View Full Version : Inflation anyone?

08-22-2007, 09:00 PM
On August 20, I put a Stevens 200 on lay-a-way at GanderMountain(GM). Cost 289.99 plus the tax. Been paying on it regularly. While doing so, I've ooohed and aaahed over a Browning 1885, 45-70 that they have on the rack; 1299.99. Pretty tho.

Well today I's takes meself in there to pay a little more and was ooohing and aaahing and looked at some price tags and they didn't appear right, err a familiar.

I went a looked up another Stevens 200 and .....gasp.....349.99. an additional 21%!!!!!

The Browning 1885 was 1499.99!!!!!

The clerk said they worked all Sunday night retagging everything in the gun department; even the used guns. From 15 to 22%!!!!

08-22-2007, 10:43 PM
maybe so they can mark them down for Xmas

08-23-2007, 12:41 AM
It's just that "Hunting season" is just around the corner! Just like the price of gas during the summer Vacation season, or the price of heating oil or Propane during the winter heating season. Can you say "Gouge"!

08-23-2007, 01:01 AM
No thanks, got more than I need already! Inflation, that is. What you're talking about here sounds like pure greed. I'd stop going in there!

08-23-2007, 09:48 PM
One thing to consider is the big drop in the dollar value overseas.Buying anything made in europe has taken a huge jump.The euro has been killing us.
The price of scrap lead,copper,steel and such are realy going to hammer us.
Heck it is cheeper to pour beer on my cornflakes than milk!

08-24-2007, 09:48 AM
According to the head central banker and his cronies that runs the Federal reserve bank in Washington, inflation has been dead for quite sometime. We tamed that beast a long time ago, according to them. I always wondered where these guys shop, and then I had another more enlightened economist explain it to me: gov't inflation gauges exclude food, energy, health care, housing, and education. In other words, for those who don't eat, don't heat and cool their house, never drive, don't see a doctor, and don't have any kids, and all they do is buy Chinese imported goods, inflation is dead. Get it?
