View Full Version : Springtime???

03-19-2013, 10:21 PM
I have decided that different folks have different meanings for springtime.
I also know folks have different ideas of what is fun. lol

I see lots of crazy things, but yesterday 330 miles north of town, I met a motorcycle pulling a trailer. This may not seem that odd, but considering that I had just had to chain up to make it over the pass, it was 9 below zero at the time I met him, and we had a 25 to 30 mph wind blowing and drifting snow to the point visibility was less than 100 feet.

There was another truck in front of me somewhere around a hundred yards (I couldn't see him) and he warned me on the radio that a motorcycle was headed my way. I thought he was joking or dreaming or something, but out of the blow comes a motorcycle. It seems he had come across the ice road from barrow to deadhorse, and was headed south, between where I met him and deadhorse, I ran through temps as low as 25 below along with plenty of wind. lol

I caught up with this cat at coldfoot, and checked out his bike and trailer. It was a 1000 yamahammer with a sprocket almost as big as the rear tire. The tires were close to 6 inches wide and heavily studded. The trailer tires were tiny, maybe 8 inches tall and also heavily studded. The guy said he is just doing this run for FUN. lol

03-19-2013, 11:36 PM
That's a bit shy of "fun" on the enjoyment meter for me, but spring for me certainly isn't what we have had today. 24 hours straight of snow so far.

03-20-2013, 03:51 AM
Don't sound like much "fun" to me. I think I'll keep two doors and a heater on my ride in cold weather, let alone blizzard conditions. I need a hot cupa coffee just thinking about it.

03-20-2013, 03:53 AM
When I was young and crazy I would have done that! Rode an old Earles-fork BMW winter and summer in Boston area for 20+ years running, (1970 thru 1990) Even rode back and forth to NYC area in the snow. Without studs! Not no more.

Sure doesn't feel like spring here on the Ohio, but the buzzards are back, so it can't be long now.

03-20-2013, 10:44 PM
When the weather's too bad for him to ride he just goes to the dentist for a good time.

41 mag fan
03-20-2013, 11:41 PM
Sounds to me he froze his brains and his nuts on that ride!