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08-17-2007, 01:50 PM
The guy who said he had plenty of pure bar and sheet lead turned out to have a small quantity of 50/50 bar solder. I asked him about pure lead, and he said he MIGHT be able to do something later, to check with him in a week or so.

This is what Cliff gave me, as "free samples". Now, what do I do with these? I think that is about 3/4 pound of 50/50, both the halfmoon cast and triangular cast welded into longer strips.


Any thoughts? Do I use this to alloy the pure lead 5 pound bar I have laying about? How? Why is the sky blue, and why is Michael Jackson so freakish?

08-17-2007, 03:33 PM
armored, your 5 lb. pure lead is 80 oz. Add 8 oz. 50/50 to make (almost) a 1:20 tin/lead mix like some of the black powder guys use. Or, for an Elmer Keith 1:16 mix, add 10 oz. 50/50.

08-17-2007, 04:07 PM
Elmer Keith mix? I want to cast for 9mm and 38, should the 1:20 mix work well for that, or harder?

08-17-2007, 04:08 PM
Whoops, double post.

08-17-2007, 06:24 PM
The sky is blue because it's a nice color and Michael Jackson is freakish because it's the only job option for a black boy who grows up to be a white woman.

$2 please.

08-17-2007, 08:54 PM
Can you put it on account...on account that I ain't got no money?

08-18-2007, 12:38 AM
You can go as much as 10% tin (20% 50/50) according to Lyman before you run up against the limit of hardening available from tin alone. In the real world softer mixtures can work, depending on your barrel, lube velocity, etc. Now is the time to enter the wonderful world of experimenting with small lots.

08-18-2007, 02:12 PM
Thye sky is blue because of the refractive properties and absorption properties of the gas mix. MJ is a freak because he was an abused child who got so rich so quick that he never got counseling nor ever had to grow up. Therefore his remodeling himself into a white woman.

Yes, I know nobody really wanted answers, but hey, my sense of humor works that way. And it remains my sense of humor because no one will trade theirs for mine....

I have talkd to a local radiator shop, and I am going to go dredge their tank for slag on Monday. Unfortunately, the newer radiators are all plastic and crimped aluminum, so few repairs are via soldering any more.