other to many. First time I read each one was during the teen years and things have only changed (progessed ) for the worse.


04-08-2013, 09:51 AM
lead doesn't cause brain damage :cbpour: ,....huh ? what were we talkin bout?:kidding:

04-08-2013, 10:10 AM
I thought the biggest danger to young minds was public school. I was talking with a Dr in education, working in the head start program. He thought mentoring of kids by kids was good, described a card game they used to make the poor kids feel better about themselves, mentors would let the poor kids 'win'. He thought those who felt better about themselves wouldn't get into trouble. I think he's teaching the kids to play the system at an early age. Another educator felt really bad for the smart illegal kids that get locked out of higher ed. I asked him which ones those were - They had Gov. subsidies when I was in school. Both thought the Texas system was the 'worst' with corporal punishment. All the educators here I know can't touch a kid, if they (kids) are trouble they get removed. School of hard knocks. We do have a school where a LEO sits with the student in the classroom. I've always been told to take out the trash, don't let it pile up.

Case Stuffer
04-08-2013, 05:29 PM
Read the book. The game plan to conquer the USA has been in play for decades now.

04-09-2013, 06:28 AM
You realize it was written by the AP of NY, nuff said right there. I mean after suspending the license of a father for the **** his 10yr old son said about a water gun. NY is becoming worse that CA.

04-09-2013, 11:13 AM
I work with some housing rehab programs and this lead base paint issue has gotten out of hand and is a pain in the butt. It used to be we only had to mitigate the area in which the work was being done. Now if there is any kind of lead anywhere on the property it has to be mitigated. Often the mitigation eats up more of the budget for a home than the repairs do and sometimes it limits the work because of budget restraints. Apparently making sure there is no lead contact in the structure (which might affect someone 30 years done the line) is more important than making sure the owner doesn't freeze to death in the upcoming winter because of lack of insulation and leaking windows.

The only people I know of who have suffered brain damage from lead paint appears to be our politicians..........

04-09-2013, 11:56 AM
IF people don't start waking up & vote the mentally ill Liberals in office, this insanity will continue. If you count yourself a progun Dem, you are lying to yourself, pick a side. Either give up your guns or your politics, you can't have it both ways.
I have to look but i'll post the picture of a car parked outside of a gunshop in Raleigh, NC I took right after the scare started sporting an Obama/Biden bumper sticker. If I was the owner of the shop i'd have had it towed. Talk about delusional

04-09-2013, 07:29 PM
God willing, we will prevail, in peace and freedom from fear, and in true health, through the purity and essence of our natural... fluids.

Is this what you're referring to gareth?.......


Marlin Junky
04-10-2013, 03:42 PM
...The game plan to conquer the USA has been in play for decades now.

Decades indeed... more like a century plus a decade at this point.


04-12-2013, 01:59 PM
So if you cast your own, and you have kids, they'll come after you for child endangerment?

04-23-2013, 05:58 PM
lead doesn't cause brain damage

It does if you shoot a critter in the head.

04-27-2013, 06:00 PM
Depressing... I'm about 60 yrd old, and may get to enjoy shooting and loading until I'm 'done', but what about my kids, and their kids?

04-27-2013, 11:42 PM
ghh3rd, I absolutely love your quote. It made me laugh and I needed that. Thank you. As for your question, I don't know I worry over the same for mine. I am afraid we are at a point even now that nothing peaceful can be done to fix it. I am not advocating or encouraging revolt, I'm just thinking that we can't vote this away because we are the minority now. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but I'm not an idiot either. They keep saying they aren't after our guns or ammo but their actions say differently. When our state and local government stop fighting the Socialist Agenda we are sunk as a free society, at least as far as the founders had laid it out. I can guarantee the 2nd Amendment won't be the last one that falls by the wayside, but it certainly must be the first. But then again, I'm just a DUMB*** country boy, what do I know?