View Full Version : UPS brought my first reloader today

03-23-2013, 05:33 PM
First I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for the informative posts, kindly pm's and genial atmosphere of the forum. Well the big brown truck came today so me and the boys took a break from house building and I let them open the box. Over the past couple of weeks we have been shooting and talking alot about gun safety. They also have been helping me sort wheel wts Ive been picking up- Charlie my 7 y/o has quite a good ear for checking them. We also have been going over the anatomy of a cartridge and the functions of the parts.

I've told them what the lead was for and explained that we would soon be making bullets and reloading ammunition. Now they didnt know what all was in the box but they knew the stuff meant we' d be doing something. Generally as long as we are doing something together then they like whatever it is just fine.

03-23-2013, 05:38 PM

03-23-2013, 05:42 PM
Pard, you are doing it right. you and your sons are gonna have a lot of fun loading and shooting together.

03-23-2013, 06:55 PM
Great to see the young ones smiling with reloading equipment in there hands! That reminds me of me and my pop when I was just a young lad. Don't let it fade away if ya can help it.

03-23-2013, 07:40 PM
When my oldest was about 3 I took him to the hardware store with me to pick up some things. A gray haired fellow asked me, "Is he a good helper?". To which I replied " Well, he wants to help and trys". The fellow smiled and said, "I had sons, and when they were too little to do much they wanted nothing more than to be a help. When they got big enough to be actually helpful, they wanted nothing more than to find somewhere else to be". I know what's coming. It's been that way since the dawn of man I imagine. I guess all I can do is just try to do the best I can to teach them about God, instill a good work ethic, and how to take care of themselves and the family they'll hopefully someday have - while I still hold some sway over them. I guess that's what being a Dad is - doing the best you can while you are able.

03-23-2013, 07:42 PM
Congratulations to the tres hombres.

03-23-2013, 08:14 PM
Congratulations! My boy is 8 months and he gets so excited when my wife comes out to the workshop for a visit. I can't wait till I can teach him what I'm doing. I remember my first attempts at doing what my Daddy did. I got hold of some finishing nails and found some bark that I peeled off a rotted log. My dad came home to find me extremely frustrated that I wasn't having any luck on my project! My nails wouldn't hold. The wood was always splitting! That's when he got out some real boards and gave me my first hammer. Good memories!

03-23-2013, 08:26 PM
A great father you are. Nothing better you can do the instill as many hobbies as you can while they're young.

03-23-2013, 09:14 PM
That is an awesome pic phsychic! Start em young and they will be hooked for life!

You are one fine Dad!

03-23-2013, 10:05 PM
Fine looking boys, I know they will be glad to help reload some ammo. Shooting is one of my 3 girls favorite things to do, We shoot reclaimed golf balls, They have alot of fun watching them bounce away.

03-23-2013, 11:06 PM
No, not the best or the worst. Just trying to keep it between the ditches.

@ USMC87 - I've never heard of shooting golf balls. What do you shoot 'em with and how many "lickens before they quit tickin'"? But most importantly, how do they taste? :)

03-24-2013, 01:41 AM
Shootin golf balls is a blast. They are my main targets when shooting 22 pistols.

03-24-2013, 09:51 AM
You've got a couple great lookin' loading/shooting buddies there. You're a lucky man indeed. Keep them as close as you can, because there'll unfortunately come a time when they start getting other interests and you won't have the activities together. I see the big guy already has his Texas tennis shoes on. ;-)

03-24-2013, 10:54 AM
Charlie (7) is the big guy, he will do just about anything for you.... well except stay clean :) Alex (6) he too will do just about anything, but usually only under "threat of pain". Last spring I gave each of the boys enough sweet corn seed to hand plant 3 - 80' rows. Charlie zipped right along while Alex salted the seeds with his tears claiming torture all the while. He got to learn a lesson that day about the difference in what you want to do and what you have to do. This year I had em split up about 500 onions to plant - Much less fuss, they do sure like to see the stuff grow.

03-24-2013, 11:08 AM
That's great, psychicrhino, my boy loves to help me (if it's something he wants to do), and my little girl would love to, but she needs some time to grow yet. BUT, even at less than 2 she helps pick up brass!

First things first... READ that Lyman manual, and then read it again SLOWER!

Then come here with your questions (you will have some).


03-24-2013, 11:17 AM
My daughter helped me by positioning subcaliber bullets for seating. She was three or four at the time and kept reminding me not to pinch her fingers. I never did, just my own. She is grown now and still remembers helping me and the tall bar stool she used to help me with.

Take care


Lloyd Smale
03-25-2013, 07:44 AM
Made me think back to when i got my first one. Cars still came with am radios, there was no ups and the mail man walked his route. I bought a lyman spar T starters kit that was simular the the lee kit you bought. I think it was 70 bucks at that time which was a fair amount of money. It probably would translate to about 500 bucks today. Real cool that your sons are allready showing an interest.

03-25-2013, 09:56 PM
We put the golf balls about 20 yards away and I load the pink 22 crickets and watch the girls make the balls fly and bounce away. We shoot the balls about 4 or 5 times before they give out, Them 22's sure make a golf ball swell up on impact. We just find more and shoot em up. Golf balls are small and make them take carefull aim so not to miss, even though they miss alot.

03-26-2013, 10:10 AM
My 7 and 10YO enjoy loading with me. As a matter of fact my 10YO wnated to help out last night when I was loading some .32 S&W-L. I knocked it out though. Next time. They like seating and crimping, and shooting of course.

country gent
03-26-2013, 10:35 AM
My kids are all grown and out of the house. But we always did everything together. From building their sandbox, Home improvements. reloading, working on the cars, trucks and lawnmowers. Fishing hunting and walks in the parks and woods. Its alot of fun to see them learn and even more fun to see what catches their attention on any given day, fishing is great for that. Spent almost2 hours one day trying to catch a frog with a barbless fly for her to see up close. I could have taken the boys Pinewood derby car into work and cut it out on cnc equipment but that would have ruined the fun. We went to a friends borrowed his Bridgeport and the boy got his first lesson in machining. Boy did my friend and laugh and enjoy watching him follow the lines we laid out.My Daughters were the same only diffrent projects somewhat. But a call to any of them to go shooting with me gets their attention.My first Grandson is 16 months old now and he has an old stevens favotite 22 rimfire waiting for him here and a little fishing pole. This summer we will be hitting the local ponds for bluegills and such. Bet there will be alot of frog muskrat woodchuck and other talks as things catch his attention. Learning to support the wildlife and respect it is a big part of growing up.
Dont always give kids things you know they can do, give them a challenge then show them you have confidence in them. Thats how they grow and learn. Support them and be there. My wife shot NRA High power with me. for awhile muy oldest daughter did too. My son also has shot with me my middle daughter learned enough to be safe but no real intrest so we did other things. ( Dad helping her crochet had to be something to see). I am a single father My wife was killed in a car accident so I had to do it all. My middle daughter is now talking about buying her first firearm, not so much for target shooting but home defense.
Let the kids help let them get dirty clothes and kids clean up pretty good still. Give them things to do that they can see the help they are providing to you. Talk to them explain to them answer their questions. Tease them joke with them treat them as a friend and companion. Remeber they are learning everything as they go what we take for granted as everyday they are just figuring out.

03-26-2013, 12:23 PM
As kids grow past elementary school age they become more adult and less child each day. It is difficult to witness as a parent, but it is the way of the world. Kids may not seem to listen to much that you say, but rest assured that they watch EVERY thing you do. Many of their life choices are made by virtue of these observations.

All that said......your picture is one precious keepsake! A copy would be over my loading bench, for sure.