View Full Version : search frustration

04-02-2013, 12:53 PM
just this morning I had a question about a 40-65 and felt sure that it had been addressed here so I went into the search box in the upper right corner and typed in 40-65...hitting search it came back with "no match's"

then I clicked the advanced search and fiddled with the different perameters and still had no results...now being sure I had seen posts concerning the 40-65 I went back thru the pages in the blackpowder cartridge section.

going back 10 pages I found no less then 6 different postings that had the "40-65" in the 'title'. it is no wonder that folks are not getting their questions answered when they try the search area to research their questions...and then somebody is always happy to suggest that before asking a question that they should do some "searching" on their own.

so what gives with the search area on this forum? I have given this search area several try's with similar results.

now don't get me wrong as I do have a deep appreciation of this forum and the folks that lurk here. in fact I appreciate it enough to be a monetary sponser to help with the bases being covered...but ... the search area seems to be in need of some work.

just thinking that if I had problems with it ...maybe others have had similar problems...EH ???...[smilie=b::killingpc

04-02-2013, 01:21 PM
just thinking that if I had problems with it ...maybe others have had similar problems...EH ???...
Others, including myself, have had similar problems. That is why I configured this 'Cast Boolits' search page on Google.

I have shared it on the forum before, and a few others have taken turns passing it on to others. I guess you just don't hang out where I do enough to have seen it.
I don't claim any ownership of the tool. Anyone could duplicate it by 'feeling around' on Google for a few minutes, as I did.
It has been suggested (perhaps six or eight times) that a sticky be created for it. If I were one of the more 'popular' members here, that would probably have been acted upon weeks (months?) ago.

Anyway, you can type the name of a member, then, in quotation marks, type part of the text that you clearly remember being in his post. (If your memory is not certain, don't use the quotes.)
You should get pretty close to exactly the post you are looking for.

Something as simple as 40/65 also works (or even .22) and Google doesn't care how many characters are in your query.
The forum software won't look for anything with three characters, or less.


04-02-2013, 03:59 PM
I think this search is just what we are stuck with, with this software. Using MC's search is the better option.

04-02-2013, 05:45 PM
rite on...thanks!!!

04-04-2013, 05:11 PM
What was the question?

04-04-2013, 06:10 PM
I have had the same problem. The old search function was fantastic. Charlie put that site up on my query as well but haven't had a chance to try it.


04-05-2013, 05:53 AM
So there is a difference between an old search engine and what is presently available? I've been having frustrating experiences lately using the "search" and have attributed it to my declining mental capacities and impatience and have avoided searching. I feel better now knowing I can put the blame elsewhere.
Do we need a stickie for the "MC search"?

04-05-2013, 11:38 AM
unfortunately when you update the vbulletin software, you are somewhat at their mercy as to what you get. Some things improve, others at times regress. That appears to be the case with the search function. I have always found using google with the "+site:castboolits.gunloads.com" option as a better search than what was in vbulletin anywho for what it is worth.

04-05-2013, 02:36 PM
Thanks wiljen,
I've been using site: for a long time and suddenly it wouldn't work too good. the + in front of site seems to be why. yahoo or google