View Full Version : Anybody Have a Clements Pistol Back (How long)

03-29-2013, 04:43 PM
So I'm getting antsy about a pistol I have with David, it's been a little over 2yrs and I was number 12 back in Nov. I was wondering if anybody has received their pistol back and how long it was out (big jobs)? I know I could just call/email but I don't want to bother him.

2 dogs
03-30-2013, 08:46 AM
If it has been 2 years, a phone call couldnt hurt IMO. Still, these things take time, especially the full 5 shot conversions or the ones that have to go out for CCH or barrel rebore or some such. Clements is one of the best IMO. His conversions shoot as well as anything else I have seen or tried. Worth the wait.

04-14-2013, 01:12 PM
I believe he does guns in rotation. He gets several requiring identical work and does them in a batch.

I just got a GP100 back from him that took about a year. He told me I got in at the perfect time for a short wait.

Call him up and ask him you wanted to know what size to size your bullets at. He helped me with that, and updated me on status.

Currently, David has my best experience in terms of returning phone calls, emails, etc.

I have had guns at more than 1 gunsmith for over 4 years that I couldn't get a returned message every 6 months.

Clements is a class act. Enjoy his superb service.

04-14-2013, 10:36 PM
thanks for the response. I saw his project schedule, and I calculated out my gun's return to be sep 27 2013. I just wanted to see if anyone has received a "big" project back, as they would have been right ahead of me. Every time I have called or emailed, he has corresponded within a day. Seems like a great guy (so I don't want to bother him)

Lloyd Smale
04-15-2013, 07:23 AM
Heres my experiences with about all the custom gunmakers. If they say a year and you get it back in two count yourself lucky. I know guys that have waited 4 years for a custom gun.