View Full Version : Stainless steel sink for smelting "pot"?

03-17-2013, 02:12 PM
Try not to laugh, noob trying to think outside the box here.

While searching local sell ads for anything I could use to get into casting, I found a stainless kitchen sink for cheap. I know folks use stainless steel pots, so would a sink work? It's a single bowl, not the dual often found in kitchens, but the bowl is about the size you usually see, so it is large.

I'm wondering if I put it on a stand, and put a turkey fryer burner underneath it, if it could be used as a smelter. It would be a bottom pour if I could hook up something with a valve to the drain.

Someone tell me where I'm out in left field with this idea.:)


03-17-2013, 04:10 PM
The stainless sinks I am familiar with are very thin. If you can weld or know someone who can, I would go with a propane or Freon tank. A valve assy. can be welded in place more easily than adapting one to the sink drain.

03-17-2013, 04:54 PM
The thinness of the metal did concern me a bit.

03-18-2013, 06:10 PM
The large open area will dissipate heat alot quicker than you can put into it with a turkey fryer.. Stick to 12" diameter or less for a turkey fryer unless you're going to use lots of insulation..

03-18-2013, 06:21 PM
Thanks guys, I think I'll nix that idea. I scrounged around and low and behold, packed away in old steamer trunk in the garage was a cast iron dutch oven. Not overly large, but big enough methinks to get me started until I really get a feel for what I need.

I just got home with a used turkey fryer that I picked up for $25. The guy threw in an empty tank that will save me a deposit when I get a full one. In addition, he threw in a pair of well used but serviceable welder's leather arm chaps. I guess you that's what you'd call them.

03-22-2013, 06:55 PM
Wear those chaps... Read it again.. Got it? Wear 'em!

I melted a bunch of scrap lead at one point and was surprised by some condensation.. Got the scar to prove it too.

country gent
03-22-2013, 07:21 PM
Try a weed burner for a heat source most are 50,000 btu or more and really work well. I used one for smelting and with the bigger pot it opened up about half way. With my duth oven I laddle cast from its only open a little bit. I set mine up with2 valves one ahead of the other. One is opened and closed ( on / off) the other regulates burner for controlling heat. Works like a dream.

Lloyd Smale
03-23-2013, 07:42 AM
cant be much thinner then the stainless stock pot i use

03-31-2013, 10:09 PM
Good thing you nixed the sink idea .Unless it is a high end sink the metal is very very thin ! The dutch oven is a much safer and saner way to go .Check around in flea markets and junk stores and you can usually come up with some good finds. Been casting for a while and all my tools and such I either made myself or bought way cheap .For those of you looking burners and cast iron cookware or pots go to www.agrisupply.com Prices are great and shipping is reasonable and they carry stuff you will not find elsewhere