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View Full Version : Questions of timing...

03-30-2013, 03:05 PM
As I await the delivery of my LAM II at some point when my backorder is fulfilled, and think about the joys of turning the 30 pounds of range scrap I picked up yesterday into shootable rounds, I'm curious how you all approach casting, sizing/lubing, loading, and shooting...or at least the timing part of it.

I've seen some people talk about waiting after casting to size and lube. I've seen people talk about waiting a few days after that before loading their rounds. So, how do you approach this? Are you a cast 'em, size and lube 'em, and load 'em in the same day type of person or do you let your boolits age harden a week or so before sizing and lubing, then let the lube set up before loading, etc?

03-30-2013, 03:15 PM
Honestly I never even think about it. I just do what needs done then do something else that needs done. I am never in a hurry as I have tons of prepped cases, lots of cast. I dont let my stocks get down low enough to worry about it. I would says cast, lube whenever, size whenever, relube whenever. load whenever. I don't think I have ever done even half those steps in one day. There isn't much thought that goes into it about timing. When I need something to do I just look at the large pile of containers with unfinished stuff and pick something. I am not normal by any means. I think my hobby is more about brass, lead, loading than shooting makes it hard to keep loading when you don't shoot much. I can shoot handguns but my more powerful rifles beat me up too bad. I have a lower spinal injury that is now a scar tissue issue. Stress and shocks to the body can have repercussions that last the rest of the day so I don't get to do what got me here as much as I used to.

I'll Make Mine
03-30-2013, 05:07 PM
I've read a number of opinions that you need to wait a week or more after casting before you size, because many alloys containing tin grow slightly as they age; if that happens after sizing, you'll have oversize boolits (and if you're inconsistent on the timing of your sizing, you'll have different levels of oversize). Can't say I've tested it myself; I have yet to size any of my castings (will be doing so soon, I've finally got all the pieces in place to start loading my own cast boolits).

Charlie Two Tracks
03-30-2013, 06:32 PM
You'll have to smelt that range scrap down first and then proceed. You really don't want to do that in your casting pot. I usually cast up 20 lbs minimum of boolits and after they have cooled, I size them or not. Some can be used "as cast". I then pan lube the higher velocity ones and use 45-45-10 lube for the slower ones. But that's just me. You can do most of this stuff as you see fit and as it works out for you. A rifle round may be different than a low speed .38.

03-30-2013, 06:35 PM
If you water quench, you better plan on sizing within a day, or you put a LOT of stress on the sizer. For aircooled, it takes a few weeks to reach full hardness.