View Full Version : Took the plunge...

The Oracle
03-24-2013, 11:13 AM
Well, after lurking around on this site for a bit, I've taken the plunge and in six to twelve weeks I should take delivery of a cast master, master caster (in 220VAC), and a star with all the trimmings. :smile:

I would like to thank everyone on this forum for the invaluable information I've obtained here.

03-24-2013, 11:26 AM
VERY Nice.....now you need to automate the MC and Star....!!!!!!!

have fun, i do with my Magma gear....:)


Well, after lurking around on this site for a bit, I've taken the plunge and in six to twelve weeks I should take delivery of a cast master, master caster (in 220VAC), and a star with all the trimmings. :smile:

I would like to thank everyone on this forum for the invaluable information I've obtained here.

The Oracle
03-24-2013, 11:37 AM
Thanks Wyman! I have my click PLC sitting on the desk by my laptop and I have almost all the other parts on order. I am definitely following yours hatches lead on the automation front. (I might even throw in some of my own personal wrinkles)

03-26-2013, 11:42 PM
Put an order in for one today, 2-3 month wait for the same setup. Except I was informed they no longer come with a mold as shown on their price sheet. Its not like I don't have one but I wish they would correct that.

03-27-2013, 09:41 AM
Thanks Wyman! I have my click PLC sitting on the desk by my laptop and I have almost all the other parts on order. I am definitely following yours hatches lead on the automation front. (I might even throw in some of my own personal wrinkles)

Looking forward to seeing everything up and running!

03-28-2013, 12:53 PM
Put an order in for one today, 2-3 month wait for the same setup. Except I was informed they no longer come with a mold as shown on their price sheet. Its not like I don't have one but I wish they would correct that.

Yeah they screwed me too. Twice in fact.
When I bought my star they said it didn't come with a sizing die either. I said then what good is it as people need a sizing die. They said they didn't want to increase the cost of the Star. But in fact they did do just that by not including the die.
Same deal with the MC. They didn't want to increase the cost so they didn't include a mold. Wish Lathesmith would make MC molds ;-)

The Oracle
03-31-2013, 08:14 PM
Yea, I was a little taken back when I was ordering my setup. They asked if I wanted a mold and I said yes, one comes with it and they informed me that they no longer do that, so I ordered one anyway, that way the master caster comes complete and ready to go. Or should I say, ready to automate ;-)

04-12-2013, 10:03 PM
I would cast first before you automate it. Just so you can see how it functions.

For those who don't want to.automate the whole process I would at least automate the lead pour.

06-15-2013, 11:20 PM
Put an order in for one today, 2-3 month wait for the same setup. Except I was informed they no longer come with a mold as shown on their price sheet. Its not like I don't have one but I wish they would correct that.

Well it showed up yesterday, sitting on the porch waiting for me along with a set of 8 358158SWC molds. Now to put it to good use making some rifle rounds.

06-23-2013, 06:24 PM
still waiting. lubesizer. It will be fun.

The Oracle
08-06-2013, 08:29 PM
After a long wait (I placed my order on February 28th), I arrived home this evening to be greeted by two very large boxes from Magma Engineering. It's Christmas at my house..... :bigsmyl2: