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03-12-2013, 03:04 PM
I received this in an email. My first thought was to just pass it on to my regular correspondents then I realized it is relevant to all!

Written by a former SFOD-D operator and controversial author of the book "Kill Bin Laden".


Choices, By "Dalton Fury"

One of the more unique things about serving the ranks of Delta Force
is that you often find yourself involved in a dog and pony show for
visiting officials, General Officers, or senior administration
officials. During these CAPEXs, or capabilities exercises, you are
given a fast paced intro to the bread and butter tactics, techniques,
and procedures employed by America’s premiere hostage rescue force.
For the assaulters and snipers tagged with CAPEX duty, it’s generally
a pain in the *** as it takes up a good week’s worth of training
having to deal with endless coordination, sequencing, synchronizing,

Yes, there is a certain training value inherent in the rehearsals as
time is spent strapped on the pods of Little Birds, breaching three
story windows from the sky line, or control pairing the eye orbit of
multiple targets as you move to points of domination.

However, individual and team training isn’t the objective during these
CAPEXs. No, the only objective is to jam pack enough pipe-hitting
commando stuff, refined and synchronized to a nanosecond, into an hour
or so, for one specific reason - to ensure that the VIPs walk away
having never seen anything like it. It has to leave a mark on each
VIP’s psyche. It’s loud – live bullets and breaches - up close, and
entirely educational for senior military and civilian leaders who
likely have heard about Delta Force, but who may not necessarily
understand it. They have to understand that if they ever find
themselves in harm’s way, particularly if their Embassy or US
Consulate is overrun or they are sitting on the runway in a
terrorist-controlled jumbo jet, then they know who to call for help.

I recall vividly standing on a bus addressing the crowd of VIPs when
Crapshoot and his team assaulted the hostage holding tube.
Newly-starred Stan McChrystal was “rescued”, cloaked quickly with
armor and Kevlar, and placed into the belly of a Little Bird in the
middle of the road directly off the nose of the bus. Of course,
McChrystal knew very well the capabilities of the Unit, but the other
two dozen new General Officers not so much.

The secret service detail of then-SECDEF Donald Rumsfeld shied away
from letting us “rescue” the Secretary, but he had a front row seat
when one of his senior staffers was repatriated in under 30 seconds
from X to exfil.

In all those CAPEXs, for all those American General Officers, freshman
Congressmen, or senior administration officials, I don’t recall one
time ever being briefed on what political party they were from, what
their personal stance on hot button issues was, or whether or not they
were even pro-military. As far as we knew, they were all 100%
pure-blooded American citizens that valued our hard fought freedoms
and honored, respected, and protected the Constitution of the United
States of America as much as we were willing to die to rescue them
from someone that would do them harm.

Of course, like every other serviceman or woman, we raised our right
hand and took an oath “to defend the Constitution of the United States
against all enemies, foreign and domestic”. An enlisted service member
takes the oath below. An officer takes about the same oath,
specifically the “enemies, foreign and domestic part”.

“I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and
defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies,
foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to
the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the
United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me,
according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So
help me God.”

When planning a hostage rescue, we didn’t know if the hostage ever ran
around on their spouse, beat their old lady, were dead-beat Dads, or
leaned extreme right or left on the political spectrum. We needed a
name and a simple face pic for PID, any meds he or she might need, and
a few jackpot questions to ensure we had the right precious cargo. If
they were paying attention, they learned back at the CAPEX that if we
ever had the opportunity to run into each other again to not be a
hero, don’t go for a gun, and do as you’re told. We didn’t ask them if
they were pro-2nd Amendment, would ever hypothetically vote to prevent
one of us who might suffer from PTSD in the future from legally owning
a firearm, or might vote to raise our Tricare Premiums one day.

It’s been about eight years since I had the privilege to participate
in those CAPEXs and I can only assume that the current operators feel
the same way we did about those events. Get it done, high standard,
and forget about it. However, given the long list of mind-boggling
issues and events that have captured the attention of our entire
nation, I wonder if they feel the same blind allegiance to the
visiting dignitaries that we did.

When our government secretly provides weapons to Mexican drug cartels
from 2006 to 2011 that end up being used against our own law
enforcement and Border Patrol agents, then hide the facts from the
American people, led by the President declaring Executive Privilege,
for their political survival, I can’t help but wonder.

When our State Department and President blatantly hide the facts, even
six months later, about the terrorist attack in Benghazi on 11
September, 2012 that left four Americans dead, including sitting US
Ambassador Christopher Stevens and two former Navy SEALs, I can’t help
but wonder.

When dozens of elected officials across the country work to limit the
peoples’ right to bear arms and sponsor legislature to dilute our 2nd
Amendment rights, I can’t help but wonder.

When our political leaders on both sides can’t come to an agreement
before Sequestration kicks in that, among other things, furloughs our
Armed Services civilian employees (while giving the Muslim Brotherhood
controlled Egyptian government $450 million dollars) and, most
recently, ended Tuition Assistance for our service members (while
Illegal Aliens can apply for state financial aid), I can’t help but

When 9/11 happened, I was halfway through my Master’s Degree using
Military Tuition Assistance. I never felt the military owed it to me,
but simply sacrificed my down time and took advantage of it. When I
deployed, I knew my wife and kids were prepared to legally protect
themselves with a firearm should some whack job try to harm them or if
he simply decided he had to have something he didn’t currently own.
The studying could wait, but things have certainly changed.

Is it outrageous to consider that a Tier One operator might be called
upon to risk his life to save a US government official who may have
voted to eliminate his wife’s ability, or the wives of his mates, to
own an AR-15 rifle to protect herself and her children when her
husband is deployed?

I talked to a former member of SEAL Team 6 the other day that used the
term “self-preservation” when discussing the current mind set of many
Tier One operators. Generally, it struck me as odd, as that term never
entered our thought process in my time. But after discussing it some
more, and understanding how the two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq
validated, or corrected, many of our long held assumptions about war
fighting, I could see his point. Very clearly, in fact.

Ten plus years of war and it just doesn’t make much sense to be in too
big of a hurry when clearing a target. Unless it’s a hostage situation
where the principles of surprise, speed, and violence of action still
hold true, what’s the hurry? Why lead with a nine banger when you’ve
humped all those mini-frags to the target?

But, the change in tactics wasn’t what struck me; it’s the change in
mind set. Like anything controversial, self-preservation cuts both
ways. Of course, I can’t speak for any other operator, but I
personally wonder about my thought process if I happened to still be
operational, faced with a hostage rescue of an elected official who
thumbed his or her nose at our Constitution that we both swore to
protect, and put my family or my mates’ families in potential danger.
Certainly these elected officials, prime targets for terrorists around
the world, make their decisions with their own political
self-preservation in mind or based on their personal opinion. I hope,
should the unthinkable happen, that these officials will remember, no
later than thirty seconds out, what they were told back at the CAPEX.
It’s the most assurance they’ll get about self-preservation when the
boys arrive.

As for me, after seeing our country and principles deteriorate and our
Constitution stepped on over the last six years or so, I now know that
I am definitely not the operator that a few of our elected officials
should be depending on for repatriation.


"So look up ahead at times to come, despair is not for us. We have a
world and more to see, while this remains behind."
~ Col. James N. ''Nick'' Rowe

Case Stuffer
03-12-2013, 03:29 PM
Thank you for sharing. It has come to my attation that many who were on the road to being lifers have changed their minds and are exiting the Armed Forces.

Close to twenty years ago a rather well connected political party member who was a very close friend of my empolyer at the time in private once brought up a what if question. He knew I had served in VN and knew full well my feeling about that conflict and the political atmospher before during and after it. His question was along the lines of what if a group of vets were provided the necessities would they be interested in righting a few wrongs?

I sincerely hope and pray with all of my being that this country is not in for another civil war. I had enough war in 365 days to last me several lifetimes and then was unfornute enough to be part of a ready alert force (after serving in Nam )during the civil rights demonstrations. When exactly is enough enough , when one is no more earthly bound?

41 mag fan
03-12-2013, 03:31 PM
He does have it spot on. The constitutions been stepped on, stepped over and completely ignored for actually the last 30 yrs. It's a snowball effect that's picking up steam, esp with this *** we have in office now.
The elected officials in the last 20 yrs, have went from working together to a focus on one thing and one thing only. They'll bring down the other party to just get the top seat in the gov't.
These elected officials in the last 20 yrs have went from working to make the U.S. a better place, to making it despised throughout the world, running up a debt that can never be repaid, but will cause the collapse of the U.S. and world economies.

The people of this country, not all of them but a growing majority, have the mindset they are owed something by this world, it should be handed to them on a golden plate, and they shouldn't have to work to earn it.

Between the elected officials, and the mindset of freebies anymore, why would someone risk their life, or the lives of their squad to rescue someone who has a self contempt for what this great nation was founded on and for??

For what we have in office now, whether it be the Legislative, Executive, or Judicial branches, I'd rather see them in the grave than rescue them, or protect them for that matter.
Only thing I would protect is the constitution and this country. I'd gladly give these officials to our enemies, reelect a new congress and POTUS, have an election of the judiciary, and give a warning....follow the constitution, love this country like the founding fathers did, work for the people, not for your own pocket, or theres hungry sharks in the ocean, and you'll be replaced.

One thing that is going to happen, is there's going to be a civil war, those of us that work, regard the constitution as absolute, and are fiscally conservative, against those who want entitlements, a progressive constitution, and a very far left mindset

03-12-2013, 03:51 PM
Very, Very good read. Thanks for sharing.

03-12-2013, 06:38 PM
It makes me sad to see things like this .In my land. I do know it is coming down. And i will have to fight one more time.Just think about it guys .i hate it so bad as i know you guys do to.but i feel im worth my salt and I will stand up.It is just so sad that i will have to do it over guns the one thing i do care about .And intend to keep.i think i will keep my guns and the libs can have there dope and *** marriage and all the other sicko things they like .but they don't need to push me to hard.Im about fed up with the whole thing.All i want is be left alone and let me be free.To be happy let my grand kids be free and happy .is that to much to ask for.

03-12-2013, 08:38 PM
""".All i want is be left alone and let me be free.To be happy let my grand kids be free and happy .is that to much to ask for."""
Me thinks you dont really want to hear thier answer to that question.

03-12-2013, 08:59 PM
Well, we took an oath and I, for one, will remain faithful to it.
I remember quite well being told that "we salute the uniform, not the man".
Whether or not the "person of interest" is willing to accept the responsibility of his office is of no regard to me; duty and my honor will always come first.

smoked turkey
03-12-2013, 09:43 PM
hiram1, unfortunately you speak the truth. I have though a lot about it. I too have come to the conclusion that I will fight to protect my family and what I have. From my cold dead hands......

03-14-2013, 06:43 PM
".....that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States, and of the Officers appointed over me..." has been an integral part of the oath, and is the backbone of our military chain of command. Questioning the legitimacy of orders from that chain of command has never been an option for our military. Historically though, we participated in the executions of senior officers and leadership figures of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan following WW2. Their defense was " we were just following orders". The retort was that they were unlawful orders.

We are now at a point in time when our military might have to make make a choice between unquestioned obedience to their oath which until now has served us well, versus allegiance to the Constitution and the nation exclusive of a criminal leadership. The dilemma posed by such a choice is most unsettling. Adherence to civilian control of the military has protected our nation from coup attempts by a rogue military. Making such a choice poses the potential for a civil war within and without the military.

I have asked some field grade military officers (O-5 and O-6) of my acquaintance a hypothetical question that if martial law were politically imposed(NDAA), would they authorize deadly force against their fellow Americans if so ordered. Most said no, but a some said yes, they would follow those orders. I was not reassured. At this point in our history we are most definitely entering "uncharted waters". One thing that is certain is that no one can envision the outcome once "the genie has been released from the bottle". The absolute certainty is that the end results will most likely be too horrible to imagine.

03-14-2013, 07:00 PM
One who has read the history of the conversion of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire can envision an outcome.

03-14-2013, 07:19 PM
One who has read the history of the conversion of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire can envision an outcome.

Yes, as a reader of history you can envision AN outcome but not necessarily THE OUTCOME. The actual results of conflict are frequently quite different from those that were anticipated.

Rafe Covington
03-14-2013, 07:40 PM
Thank you for sharing. It has come to my attation that many who were on the road to being lifers have changed their minds and are exiting the Armed Forces.

Close to twenty years ago a rather well connected political party member who was a very close friend of my empolyer at the time in private once brought up a what if question. He knew I had served in VN and knew full well my feeling about that conflict and the political atmospher before during and after it. His question was along the lines of what if a group of vets were provided the necessities would they be interested in righting a few wrongs?

I sincerely hope and pray with all of my being that this country is not in for another civil war. I had enough war in 365 days to last me several lifetimes and then was unfornute enough to be part of a ready alert force (after serving in Nam )during the civil rights demonstrations. When exactly is enough enough , when one is no more earthly bound?

I served in VN, would fight a Civil War in heartbeat to help preserve this nation and the peoples God given rights. If it comes to helping preserve peoples rights and this nation then it NEVER enough. I can only speak for myself, if need be I will fight to the death to save this nation from its enemies, both foreign and domestic.
