View Full Version : Need some help..what do I have?

03-19-2013, 08:13 PM
So this is from the same collection that the home made portable loading station came from. I'm new to all this and trying to find out what I have here. It was all VERY well documented as you'll see in the photos, but there are no caliber markings anywhere. Help me fill in the blanks.

I'm thinking this is a core mold for swaging cores, maybe .223? This looks semi homemade. Thoughts?


This die was in the SAS Swaging press. Again, no markings of brand or caliber.


Are these swaging dies also? The one on the left is marked .308 on the top. The only other mark is what looks like a big "C" with a small "H" inside. No markings on the one on the left.


This box also has a small vial of .22lr casings that have been "deheaded" I guess would be the term.


Couple other things not related to Casting or Swaging that I plan to post also for some help on ID'ing...a pistol barrel, and what is probably reproduction rifle sight for something.

03-19-2013, 08:23 PM
First is a core mold.
Others are swage dies but no way to tell what you have for sure without a closer look.
Looks like you might have a derim die for standard press and maybe a set of M dies for Mighty might press.
Too hard to tell with the papers in the way.

03-19-2013, 08:52 PM
thekid76, Hello. The adjustable core mold lets you adjust the weight of the core. The diameter of the holes will tell you the size of the cores. A core for swagging 22 caliber bullets should be around .187 diameter give or take a little.

The Ch die on the left looks like a swagging die for making .308 diameter bullets. It fits in a regular reloading press. You knock the bullet out with a mallet. It could be one of 3 used to make .308 bullets. A core swag die, core seat die, and a point form die.

03-19-2013, 09:05 PM
Thanks for the info guys. If I had someone local who knows this stuff and could look at it in person I'm sure I could find the other 2 dies.

03-19-2013, 09:09 PM
Measured the core mould cavities. ...3/16 ths, so I assume this is a 22 caliber core mould.

Utah Shooter
03-19-2013, 10:22 PM
Photos 1,2 and 3 obviously an adjustable core mold.

Picture 4 a punch holder for your press.

Picture 5 I do not know.

Picture 6 left die is a point form die (perhaps Lachmiller, CH, Pacific or ?) along with a (black die) Corbin de rim die I would assume based on the jacket (under), the fact it is black and the de rim punch located under and to the right of it. Also looks like you have a core seat ejection part (the one with the spring around it) at the very right bottom. I am not sure why there is a spring around it though. I have never seen a seat die with a spring from Corbin. That or it is a punch for picture 3.

Picture 7 is a full setup for either an older SAS (Ted Smith) press or Dave Corbin set (right after he jewed Ted out of his business). I would however say Ted Smith.

Here is a question for you? Where the ram of your press is located, is it threaded? I am going to assume no based on the dies pictured. If that is the case then this IS an SAS setup no doubt about it! The last question is the press green or red?

03-19-2013, 10:38 PM
Thanks for all that info Utah. The SAS press is green. Here's a pic of it.


And the top of the ram is threaded.

Utah Shooter
03-19-2013, 10:40 PM
You are welcome. Is the ram male threaded? I only ask because I am unsure of how the dies pictured in #8 fit the ram. Oh and very left die of photo 7 is another de rim die.

Edit: After looking at your press photo unless there is a die on it at the time the photo was taken I would be curious of how you would attach one of the dies to it. I am going to say majority of the dies in the photos are for .224!

03-19-2013, 10:53 PM
Utah...those pics are kind of dark so it may be hard to see, but the ram is female and the dies in the last couple pics that are smaller ram sized are male threaded. In the pic of the press, it has what is in pics #4 and #5 attached at the time that pic was taken.

Utah Shooter
03-19-2013, 11:00 PM
Oh ok. Sounds right.

Great find though no matter what. How does the inside of the dies look?

03-19-2013, 11:06 PM
They look good..don't see any issues. Now I just need to make sure I can determine what it all is and learn how to use it. :D

03-20-2013, 12:34 AM
Your core mold is probably one of Richard Corbin's: http://rceco.com/MN.asp?pg=products&grp=37

Here is what Dave Corbin's core mold looks like: http://www.corbins.com/lead.htm#cm3

I have one of Richard's core molds and it looks just like the one you have.

Hope this helps.


03-20-2013, 08:08 AM
Yes Fred it does look like a Richard Corbin mould. Thanks for the help.

03-20-2013, 11:57 AM
Sent mail off to Dave at CH to try to see if he could tell me exactly what CH .308 die that is, so we'll see.

03-20-2013, 06:04 PM
He said it's a #105 die...link below:


So now the question is how do i use it? What size lead slug would i used in this? Should anything that fits work?