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View Full Version : Our instant gratification world ........

Ohio Rusty
03-27-2013, 05:38 PM
I recently lost out on a deal from the swappin' and sellin' area because I didn't respond fast enough after I wrote I'd take it. It happens ...my loss ...oh well ... Sellers can sell to whom ever they want to, they can hold out for a better price, or they can refuse to sell after they agree to. I mean it's your stuff ... you are entitled to sell as you please. I'm not mad or upset ... it's no big deal, but I want to make the following point ......
There are folks on here that don't have the instant gratification of the internet 24/7. I happen to live real rural and there is no internet where I live ..... I have to go into a town to get internet access at a library and my work forbids anything but work on the computer system. I work 2 jobs and there is little play time. There are other folks on here that work out on farms, out in the field, out on oil rigs, etc. Other folks may have family issues, car or home problems or away on business....
Sometimes folks just can't just reply or get to the internet in an expedited manner. If you don't hear back from someone for a day ... be patient. I guess growing up in a generation without the internet and when you had to wait for a letter thru the post office to hear from some one makes us a bit uneasy with our instant gratification world we live in.
Patience .... maybe it was just a 20th century thing like phone booths, black and white TV's and cassette players ....
Just ones mans opinion and no one elses on the list.

Ohio Rusty ><>

03-27-2013, 06:53 PM
I am a firm believer in communicating intentions. Personally if I knew I could not send a PM within the next 5 minutes I would write that in the add after typing "I will buy it". Sellers get left hanging and wondering what the prospective buyer is going to do. Been there several times. Plus if someone PM's me with an offer that is acceptable that is no different than at a gun show where a potential buyer is already negotiating a price for an item that interests me even if I am ready to pay full price.
I understand about access. We regularly loose electricity and server but I still owe it to the seller to do all I can to communicate.
Mike in Peru

03-27-2013, 07:05 PM
As far as "No Internet Access", it is available via satellite, even in Ohio.

03-27-2013, 07:18 PM
I hear you. I posted an "I will take it" then PM'd the guy. Didn't hear back from him in two days. Went out of town, on the road all day and got on my computer that night and found out he had sold it to someone else because "he hadn't heard back from me the day I was on the road"!!! He takes over 48 hours to get in touch with me, and I get less than 12 to respond.

I have done "I'll take it" on other sites and asked them to PM me, as I am leaving the house right then. Then they sell to someone else. Best one was a first to reply "I'll take it" followed by a PM, no response, followed by another PM the next day, asking if they got my first one. Got a "yep, I did", then sold it to someone else. See alot of stuff they are selling , that I would want, but refuse to buy from them.

41 mag fan
03-27-2013, 07:19 PM
Maybe a I will take it, but wont be able to get onto the internet till day #....??? Most of us who sell on S&S will wait for someone who pms that.

03-27-2013, 07:28 PM
Looks as if the secret here is communication.

03-27-2013, 08:11 PM
I would think stating your time line on the I'll take it posts would help.

03-28-2013, 08:39 AM
A matter of courtesy.
When selling something on a forum, I consider the first "I'll take it!" a done deal and give the reply "Sold pending funds" to any other inquiries - even to folks that offer more than the asking price. A deal is a deal. My ethics and morals are not plastic.

That being said, some folks have the attitude "Cash is king" and the deal goes to the first person that presents cash, no matter who said "I'll take it!" first. It is the vendors choice.

Way back I ordered a Norinco NP28 (CLone of a 1911 colt in 9mm) the gun arrived at the gun shop on a Wednesday morning. - no call to me to tell me it was in. Thursday evening was late night shopping and I stopped by the gun store, the owner told me the gun was there (this was after a 3 month wait). My reply was that I would come in with the cash on Monday and do the paperwork then as I had a business trip and could not get back to the store until Monday. On Monday when I showed with cash in hand I discovered the gun got sold on Friday because I did not put down the cash (was never asked to ) on Thursday. No problem, a phone call to a dealer and the same model got shipped to me within a couple of days.

When I sold my mothers house within minutes after I shook hands with the gentleman who said he would buy for the agreed price (no deposit, just a promise to purchase) I was offered $5,000.00 then 10,000.00 more for the house by folks who stopped before I could get the sign on the front lawn down. The gentleman who I shook hands with got the deal - those who made higher offers got told it was already sold and they would have to make an offer to the new owner. I sleep very well at night.

03-28-2013, 09:32 AM
I wish i had a nickle for every time I was sniped on gunbroker or such. I am lucky if things are slow at work i can get on during the day a couple times or so but unless i am filling in an on call at night for the PD i am not on from 4PM to 8Am and I usually miss by a dolllar bid. That's what happens to us old and slow guys I guess. I have started asking for a PM for all my sales here so i can use the time of the PM to decide who gets it. Even then when yo have two buyers a minute apart it's a toss up sometimes.

03-28-2013, 10:49 AM
Honestly I'm not sure I want a life where I have time to spend all day on the internet................And feel sorry for those who do..............
Sadly in this day and age a "resonable ammount of time" has become hours or minutes instead of days..................... I am a firm believer that cell phones and the internet are the worse things that have happened to the stock market. They make it much more volitile than it has ever been because it allows people to react faster than they can sort out all the pertinent information ..........