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08-25-2007, 11:01 AM
Finally got the time to go outside and fire up the pot...and the leftovers from Dean are soaking the joint. Gah. Anyone else lose time to storms on a regular basis, and what do you do if one just "comes up" while the pot is hot?

08-25-2007, 11:51 AM
armored, I had to do a double take on your post, then I realized that not everyone lives in dry Nevada. We haven't had rain in 81 days. I am lucky to have a garage with two man doors on the windward side, a wide rollup to leeward, and vigorous ventilation courtesy of the gentle Washoe Zephyr. (Local joke started by Mark Twain meaning it blows like hell here.) I cast inside to keep the snow out of the pot in winter.

08-25-2007, 12:32 PM
Well up here I loose casting time to seasons - fall,winter-. I have about 4 good months to work with then it will start raining, then the rain turns white, most of the other time the outside temp (cold) makes casting difficult. I am eventually going to install a vent system in the garage for casting year round.
I will not even start the pot if there are any clouds around, they sneak over the mountains with great speed, dont want to be the guy sporting a 20lb body suit of moulten lead.
When I have good weather, I try and cast enough to last us till next summer, makes for really really long days.

08-25-2007, 12:39 PM
"Snow", I've heard of this stuff, something about water and really "cold", kinda like an ice cream cone, in the 30 seconds before it melts in AZ heat, right? :-D
Actually this place is very dry, which is why it irritates me when it does storm. Throw two cups of water on the roads out here, and everyone forgets how to drive.

08-25-2007, 01:23 PM
Can't remember the last time a storm caused me to cancel plans here. The wind is another thing though. Makes shooting unpleasant so I will cancel for that when it is real windy here which seems to happen allot!
I enjoy the rain here when it happens because it happens so seldom and can't figure why people here hate it so much when we need it so bad but get it so infrequently!

08-25-2007, 02:06 PM
I've had rain come up on me once while casting so far. I keep a 2'x2' peice of sheet metal under the patio table I use. It clouded up kind of quick and there wasn't "supposed to be" any rain anywhere near here (our weather people are not that great here) So anyway, when I saw the clouds i hear a low rumble of thunder so I covered the pot, unpluged it, bottom dumped at least half of it into a small cast iron ashtray I keep under it to lower the level of molten lead in the pot. I have a pair of really long leather welding apron and thick welding gloves so I went and got those. I took a pair of cotton gloves for extra insulation and moved the pot while covered back into my garage. Luckily the drops didn't really start to fall until I was already in the process of moving the pot.