View Full Version : It Was Just A Matter of Time...

03-22-2013, 08:21 PM
well, we all knew this would happen sooner or later...
March 14th, 2013


A local man was arrested in downtown Floyd late Wednesday night on multiple charges. A resident of Floyd County who's name has not been released , was charged with willful destruction of county property, drunk and disorderly conduct, discharging a firearm in city limits, assault with a firearm and armed robbery.
According to statements from witnesses, about 9:00 PM, the suspect got out of his truck in front of the Floyd County Courthouse with a shotgun and proceeded to shoot at the windows of the courthouse, destroying several of the windows, fixtures and furniture inside the offices.

The suspect got back in his truck and left the scene. He was next seen at the Mexican Restaurant about a block away. Witnesses there said he entered the restaurant with a shotgun and announced his intentions of robbery. When confronted by the manager, the suspect slurred something incoherent, took the money that was handed him by the cashier and stumbled out of the door. The manager called the Floyd County sheriff's Office to report the robbery.

Sheriff's Deputy responded to the call and began searching for the suspect. The suspect was found unconscious on the sidewalk of North Main Street in front of the Hardware Store across the street from the courthouse. He was taken into custody and transported to the County Regional Jail facility where he was charged and incarcerated.

Because the suspect was inebriated and incoherent, his hearing was held in his absence. His bail was set at $500,000 and he remains incarcerated. A trial date is yet to be set. The suspect's name has not been released because at the time of the arrest, he was not carrying any identification.

When asked about this incident, the Sheriff replied "I know who he is, I just can't say right now. I knew this was going to happen, it was just a matter of time. All this damage is going to cost the county a lot of money."

Jim wants to know if any of you guys want to help with bail? Me? I am debating whether to sell all the firearms and cut my losses or go with the "I never saw that man in my life" option.

03-22-2013, 08:30 PM
If he ate a burrito at the Mexican place, just wait for the sheriff to lower his bail.

Circuit Rider
03-22-2013, 08:38 PM
Sounds like PTOD to me. Post Traumatic Obama Disorder. CR

03-22-2013, 08:42 PM
If your joking I'll say, sell the guns, pay the bail and keep whats left of the money . If you serious I'll say, sell the crappy guns, keep the money and have some fun. ??

Love Life
03-22-2013, 08:44 PM
I got Jim's back. I'll chip in on bail, but only because you hooked me up with the sweet potato donut recipe. :smile:

03-22-2013, 08:55 PM
I kinda like what I have seen posted by both of you. So I will see what I can add to his bail.

But if he brewed/distilled whatever he was drinking, see about selling the recipe to a commercial outfit. Should cover court costs and reparations to the courthouse. :)

03-22-2013, 08:56 PM
Are you saying that our Jim had a 'cool hand Luke' moment?

03-22-2013, 08:58 PM
I'll kick in $5 towards the bail and a pint of good bourbon to help with the hangover.

03-22-2013, 09:16 PM
I thought he was waiting for the posse to show up to go do that..
was this just a trial run?
I bet George is behind all this.

Love Life
03-22-2013, 11:38 PM
Let Jim know that Myself and a group of individuals with questionable backgrounds are on the way to bust him out. We just need an address, a sackful of Krystals with cheese, and a case of COORS light.

03-23-2013, 12:15 AM
I will kick in on the bail. My check will start with a 5, but it wont have near as many zeros as you posted! :) Tell Jim that I would'a been there with him but he never let me know when it was goin' down. LOL

Idaho Mule
03-23-2013, 12:17 AM
I once went from Idaho to Florida to help a friend, got it done, but Florida ain't used to having Idaho cowboys come invading them. If you truly need help and Jim needs help just say so. Gotta be a little closer than that run to Palatka was. Keep us posted. JW

03-23-2013, 12:24 AM
I gotta agree with runfiverun that George somehow was involved in all this. We've heard about that renegade.

square butte
03-23-2013, 04:01 AM
I can tell that a week off did Janet a world of good.

03-23-2013, 04:21 AM
I'm in, when a friend is in need it don't matter why.

41 mag fan
03-23-2013, 07:27 AM
What'd he order at the Mexican restaurant??

03-23-2013, 08:24 AM
well, we all knew this would happen sooner or later...
March 14th, 2013


A local man was arrested in downtown Floyd late Wednesday night on multiple charges. A resident of Floyd County who's name has not been released , was charged with willful destruction of county property, drunk and disorderly conduct, discharging a firearm in city limits, assault with a firearm and armed robbery.

Dang! This doesn't look good for Jim. Reminds me of a similar incident that happened on my model railroad many moons ago. The 1/87 scale character involved was eventually hung off the bridge that spanned "Crippled Dog Creek", which was actually a knee deep ditch. Took eight attempts of "Hanging" to do the deed, as each time he was tossed off the bridge, he merely bounced and thrashed around in the muddy water because the rope was too long. By the sixth attempt, he was a hollering about being cold, wet and his knees and feet hurting from hitting the bottom so many times. On the eighth try, he was so wound up and ornery that he simply wrapped the rope around his own kneck and strangled himself right there on the bridge! After many opportunities of "Final Words", he made the eternal mistake of sassing the hanging judge's mother, the lady folk of the town and a local gunsmith. In a fit of revenge, they simply buried him under the busiest train crossing in town so he'd never get no peace. Yep, this don't look good for our Jim.

Here's the character in question, he drove a truck too:

Bad Water Bill
03-23-2013, 08:35 AM
What'd he order at the Mexican restaurant??

Beef and bean burrito with extra black beans, hot peppers and a hacksaw blade on the side.

03-23-2013, 08:36 AM
Please tell me your only joking.:shock:. I'll feeling quite sad if this really happened to one of our Cast Boolit friends

03-23-2013, 08:40 AM
I got dibs on his lead stash....

03-23-2013, 08:59 AM
They took me to see the judge yesterday afternoon. When it was all over, I asked the judge "So, your honor, how's the still comin' along?"

I was notified shortly thereafter that all charges have been dropped. Sometimes, it's not who ya' know, but WHAT ya' know.

41 mag fan
03-23-2013, 09:02 AM
did he ask you after that if you could deliver an extra 50lbs of corn on his next order???

03-23-2013, 09:14 AM
Sometimes, it's not who ya' know, but WHAT ya' know.

Duly noted Jim. Glad you're off the hook!

03-23-2013, 09:42 AM
did he ask you after that if you could deliver an extra 50lbs of corn on his next order???

I'm not his supplier, I'm his 'Transport Agent'. That's what the folded tarp behind the seat of the truck is for.

03-23-2013, 09:57 AM
Which shotgun did you use and how did it pattern?

03-23-2013, 10:21 AM
So you were fixin some medicine for scottiemom's recover? Had to make sure it was good. Burritos to clear out the 'medicine' taste. Judge should understand that - home brew medicine.

03-23-2013, 10:27 AM
Sorry I missed this, Jim. In the future just know that I won't contribute a dime to your bail, but I'd be happy to drive up and help with the jailbreak.

03-23-2013, 11:19 AM
Ok, now that we know that Jim is Ok, can we talk a little bit about this "sweet potato donut recipe" ??

Love Life
03-23-2013, 11:25 AM
Ok, now that we know that Jim is Ok, can we talk a little bit about this "sweet potato donut recipe" ??

It is magic. Pure magic. My little girl asks for it at least once a month.

03-23-2013, 11:29 AM
just regular potato flour in a donut is,,,,,, how do you describe it?
better would be a shortfall.
waaay better would be about half way there.

03-23-2013, 11:35 AM
Which shotgun did you use and how did it pattern?

The Benelli Super Nova in 12 X 3 1/2" with a 18 1/2" barrel and 3 1/2" #4 lead turkey loads. Easy to handle and a good pattern with plenty of energy to penetrate glass. A short barreled pump is also VERY intimidating.

03-23-2013, 11:54 AM
You got your guns back, right? Otherwise we may shift the jailbreak to the evidence locker.

03-23-2013, 07:32 PM
Ok, now that we know that Jim is Ok, can we talk a little bit about this "sweet potato donut recipe" ??

be happy to share, just let me know!

03-23-2013, 07:40 PM
be happy to share, just let me know!

pm inbound...thanks !!

03-23-2013, 08:50 PM
Glad the judge saw the situation in the light of day.
Decades ago I had the chance to run a load of white lighten liquid south out of NYS. In those days you couldn't push the pedal down far enough to scare me, now there is a limit I will travel. Man that would have made an interesting candle if I had lost control of 50 gallons of white lightening in the trunk and a fire had started. How do you explain that to a cop?

Next time you are tasting for safety sake let Scottiemom lock you in the tool shed till you settle down so to speak.

If you do get in real trouble just might be able to find a few on this side of the Mississippi that understand coming to the aide of a friend so to speak. We are older but that hasn't slowed us down too much on the trigger finger action so to speak. Might even be able to find the old jail busting truck and even get it running if we can figure out how to put the hundred plus gallons of fuel in the tanks, yep fully loaded it has around 600 gallons of fuel for various uses along with propelling it down the road. Have not found a jail yet it can't go through wire means nothing to it, concrete walls 3 feet thick don't slow it down, but then again when you want to stop you need to think about that prospect a few minutes ahead so the engine idles down some. Brakes are ok sometimes then again they have been know to grab early or late dependent on how hard you stomp on them. We can fit 20 good old boys with fixins in the back in comfort if needed we can stuff another 15 in but it gets a might crowded when they are stacked 3 or 4 deep in the back.
The driver is usually me as no one else is nuts enough to take the wheel and push down on the go pedal, might be also I have the lead to push the pedal down as it has some resistance since the last time we used it to help a friend out some dang fellow in a uniform shot at us and as usual we was lucky he could even hit the go truck but I think he may have just left a bullet in the go pedal line as it sure has been a real bear to push since that time. Only thing we have to be careful of how deep any creeks are we cross anything deeper than 15 feet we have to find a way around or across as it gets mighty damp in the go truck if it is any deeper. We can only ford those that are less at around 40 mph as otherwise we make a mess of things around where we cross. Once had a herd of beef cows swimming real hard to find land, so we had to take a dang detour and help them critters out and almost made us late for the festivities.
Well time to go have some milk and cookies since we know you are safe at home, well at home at least you might not be safe yet.

03-23-2013, 10:11 PM
I just read this whole thread. Was this a big inside joke?

03-23-2013, 10:57 PM
How's that saying go......" a good friend will be there to bail you out, but a real friend will be sitting next to you"!

Another missed opertunity in life.

03-24-2013, 01:57 AM
I just read this whole thread. Was this a big inside joke?

Nothing inside about it. In several previous posts, Jim has made mention of having a "Fictitious Day" in Floyd with some activities contrary to the law. Scottiemom just stirred the pot with a news report out of small town U.S.A. Don't fret though, as I bought into it also for a spell. These type of threads are fun to read, as it reminds me of the characters on my model railroad and the hijinks that ensued after I left the train room.