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View Full Version : HANDLES NEEDED....Can anyone help?

03-28-2013, 08:54 AM
Over on the "Pay It Forward" forum, a member is asking for the donation of a set of LEE mould handles. His reception has been less than warm, and I thought I'd post this here to give his needs a wider exposure. If anyone can help, I'm sure it would be much appreciated.

It would be right neighborly....

03-28-2013, 09:00 AM
I saw that. I wish I had a set to give him just to spite that rude response.

Carolina Cast Bullets
03-28-2013, 09:20 AM
I took care of it for him. I've only got 9 sets. I can change mold blocks just a little more often to help out a friend.

Carolina Cast Bullets

03-28-2013, 09:23 AM
You're a good man, Jerry. Ya' done a good thing.

03-28-2013, 09:30 AM
that was a real nice thing that you have done

03-28-2013, 09:41 AM
One of the things we pride ourselves on is being friendly. If someone was rude unnecessarily, they need to be reported to a moderator.

"I hate rude behavior in a man. Wont tolerate it." Woodrow F. Call, Lonesome Dove

At least they need a warning that this is NOT like other boards where nastiness and vulgarity are the norm. Cant play nice, LEAVE.

03-28-2013, 11:04 AM
Thanks, Jerry.

03-28-2013, 11:10 AM
ummm we can self moderate.
nothing wrong with a "nice" reminder from time to time about stuff like improper wording, etiquette breaches, and stuff.

03-28-2013, 11:36 AM
Unfortunately, those that need to understand the ripple effect of bad behavior either don't understand it or don't care.

I received a PM from a member I have communicated with many times over informing me that the recent issue of rudeness was about all he could tolerate and he felt he'd had enough.

I won't identify this member as I feel that would be breech of trust. However, I will share a few choice lines from his PM.

"I have become more and more upset with the forum and the action about the handles cinched it for me. I am going to take a sabatical from the forum.....

It is a shame that the forum has become more and more like (another forum, name censored) with only a few riding roughshod over everyone else."

Indeed, it is a shame. And to know that just one person sees this as a comparison to a forum with a bad reputation for flaming, insults and personal attacks bothers me.

I'm the last person in line with any right to preach. I've been called into the office and had the door closed on me for inappropriate behavior. I got my head stood on and I deserved it.

I feel sure, though, that many will agree with me that the post that is in question could have been worded differently.

03-28-2013, 12:28 PM
(Quote from Jim)---I feel sure, though, that many will agree with me that the post that is in question could have been worded differently.

I personally do not think it should have been there at all period. It was rude and uncalled for.

03-28-2013, 12:28 PM
Yeah, it's not how long it is, it's how you make it long. Signature line of the Viceroy TV ad. Today's children cannot fathom this meaning whatsoever. ... felix

gray wolf
03-28-2013, 01:41 PM
What the hay is wrong with some folks ? I just blew up at someone on a different post about our Vets and taking funeral honors away from them.
What do we need to do ? have people fill out a questionnaire before they can join ?
I never saw this kind of behavior on this forum. I don't need some new turd on the block telling me how to bury a Vet.
Thanks for handling the handles.

03-28-2013, 01:54 PM
I know this has been said before but I have to say it again. It is imposable for us (the mods) to read every post or thread at 12:45 CEN. time today there were 61 new threads and 817 posts and the day is half done, then there is the daily maintenance that needs to be done (S&S for instance) we have to depend on you guys to report threads or posts that need to be looked at by us we can't catch them all. With over 26,000 members now we will have to depend on you the members to be our extended eye's here on the forum even more! Yes the "feel" of the forum has changed some with it's growth from 3027 when I joined to over 26,000 now but that's the price we have to pay for being the good forum we are. So if there's some thing out of line report it so we can handle it. steve k S&S moderator

03-28-2013, 02:05 PM
I don't think any one is saying any thing bad about the MODs That's just my 2cents

03-28-2013, 02:26 PM
Nope no one is I'm just saying we can't catch every thing with out the help from you guys to keep this forum what it is needs to be a team effort mods and members working together. steve k

03-28-2013, 02:58 PM
I really enjoy this forum as I find the majority of members are doers rather than talkers who provide advice based on what they have done rather than read about. THe forum consists mostly of polite, dignified members with a dearth of the sexist, racist talk that I so dislike on other firearm forums.
There does seem to be an explosion of new members as others have noted, some will stay when your shortages are over, some will not. Hopefully if we treat them right we will be the fishers of men that will allow the good people to stay and the dross to fall away.

03-28-2013, 03:46 PM
I'll jump in with my .02 worth. I rarely if ever post, mainly because there is so much I don't know, and I'm not too proud to say it. Far better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt. This site and the LASC site have given me so much real world casting knowledge, Thank all of you who so unselfishly share. I lurked here for years before I finally joined. I go on a lot of hunting sites and, as most of you know, lots of internet experts are out there who know so much that just isn't so. This site is very knowledgeble and free to share actual real word experience (go ahead, patting yourselves on the back at this time is not only allowed but enchouraged). Are there some posts that may sound sour, probably. But don't step away from your keyboards, there's a lot more guys out there (like me) who are in dire need of your collective wisdom.

I visit here several times a day when possible, and mainly in the swapping and selling because as a noob there is so much I need and I'm not sure how to separate the Wheat from the chaff when it comes to selecting equiptment and technique. I've been casting for over 25 years, the first 15-17 I didn't know $&!t from shinola and my cast bullet groups showed it. When I started getting frustrated with the quality of bullets (mainly shipping damage) I was getting for my Bullseye shooting, I finally decided to try to learn. I now know just enough to make some pretty good bullets that shoot as well as any j-word bullet I can buy. If I was to get into rifle casting, I would have another learning curve, but that will have to come at a later point when I have more time to shoot.

Now if you want to discuss long range prairie dogging or shooting Bullseye, I can hold my own in just about any discussion.

Here's wishing good Karma on you selfless souls who put up with similar questions a dozen times a year from other noobs that have just discovered this site.