View Full Version : Lost an old shooting friend

03-24-2013, 11:59 AM
Got a call from another friend that a very close friend and shooting partner had passed on yesterday morning. We had both run a gun club pistol shooting section for many years as well as being on the governing council of the club. Kinda funny how we would bounce problems back and forth simply because we were knowledgeable in different trades areas. On the range the gloves came off when competing against each other if even for who bought the coffee. This friendship and competing went on for over 35+ years. God speed my old friend, hope they let you reload and shoot in Heaven.Robert

03-24-2013, 04:57 PM
Sorry to hear of your friends passing Robert.

03-24-2013, 05:29 PM
My sympathies

04-09-2013, 09:12 PM
I offer my condolences .

Funny how ya recall times shared with someone .

Prayers of peace & comfort.

04-09-2013, 11:34 PM
It's tough to loose a shooting buddy. Too many waiting for us on the line.

04-09-2013, 11:39 PM
I'm sorry for your loss Robert.

04-10-2013, 06:07 AM
the older you get the more this happens...'till one day it's you they're missing.
Live life well and remember those who have become a part of you in the shared journey,
peace and blessings,

04-11-2013, 10:39 AM
I hope the hurt passes quickly. One never forgets friends as they are engraved on your heart.


04-11-2013, 01:20 PM
The immediate family and a few close friends, including even me, attended a memorial at his favorite cabin in the Gaylord area where he had stated he wished his ashes be spread. Many thanks from the family, and myself, for the kind expressions at his passing. First my son 2 years ago and now my best friend, I almost hate to wonder what`s going to happen next. As we age, I`ve found, you must be able to accept the loss of favorite things and people.Robert

04-11-2013, 10:35 PM
Robert I will be praying for the family and friends. I suppose that the time spent with friends and family etch into our soul the memories that last into eternity. I truly believe that truly good friends are a gift and should be cherished as such. Isn't it odd that lots of times we take for granted our most cherished gifts until they are gone. I can only hope that we are all true friends and that someday we shall also be missed and remembered for decades into the future. Let's hope it is good memories of an honest God fearing man. As often said time heals a hurting heart, but it still hurts. I lost a good shooting buddy about 4 years ago and can hardly go into my reloading room or go shoot that I don't think about him and the "good ole days". Mac