View Full Version : Possible CBA ML Postal Match

03-18-2013, 02:52 PM
Pat I. of both this site and the CBA is thinking of sponsoring a postal match for CBA members. I.e., you have to be a CBA member for scores to be published in "The Fouling Shot." This is all preliminary, but thus far it looks like 50 yds. offhand with traditional ML'ers (no inlines) with adjustable or fixed (primitive) sights (no aperture sights though). The target itself hasn't yet been decided. If you're interested in this and wish to put in your oar, go here: http://www.castbulletassoc.org/forum...67&forum_id=78

10 ga
03-18-2013, 07:04 PM
thus far it looks like 50 yds. offhand with traditional ML'ers (no inlines) with adjustable or fixed (primitive) sights (no aperture sights though). : http://www.castbulletassoc.org/forum...67&forum_id=78

Geezzzz! That's tough on us old guys! But if I can get there and register I'm in.


03-18-2013, 07:45 PM
Yep, it is a mite difficult for us older fellers, 10ga.! Go over to the link above and tell Pat or PM him here. Thanks!