View Full Version : Lyman 45 top punch info needed. Diferent punch, or all bullets??

03-17-2013, 07:15 AM
Hello, I think this is the right forum if not im fine with it being moved...

I have a Lyman 45 Lubersizer. I got it from my dad with other reloading stuff when he pasted away, so sadly I cant ask him. I have molds to cast 358311, and 358495 bullets. I did get two dies with it.. a 358, and one for a 45cal.. but he only had one top punch. That being said, how correct does the top punch need to fit the bullet profile? One one in it has a shallow rounded divit in it. Seems to fit the 311 round nose, and the button nose 495WC bullet fairly well. How exact does this fit need to be? Ive been reading through the stickys on the Lyman 45, but havent realy seen much reference to this. Thanks for any help as I get all my equipment up and running!!

03-17-2013, 07:56 AM
Well, for a somewhat off-the-wall answer to your question....

My moulds now number eighty or more, and my top punches.... I'd be surprised if there are more than twenty in the shop.

I reckon I'm using mis-matched punches more often than not. In practice, I just select a punch that "approximates" the shape needed, without making rings or cuts on the bullet.

One useful stop-gap is a 1/4" bolt mounted head-down as a top punch. Remove any irregularities on the bolt-head with a file or stone, and it will work rather well. A small flat created on the bullet by the bolt-head won't do much harm, if any.