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View Full Version : Im brand new and i want to learn...

04-02-2013, 03:53 PM
Howdy! I am very new to all this as in I just learned that you could make your own boolits last week. So where should start reading on terms, about what equipment I need, the types of metals or leads to get, and so on. So maybe better worded, where should I start looking? I would love to learn as it sounds like way to much fun and will keep me challenged. Sorry if this is the wrong forum to ask but im new here I didn't see anywhere else to ask.

04-02-2013, 04:12 PM
they told me to start here:


04-02-2013, 04:15 PM
Welcome! A good start is the Lyman Cast Bullets Handbook, almost any edition. There is some on-line resources I'm sure other folks will post links to also.

04-02-2013, 05:09 PM
Look up Glen Fryxell's excellent online, free book.

Were you actually CAG? From a family of naval aviators and really know to be impressed with a CAG.


04-02-2013, 05:12 PM
Look up Glen Fryxell's excellent online, free book.

Were you actually CAG? From a family of naval aviators and really know to be impressed with a CAG.


Nope, sadly have never been a CAG but its my goal one day. Hopefully within the next 4 years ill become a Naval Aviator myself!

04-02-2013, 05:35 PM
Good advice, both re the Lyman book and the Fryxell book. Read them, and I mean STUDY them!

And welcome ot the best forum on the net.

04-02-2013, 05:41 PM
Welcome to CastBoolits Cag,

I'll make it easy for you, here is the link to exactly what you need.

From Ingot To Target (http://www.lasc.us/Fryxell_Book_textonly2.pdf)


Bullet Caster
04-02-2013, 05:45 PM
I just want to welcome ya aboard the very best site on the internet. This is where I got started and did one heck of a lot of reading before I took the plunge. Reading is your best friend. Oooh Rahh. USMC Sgt. Vietnam '71-'72. BC

04-02-2013, 06:01 PM
Whatever reading material you get, spend quality time reading it, and you'll find that reading it more than once will be required.

In addition to its thorough explanation of the casting process, equipment, and safety, a Lyman Cast Bullet Handbook is the most comprehensive cast boolit load reference available.

This site's archive (link on the bottom of every page) is an excellent place to gain much knowledge.

04-02-2013, 06:06 PM
You're going to learn too much, too fast. ;-)
I learned more in a couple of days here, than I did when I was casting my own, years ago. I took a hiatus for marriage and kids.
One tip. Don't rush anywhere to buy lead scrap. Purchase casting material from people online here. Smelting can mess up your casting pot for one thing, and there are too many types of wheel weights to sort out for a beginner. You'll end up spending less from folks here who do batches of hundreds of pounds.

2nd tip. Don't sweat the apparent cost of good equipment. At this point in time you could resell everything for at least what you pay for it. Molds can be resold very quickly if you happen to dislike or tire of what you have.

3rd tip.
Buy a casting thermometer. It seems a silly investment given the cost ($30. and up) but casting at the appropriate temperature keeps your alloy as alloy and not layers tin floating on top or tossed aside.

Ok a 4th. Last one from me.
Take a couple of days to read the Stickys. There is literally days worth of material there and you'll catch on faster and know which questions you need clarification on.

04-02-2013, 06:15 PM
Reading as much as you can is a good start, reading and having someone you know to teach what the book says is even better. Depending on where you are there's more than likely there's someone close by that can help you along or mentor you to help you get going. Sometimes it helps by putting in your location where you live.