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View Full Version : Helping new visitors here on the forum

03-26-2013, 05:43 PM
I'm all for helping people.

That is one of the reason's that I enjoy this forum so much. People have helped me, hopefully I've had opportunities to help others....that is the way it should be.

Of late, however, I've noticed a lot of questions from new visitors here. A large % of them don't bother reading any " stickies " or doing a search here on the forum to locate information, often times something as simple as going to " Google " with a question yields volumes of information. They do zero research, they just begin with questions that are often times asking many different things at the same time, many times if you answer them properly you'll be writing pages and pages. They seem to want us to do all of the " leg work " for them.

Recently , I and several others here on the forum tried to help a particular individual ( I think he had about 15 post ) who never even revisited the thread after he posted his initial question , never made a comment, never a thank you, etc. Several people pumped a lot of effort into trying to help that individual. He obviously didn't think enough of everyone's attempts to help him to even acknowledge their efforts.

Mother always told me - - - " Son, ......when someone tries to help you, the least you can do is say thank you. "

I realize that it is wrong to cast this " mindset " onto all of our new visitors as many of the newer forum members don't and would not engage in this type of activity and behavior.

But.....I'm seeing this more and more........


03-26-2013, 06:01 PM
I agree Ben.

I think more new casters need to understand that casting bad bullets isn't a failure, it is a learning experience. Leading a barrel is how you learn what doesn't work. It also teaches you how to clean leading from a barrel.

Learning to shoot cast bullets isn't done online. We can give tips and help but the real knowledge is learned at the bench trifecta.

Spend more time at the casting, loadi, and shooting bench. That will teach you the basics o casting and shooting in a big hurry.

You must go out and APPLY the knowledge gained from reading and asking questions here.

Nobody can tell you everything you need to know up front. Or enough time and much wouldn't make sense anyway.

Want to learn faster? Find a knowledgable caster near you and learn first hand.

I don't want people to stop asking questions. I want them to ask questions with a purpose and some knowledge behind them. Read some, cast some, load some, shoot some. After hat make some observations on what happened and how it compares to what you expected. Bring the results to us and let us help you understand what happened and why.

I can no more guarantee you success in shooting cast than I can guarantee you success in marriage. Both take time, energy, and willingness to work hard at it.

03-26-2013, 06:31 PM
So very well spoken btroj , I couldn't agree more.


03-26-2013, 08:26 PM
Sorry for being so over welmed with all the information on the site and maybe needind some questions clarified. Maybe some people havnt used search engines before and dont know what to ask. As a newer person to this site im trying my best along with others to take it all in. There is new information posred everyday and it can seem very hard to take it in. But im sure you know all this information and seem very upset all these people want to get into a great hobby. I guess this site isnt for me then if people dont want to be friemdly and helping. Guess its time to move on. And also to contact any of the sponsers that they will lose my money and more newbies monies. Sorry to waste your time. But thank you because you need a pat on the back.

03-26-2013, 08:30 PM
1++ on what btroj posted. I'm kind of glad I didn't have the internet back when I started casting and handloading..made me re - read all those "obsolete" tomes like Complete Guide To Handloading! I have noticed this at work also..young apprectice who doesn't know squat about what he is about to do..asks me a question..and when I give him the answer..wants to argue with me about it! It's not just the youngsters either..alot of the old guys are too lazy to learn new skills. I too have noticed there are very few thank you's forthcoming on this and other sites.

03-26-2013, 09:17 PM

This is the friendliest site on the web. If you think a casual comment, directed at no one in
particular is somehow a personal attack and constitutes a reason to "move on", then goodbye.
Sorry you have such thin skin.

If you really want to learn, read the stickies, ask one or two things like "What is a good book to
read to get started?" or similar 'self help' type of questions. Once you take a bit of time
to learn some of the basics, if some of it doesn't make much sense - please ask. Try some
stuff and ask about specific issues that you run into. We really do expect some self help effort.

OTOH, if you want to get huffy and leave. Have at it.


03-26-2013, 09:25 PM
I for one was taught by both my parents to be appreciative of any help whenever and however given It costs nothing but a little time to say than k you to someone .I have been reading the posts here =for several years before I joined and even then I have not posted very much .But let me be very clear on this THANK YOU to all how have answered my questions >The wealth of knowledge here is greatly responsible for my poor fumbling attempts to be a boolitt caster

03-26-2013, 09:32 PM
Pulse - Thanks for spending time reading and studying, making the effort.

And - You are very welcome, sir. Hope I have contributed in some way.


03-26-2013, 09:33 PM
Now that we have addressed the lazy and selfish maybe we can do something with the stupid and stubborn. Or, maybe not.

03-26-2013, 09:35 PM
Ben, You have been an extrordinary source of info to me as well as many others here. For sure there are always some who just don't appreciate what this site really is. I do feel that the vast majority are not like mrblue and are actually tuned in to how things work best for all. The "pay it forward" attitude here is what makes it the most valuable online community I have ever been a part of.

03-26-2013, 09:44 PM
I dont have thin skin. It just pisses me off that some of you guys that have been around for a while and have done plenty are getting mad at us guys who arnt as wise and need help. However this is not the same days asbwhen you guys did start. Most older people are set in their ways. However the younger generations are very different. We have lost a lot of things expected of the older generations. Heck i view this forum and reply via my phone. There are apps out there for guns for phones. It goes both ways. The older generations have to play catch up with technology. And our younger generation actually gets more upset with people because they cant use techno properly. So give us some slack. And help out and yes dont always expect a thank you from us. Do unto ur neighbor. It might take some time but he might eventually help you

03-26-2013, 09:46 PM
I suppose I should feel very fortunate to have gotten a first hand teaching in the ways of reloading and casting. I forget that not everyone can have that. What a shame.

Nothing i said was meant to discourage people from asking questions. I just want them to go out and gain first hand experience. Reading and asking questions alone won't cut it.

I can read up on surgery all I want but until I have years with a scalpel in my hand I am just a poorly trained butcher.

Please, newbies, read up sme then pick a safe load and go shoot some of what you cast. Leading a barrel is a learning tool. The school of hard knocks works well in casting. Don't ever be afraid to try something different as long as it follows e basic safety guidelines required of any shooting sport.

I would far rather hear about what you saw on your target than what you read on a website. Shoot, observe, learn. That is what it is all about.

Most important, have fun. Most of us don't cast to save money. We cast because we have an image need to screw around with stuff. We are tinkerers. We can't help it.

03-26-2013, 09:47 PM
Ben, You have been an extrordinary source of info to me as well as many others here. For sure there are always some who just don't appreciate what this site really is. I do feel that the vast majority are not like mrblue and are actually tuned in to how things work best for all. The "pay it forward" attitude here is what makes it the most valuable online community I have ever been a part of.

Thanks Shredder,

You are correct, the "pay it forward" attitude displayed here speaks volumes about the help offered to other forum members.

My comments were not intended to be offensive to anyone. We need new members to grow and flourish.

I continue to welcome our new forum members and will gladly offer my help to anyone and I'm certain this is also the attitude of the other forum members here on Castboolits. I read daily all the efforts that forum members ( young and old ) offer to try and help other members with casting and reloading problems.

However, when you've offered that help and the individual who asked the original question(s) doesn't even respond or interact it makes it difficult to help.

I would like to repeat one more time what I wrote in the OP :

I realize that it is wrong to cast this " mindset " onto all of our new visitors as many of the newer forum members don't and would not engage in this type of activity and behavior.


03-26-2013, 09:49 PM
I am a new member and can attest to the wealth of information a click or two away on this site. In fact a note book, a few evenings sticky browsing and searching resulted in beautifully cast hollow points right out of the chute... Thanks to all the members that contribute here. This is perhaps the most friendly forum I have happened upon and the OP is on point.

03-26-2013, 09:51 PM
As a new guy here, I have to say that everyone seems very helpful, and I truly appreciate that. For my part, I will say that part of the issue is the overwhelming amount of information on the forum. I guess in this hurry hurry lifesytlye we lead nowadays even a search feature gives us too much of a good thing that is sometimes hard for new folks to distill. I do agree however that experience is often the best teacher. For my part, I pledge to try and make more time to gain that experience.

Heavy lead
03-26-2013, 09:54 PM
I dont have thin skin. It just pisses me off that some of you guys that have been around for a while and have done plenty are getting mad at us guys who arnt as wise and need help. However this is not the same days asbwhen you guys did start. Most older people are set in their ways. However the younger generations are very different. We have lost a lot of things expected of the older generations. Heck i view this forum and reply via my phone. There are apps out there for guns for phones. It goes both ways. The older generations have to play catch up with technology. And our younger generation actually gets more upset with people because they cant use techno properly. So give us some slack. And help out and yes dont always expect a thank you from us. Do unto ur neighbor. It might take some time but he might eventually help you

Don't be too sure about the older generation not catching up with technology, more likely than not they or we depending on your point of view invented it.
Keep in mind not all the newer people are young, many are older, I expect I'm right in the middle here at 46, and you are correct much can be learned from the young as can from any age.
Try not to let your anger get in the way here, I don't know if the original post was about you or someone else, I believe that the original intent of Ben was to simply remind people that a simple "Thank You" goes a long way.
Don't know what your handle means, but if it has the meaning I thing it does, you'll understand this, "Those who stay will be champions".
By the way, Ben sold me my first lube-sizer at a very good price and gave me helpful tips when I started, I later passed it on to a new fellow at the same price. This is a good place with good people, not everyone is perfect, but neither is life.

03-26-2013, 10:05 PM
Ben, as much as I appreciate the service you've given this forum, I must disagree (to an extent) with you. Some people do search. But don't know exactly what they're searching for. And others, as pointed out in the post above, may be unfamiliar with the workings of a search engine or forum. I have clients that I meet every day that still don't have a computer. So having said that. I don't, and never will understand why one must scold at newcomers instead of just being polite, answering their question, and either telling them what to search for, or providing them a link. That tone that you have there is a reason why I do not frequent several boards where I do have an account. And the super friendly atmosphere is the reason I've been an active member and contributor here for such a long time.

Now Ben, I'm not saying you were being impolite with that post. However, the fact that you posted it in the first place shows that you are becoming extremely irritated by it. And that in itself is enough to ward off any newcomers who are honestly trying to do the right thing along with the ones who won't try to do the right thing. I don't like answering the same question over and over either. But then again, I have the discretion of deciding for myself whether I'm going to answer or not, as do you. If it irritates you, maybe you should just pass over the thread and go on to read something that perks your interest.

Just my .02

03-26-2013, 10:06 PM
Maybe after 5000 posts I would feel the same way. Hard to believe anyone can get to that post count in 8 years and not see the same (stupid?) questions over and over again.

Still, we need those with experience to guide us and shorten the journey for people who are struggling. It is a tough balance to cater to the "entitlement - instant gratification" attitude of some and those who need advice to prevent poor choices or solve a problem. In the end, it is a personal call. If you think someone deserves help - help them. If not, do not post. If you do not feed the parasites they go away.

In fairness, the search engine sucks. At least for me. I just did a search on "Lyman slug" and got over 1600 hits. Is there a way to search for Lyman slug and not have every thread with Lyman or slug hit? If this has been addressed before would someone please send me a link on how to search so I can learn?

Your assistance is thanked in advance.

03-26-2013, 10:09 PM
In fairness, the search engine sucks. At least for me. I just did a search on "Lyman slug" and got over 1600 hits. Is there a way to search for Lyman slug and not have every thread with Lyman or slug hit? If this has been addressed before would someone please send me a link on how to search so I can learn?

Your assistance is thanked in advance.

Try the HD Google Search engine I devised....


Just hit space once or twice and type what you're looking for with a bit more precision.

03-26-2013, 10:14 PM
I too think it very rude and disrespectful when they don't even come back and say thanks, or at least acknowledge the great amount of info we have given them. I know my post count is low, but I'm working under a new user name cause I LOST all my first user info. :D You are truely a good bunch of guys and very knowledgeable about casting bullets and all that goes with them.

I'm hoping to get out and cast some .40 S&W bullets tomorrow. :lovebooli

03-26-2013, 10:19 PM
I guess I just didn't want some of the new guys offended and also some of the old guys offended...and to be PC when i mean guys i mean people of the forums. lol. No the OP did not mean me, I was just trying to be the opposite or give the view from the other half. I know I don't speak for everybody, but i just wanted to give my two cents, even though I may have come on a little hot. I do know that if I did respond to a post of someone posting something multiple times and not even responding I too might become over heated. i take nothing to heart.

03-26-2013, 10:23 PM
I do know that I don't like the function of the search on this site at all. I tried to do a simple broad term search of "AR" thinking ok, this type of topic should come up with tons of results....and the site told me, sorry nothing found. So what else is a guy to do but ask again. But i still come up with plenty of return.

03-26-2013, 10:41 PM
swiped this from a near octogenarian that devised it.

03-26-2013, 10:50 PM
I dont have thin skin. It just pisses me off that some of you guys that have been around for a while and have done plenty are getting mad at us guys who arnt as wise and need help. However this is not the same days asbwhen you guys did start. Most older people are set in their ways. However the younger generations are very different. We have lost a lot of things expected of the older generations. Heck i view this forum and reply via my phone. There are apps out there for guns for phones. It goes both ways. The older generations have to play catch up with technology. And our younger generation actually gets more upset with people because they cant use techno properly. So give us some slack. And help out and yes dont always expect a thank you from us. Do unto ur neighbor. It might take some time but he might eventually help you

My 96 YO mom (Bless her heart) rode a horse to elementary school. Her generation put men on the moon. My generation developed the "techno" you're so proud of, and now you get upset with us because we cant [sic] use it properly.

Quite often, a simple "thank you" is all we expect in exchange for the help we provide. If that's too much to ask of you then maybe you should rely more heavily on the gun apps for your phone for the answers you're looking for.


03-26-2013, 10:53 PM
swiped this from a near octogenarian that devised it.

That needs to be a sticky!

There is a ton of information on this site. I search pretty well but this site is a challenge.

I have to agree that most questions have been answered, at least thrice so thank you all for the knowledge.

For what it's worth, I get people at work asking me questions that could be answered faster via Google. I guess it's just how people are now. The benefit on this site is it's easier to find the answer if it's in multiple places and stated multiple ways.

03-26-2013, 10:58 PM
Tip I use: add 'Castboolits' to any Google search. Top results will be from this forum. I can find anything here this way.

03-26-2013, 11:00 PM
Now that we have addressed the lazy and selfish maybe we can do something with the stupid and stubborn. Or, maybe not.

I resemble that and deeply represent what you just said!

03-26-2013, 11:01 PM
"The older generations have to play catch up with technology. And our younger
generation actually gets more upset with people because they cant use techno
properly. So give us some slack. "

Laugh out loud! :bigsmyl2:

How do you think all that technology got into your hands, kiddo? I, and a whole
bunch of other old farts invented it, built it and use it all the time. I happen to
work on some of the most powerful computers in existence, not exactly the
prototype bumbling old technodummy that youngsters assume sometimes. :-)

Don't get mad, just settle in and pay attention. Please try to learn some on
your own and ask good questions. Maybe being set in our ways is because we
have tried a bunch of other ways that didn't work as well and we have figured
out what works best, now we're going to stick with it. ;-)


03-26-2013, 11:05 PM
Fine Fine, you guys invented it with all your tubes and such. However the younger generations perfected it. I mean come on I bet most of your have never played with a computers inards.

03-26-2013, 11:09 PM
Maybe my original post should of read, If there is an easier and more efficient way to search information on the forum, maybe that might be a better way to get quick and accurate information to our
new forum members ?

03-26-2013, 11:10 PM
I am new to casting and loading.. I have only been a member for 4 month now.. Yall have saved me many Hours.. Many $$$ and alot of time on the internet.. I have been bitten by the casting and reloading bug... my problem is leading.. and that A$$h%le lives in my process.. thanks to you I am attacking him @ 3 points my next time to the range..I will win.. and you will help.. like it or not.. :smile: you just cant help your selves.. I dont believe that I have ever been to a site that is more helpful or concerned with my success . For that My hat is off to all of you.. Thanks again.. Mal

03-26-2013, 11:10 PM
Heck, it's funner and more personnel to ask a question and get a response then to look it up on some search engine. I'll guarantee that is why some would rather ask then to search. It also gets them involved in the forum when they ask a question.
That's why i don't mind answering a simple question, even though it could be found with a couple clicks of the mouse. I know some of the younger, less seasoned, can find answers faster than i can blink, if they really needed to. So we must have some patients.

03-26-2013, 11:10 PM
You might well be surprised at what some of the guys on this site have done. And still do.
And nothing is perfected yet. Never will be either.

Tech knowledge is gained the same way as shooting knowledge, by doing.

03-26-2013, 11:11 PM
I dont have thin skin. It just pisses me off that some of you guys that have been around for a while and have done plenty are getting mad at us guys who arnt as wise and need help.

Most older people are set in their ways. However the younger generations are very different.

We have lost a lot of things expected of the older generations. Heck i view this forum and reply via my phone. There are apps out there for guns for phones. It goes both ways.

The older generations have to play catch up with technology. And our younger generation actually gets more upset with people because they cant use techno properly.

So give us some slack. And help out and yes dont always expect a thank you from us.

Do unto ur neighbor. It might take some time but he might eventually help you

I don't use it because I prefer to know who is saying what. But, your remarks are almost enough to make an old fart learn enough 'new technology' to put a name on his ignore list.
However, I will do one thing you asked. That is, I won't be expecting any thanks from you.

I do know that I don't like the function of the search on this site at all.
swiped this from a near octogenarian that devised it.

I am that near octogenarian, blue boy. But, no thanks are necessary.


03-26-2013, 11:13 PM
Yeah Ben that probably would have been a safer way to word it, LOL, but look at the debate ya got going on.

03-26-2013, 11:16 PM

I don't use it because I prefer to know who is saying what. But, your remarks are almost enough to make an old fart learn enough 'new technology' to put a name on his ignore list.
However, I will do one thing you asked. That is, I won't be expecting any thanks from you.


OK, well sorry I pissed in your Cheerios. Guess you can't talk to anyone with a different thought than you.

03-26-2013, 11:19 PM
If the younger generation has a fault it is a tendency to want instant gratification.
knowledge isn't gained over night. It isn't gained thru just asking questions.

The "older" guys on this forum are people who learned from the school of hard knocks. They learned by doing. I am hardly "old" to many of the people on this forum at 47 but I am a doer. I learn from getting my hands dirty.

I have a 19 year old daughter. She is guilty of wanting everything now. Drives me nuts. It may kill her but she will have that driven from her being. If not by me then by an engineering degree.

Just remember, anything in life worth doing is, by nature, difficult. If it is easy then there isn't much satisfaction, is there?

03-26-2013, 11:27 PM
mrblue, I have a feeling if you keep up your sarcastic attacks, insults, infantile tantrums, and thinly-veiled profanity (particularly those directed at some of the most knowledgeable and patient members of the board), being put on someone's ignore list will be the least of your worries.

Refer to the Terms of Service you read when you signed up for an explanation of the etiquette that the site founders and operators had in mind.


03-26-2013, 11:30 PM
I figure I can get by with my firearms knowledge a lot better if things go to pot, than the young people can without technology. Once your grid is gone, and your battery is dead, you can't even add up how much to charge for that burger and fries. There's a big wide world, far away from the computer that is a lot more interesting. The young ones perfected the technology? Not by a long shot. All they have done is make it more complicated, and less user friendly for the most part.

And yes, as the previous poster infers, your butt can be making sparks skipping down the road with that attitude.

03-26-2013, 11:32 PM
All im doing is trying to defend myself and give a different view. I cant help that some people are wanting to ignore me. Isnt calling me out and saying i have thin skin an attack on me. Can i not defend myself?

03-26-2013, 11:38 PM

03-26-2013, 11:46 PM
In light of this dscussion i believe i owe many thanks to many members here. Just a few off the list, who took time and mental energy away from their day to help me out include: runfiverun, char gar, dave in ga, Wr buchanan. My memory of gratitude can be short, which is why it is good to say thanks upon receipt of help. If i looked back through my history, i would find at least 50 other members who have repeatedly offered sound advice sheerly from the good of their hearts.

(almost) noone is getting paid here, those who are probably break even at best because a site running this volume aint free and there are no goods being sold. Be happy for such an amazing free resource.

Runfiverun that search engine is great! Nice job to the author. Sticky material for sure, or maybe author should be subcontracted by castboolits to tweak the in-house engine.

Mrblue, while your skin may not be thin, you are pretty reactionary and that is not the best personality for utilizing the massive knowledge base which exists here. People are people and will ignore you if they perceive a student unwilling to accept their proper place. As mentioned by recluse we are all students, for life. Soon as you stop learning you are essentially dead.

I have been the guilty party in the above mentioned scenario, acting like i knew more than i did, or arguing with well-meant answers. No good.

Lastly, if a search engine attempt comes up short, or confusing, try scrolling down to page 2,3,4 or 10 within a sub-forum and see what the thread topics are. Ive found tons and tons of relevant answers to questions i had for which i had been consdering starting a new thread.

Happy shooting, and thanks again to everyone who has helped me out.

03-26-2013, 11:49 PM
Guys I have been hanging out on this site for a couple of years now, and I really didn't know a thing when I first started. If it wasn't for the generous people here that have helped me along the way I might not have continued in this hobby. Now I like casting almost as much as shooting! Just saying thanks isn't really enough. I hope I can share the knowledge I have gained here with some new person in the future and pass it along.

Please keep up the good work!

03-26-2013, 11:54 PM
This is the VERY common ebb and flow of a forum, regardless of the topic. I have been a member, mod and admin of more than a few.

And the "old" people on a forum are not always "old" in age. I have dealt with 17yr old admins that get just as tired of dealing with the repeated easy questions as his much older counter part.

There is a bit of an entitlement mentality from some new people, not all. The thought process is "If you do not give me what I want, when I want it and how I want it; then you are just meanie poopy pants. You hate new people!" Well that might be your opinion but that does not make it a fact.

You have to have an inner drive to educate yourself for a forum to work properly. Just like I told my daughter "I can not MAKE you be responsible", the very act of being responsible is doing the right thing when I am not there. That is something you have to have inside you.

This last statement is no reflection on mrblue personally, but if you are such a young and tech savy guy you would know that such a vague search as "AR" would not net you much gain. Maybe you should be a little more descriptive in your search string as the forum is not going to read your mind.

Bullet Caster
03-26-2013, 11:55 PM
Yep. I'm now 62, a Vietnam Vet and still a Marine (Once a Marine, Always a Marine) and yes I did build my first computer. It was a 386 DX which had two banks of memory. I learned a lot about computers by building it myself alongside my dad. He built his when I got interested in the inner workings of a computer.

I don't need your thanks (any newbies); I will answer your questions with the best of my ability. I learned in the USMC that "there are no stupid questions." Ask away and I'll do my darndest to try to help you without any impunity. The folks on this board are some of the finest people I'd ever hope to meet. Even when I'd ask the stupidest questions I'd usually get usefull information in return. Even if it meant "search the stickies". At least I'd known that the stupid question had been asked before...I just needed to know where to find it. Folks have been really, really helpfull to me and I want to return that favor by answering any post looking for needed and viable information.

I just hope I can help someone else just as I was helped. Thank you all on Castboolits who have taken the time not only to answer my questions, but who have helped me with "stuff" for reloading. This is, by all means, the very best site on the whole danged internet. BC

03-27-2013, 12:02 AM
Unlike some people i value some of the thoughts presented. And i only offer rebutle. However if all i keep getting back is some people taking my words too deep. Im happy for my generation but sad that we will have to fix much of what is being handed over to is. very easy for us to understand but others see as confusing and complicated. I depart with a......cool story bro....u mad? Lol

03-27-2013, 12:03 AM
In fairness, the search engine sucks. At least for me. I just did a search on "Lyman slug" and got over 1600 hits. Is there a way to search for Lyman slug and not have every thread with Lyman or slug hit? If this has been addressed before would someone please send me a link on how to search so I can learn?

Your assistance is thanked in advance.

I think one of the problems with narrowing it down, is that there are over 1.8 million posts on this board. Another 33 members have registered on the board in the last 24 hours. This has been about daily average for months, so I figure it won't take long for us to reach 2 million posts. The Google option is probably the best.

03-27-2013, 12:07 AM
Sorry for being so over welmed with all the information on the site and maybe needind some questions clarified. Maybe some people havnt used search engines before and dont know what to ask. As a newer person to this site im trying my best along with others to take it all in. There is new information posred everyday and it can seem very hard to take it in. But im sure you know all this information and seem very upset all these people want to get into a great hobby. I guess this site isnt for me then if people dont want to be friemdly and helping. Guess its time to move on. And also to contact any of the sponsers that they will lose my money and more newbies monies. Sorry to waste your time. But thank you because you need a pat on the back.

Unlike some people i value some of the thoughts presented. And i only offer rebutle. However if all i keep getting back is some people taking my words too deep. Im happy for my generation but sad that we will have to fix much of what is being handed over to is. very easy for us to understand but others see as confusing and complicated. I depart with a......cool story bro....u mad? Lol

So I suppose I took your threat to leave and contact our site sponsors to cost them as much business as you can "too deep"?


03-27-2013, 12:07 AM
I can't stay in the tall grass anymore. If I may mrblue, when the cell tower goes down (inoperative) how long will you survive? If I may once again, another shining example of the new America. I don't have to work for it, I deserve it, where is mine, with no respect and every retard gets a trophy! mrblue I wish you well in your challenges and I hope you learn what crickets really sound like here. Good Day Sir, Gtek

03-27-2013, 12:15 AM
Gteck i can survive just fine with out a phone. I dont rely on it all the time for everything. But there is abwealth of knowledge to be learned i just like to know things. And yes gear i feel if anything you are the problem not me. Once again im trying to show a different light and you arr threating me. And yes i will contact site sponers. I know one man may not create a flood but every flood starts with one drop.

03-27-2013, 12:16 AM
"never played with a computer's innards"


Do you know what a 1024 CPU Cray supercomputer even IS? How
many weapons systems have you designed?

Hilarious! Played a few video games and installed a hard drive would
make one a computer expert, I expect. We could throw down numbers
of engineering degrees, how many airplanes we have designed, or overhauled
or built or hybrid buses, or houses, bridges, computer operating systems,
database software and lots of other cool stuff that has nothing to
do with cast boolits. Lots of folks here really know all kinds of stuff, and
that is not particularly relavant. All this stuff is not productive, and nobody
really cares at all, or probably even believes any of it.

Sir - this is so funny. Please, just calm down, pull up a chair and stop
trying to impress us. We aren't going to be, and you really don't need
to be impressed with us either. That nasty edge on many of your
comments is not necessary or helpful and doesn't really work out well.
Let's talk about casting boolits and have some fun. Nobody needs to
be pushing and shoving. Respect each other, learn from each other
and let's put this behind us.

The guy that knows how to make great boolits that shoot well is king here
whether he is president of a company or a cop or a bus driver or any
other job in "real life".


03-27-2013, 12:22 AM
Bill, omgstfubbq. If i wanted i could easily google fu that stuff and make it seem like whatever i wanted. I dont know you and i cant verify that you do either. Please

03-27-2013, 12:35 AM
look not for the speck in your brothers eye until you remove the plank in your own eye.

03-27-2013, 01:08 AM
This 'mrblue' character almost seems bent on ruffling feathers and generally being a prick after being dealt with politely by many many people.

Perhaps a mole from another forum? Or from a mgfr of jacketed bullets?

In any case, a person only deserves so much welcome and patience. My minutes are not so valuable that i feel any time has been irreparaby wasted on this post, but it is beginning to feel like i am playing into one litte sensitive person's games for attention and proper recognition.

Threats against the well being of this forum are ABSOLUTELY not a good way to make friends. Repeating them is even worse.

03-27-2013, 01:12 AM
Before I even thought about spending a cent or posting or anything else, I spent a few days, i.e. many, many hours reading everything I found of interest. I just posted a elementary school level question and got about 10 useful responses. Took that info, used the search function on this site, and spent about an hour digging deeper and came to a conclusion. I enjoyed the process. When it comes to the nuts and bolts, this forum is quite nice, and if you want to blow off some steam in the proper forum, have at it. I have yet to find any weakness on this site. It is as good as it gets. I say God Bless .45Nut for making this possible.

03-27-2013, 01:15 AM
65520 But you are all my friends.

03-27-2013, 01:21 AM
Well, after that last acronym I don't believe he even deserves a warning. I know what I would do if I were a moderator. He acts like he is seeing how much he can get away with before being banned.

03-27-2013, 01:48 AM
View Post
swiped this from a near octogenarian that devised it.

That needs to be a sticky!

There is a ton of information on this site. I search pretty well but this site is a challenge.

I have to agree that most questions have been answered, at least thrice so thank you all for the knowledge.

For what it's worth, I get people at work asking me questions that could be answered faster via Google. I guess it's just how people are now. The benefit on this site is it's easier to find the answer if it's in multiple places and stated multiple ways.

Not a sticky, but replace the search function with this link!!

Bookmarked for future reference. The information and knowledge on this forum is great!

And MrBlue, Yes, he does know what he is talking about without having to Google the info!

03-27-2013, 02:49 AM
I get a distinct whiff of troll on this thread.

The thing with trolls is if you don't give them the oxygen then they just suffocate from lack of attention.

03-27-2013, 05:30 AM
It's Bush's fault.

03-27-2013, 05:39 AM
swiped this from a near octogenarian that devised it.

Many thanks!!!

I typed Lyman slug and got over 10,000 hits grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!

Typed "Lyman slug" and got less than 300 - MUCH BETTER!!!! And found pertinent information!!!!!

I suppose computer idiots like me need a lot of hand holding. Being in my 60's may be showing too - LOL

03-27-2013, 06:52 AM
I hate to be the odd man out and after reading several of the posts, i don't believe im alone but i was taught by my parents to offer help without being concerned with what ill get in return. The act of helping shouldn't ever be an equal exchange. Helping happens without receiving thanks or acknowledgment but its the fact of knowing you gave to those that didn't have and were less fortunate than others that becomes the reward.
This forum doesn't have to be a measure of who appreciates or who doesn't. Its about our sport, our hobby, in some cases our business and not an arena to judge or humiliate. Having to get something in return, for what was given seems like where the selfishness really lies.

03-27-2013, 07:51 AM
I hate to be the odd man out and after reading several of the posts, i don't believe im alone but i was taught by my parents to offer help without being concerned with what ill get in return. The act of helping shouldn't ever be an equal exchange. Helping happens without receiving thanks or acknowledgment but its the fact of knowing you gave to those that didn't have and were less fortunate than others that becomes the reward.
This forum doesn't have to be a measure of who appreciates or who doesn't. Its about our sport, our hobby, in some cases our business and not an arena to judge or humiliate. Having to get something in return, for what was given seems like where the selfishness really lies.

I too was taught to help without expecting anything in return. However, I was also taught to acknowledge help that was given to me....even if it is just a simple "Thanks".

I've learned a great deal from MANY people on this forum and that knowledge is precious to me. I will gladly share it with anyone who needs it in the future. If I get a "Thanks" then that is great, if not, no big deal.

There are far too many individuals of the younger generation (but by no means all of them) that indeed have the "Give it to me now, I deserve it" attitude. I saw it a lot before I retired from the Air Force......and don't even get me started about the trend towards lack of grammar, punctuation, and spelling. ;)

03-27-2013, 07:56 AM
Generations change. You just wrote that if you don't get thanks, then its no bid deal. Or is it?

03-27-2013, 08:07 AM
Guess its time to move on. And also to contact any of the sponsers that they will lose my money and more newbies monies. Sorry to waste your time. But thank you because you need a pat on the back.

So give us some slack. And help out and yes dont always expect a thank you from us.

OK, well sorry I pissed in your Cheerios. Guess you can't talk to anyone with a different thought than you.

Im happy for my generation but sad that we will have to fix much of what is being handed over to is. very easy for us to understand but others see as confusing and complicated.

And yes gear i feel if anything you are the problem not me. Once again im trying to show a different light and you arr threating me. And yes i will contact site sponers.

Blah blah blah. I guess im more of an adult.

Enough said.


Case Stuffer
03-27-2013, 08:21 AM
Well I am new here but have been shooting since 1951 when I was six ,reloading since 1966,casting since 1979 or so ,hunted, competed, had a sideline reloading business. I have a little experience to offer but even in a short time here I see the same genearl questions posted almost daily.

I was taught to try a find answers and seek help and or conformation after wards.

Post such as Help new load info a 9MM .

How many Load Manuals are available? How did they find this site and why are they not able to find sites of powder manufactures with load data?


Not five minutes ago I read a casting problem post along why is silver oatmeal on top of pot?

There are numerious Links to sevetral excell post / threads Books on casting, alloys, melting tempertures , fluxing, etc..

Oh by the way not all Please help me right now because I do not have time to Search for an answer or even learn how to Nagivate This Site are made by new members.

True if I do not wish to answer a simple question then why even both to read post here or on any other forum?

Some of us do like to help but feel it is more effective to help those who will atleast try and help themself.

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day,
teach him to fish and feed him for life.