View Full Version : Primers ,wonder how bad the backlog really is?

Case Stuffer
03-12-2013, 10:07 AM
I am on Notify Me when available list and my guess is many others are also. After being on many sid list for well over a moth SAt. afternoo I received an email but was not aare for almost 3 hours and they were all gone. So this mornin 3 days later Ireceived anothe email and responded to it in less than 1 hour after it was sent. Guess what they were all gobe again.

This got me to thinking,say a dealer has 1,000,000 active customers and 1/10 or 100,000 of them are on such Notify list and the supplier receives a shipment of say 500,000 primers ( 1,000 X 5, 000) they would sell out when only one percent of the Notify list responded. This means that unless one has a smart phone and responds within seconds they are up the creek witout a paddle and even they may be notified afte they are all gone.

The addational cost of the Hazmat on orders is also making the situation a lot worse,IMO. I would be content to order a mere 1K now and another 1K in a few weeks or even perhaps a couple of months from now but has mat doubles cost on 1K.

Same issue with powder and hazmat. About six weeks ago I ordered a 8 lb. canaister of powder that wa not even my first ,second or third choice but was available. With luck Fedx will deliver the powder today. Extremely trying times to be a reloader and yes I know I should have purchased 50 pounds of powder,50,000 primers and 20,000 rounds of .22 LR last summer but I did not and neither did many others.

We may need to form unofficial Co Ops for group buys and the ability to trade primer,powdes, ec. among ourself. Not really a new idea as members of gun clubs I belonged to in th pastdd thatfrequently nd even invited othe membes over to use our progrssve relodes, casting / sizing equipment etc..

03-12-2013, 11:46 AM
I agree. Purchasing things online adds to the situation. I would not pay a hazmat fee for 1K primers and a pound of powder. My internet purchases are large so I save money.

03-12-2013, 12:04 PM
Sad thing is the Hazmat doesn't actually buy anything apart from lining the pocket of shipping companies (IMHO)

03-12-2013, 01:35 PM
we can thank stupid government regulations on the hazmat fees....never figured out why powder and primers require hazardous material handling fees, yet loaded ammunition doesn't.

Case Stuffer
03-12-2013, 01:49 PM
I agree ,my first exposure to hazmat fees was around 25 years ago. One of my hobbies is radio comtrolled, mostly aircraft(fixed winf ad helis) but also boats and off road trucks. Back then I was paying 10-12 dollars a gallon whn ordered in 4 gal.cases and over night my cost went up by $5 per gallon($20 per case) hazmate fee. In years since I have asked numerious UPS drivers if they were aware of any instances where hazmat services (clean ups) were required and non knew of any.

I have since gone total electric with my RC however ther are all kind of talks / movements under way to greatly restrict shipping of LiPoly batteries which the primary power source for these models. One can no longer ship LiPoly batteries out of the US by USPS and I fear that is only the beginning.

Case Stuffer
03-13-2013, 09:05 PM
I wonder how much the hazmax cost the shippers? Reason I ask is one place I order from charges,$25 ,one $27.50 and one $20.

Perhaps some suppliers are like Ebay seller use to be ,low prices but higher shipping cost.

03-13-2013, 10:26 PM
Yeah they are lining their pockets on our dime but if we want em we have to pay. I had an email about a week ago that said everything should catch up within a year but the way things are going it looks longer than a year.

03-13-2013, 10:46 PM
"We may need to form unofficial Co Ops for group buys and the ability to trade primer,powdes, ec. among ourselves."

I have let everyone here know where to get supplies. First, right after the shootings and then this Tuesday. I figure I am doing my part to help those here get what they need.

I suggest you get with those you shoot with and inquire about items they may have that you need. I have helped out a couple of friends with primers and other items. That's what friends do.

Case Stuffer
03-13-2013, 11:07 PM
Yes I guess I should join the closest gun club which is 30 miles away and cost I believe $250 a year and then perhaps after shooting some matches and some practice range time I might be able to swap some haves for some needs.

Part of the problem is that while enjoyable that also gets to be expensive and I do my shooting at home. One advantage of living out in the country having some acerage. Being retired means having more time than money trips to the range would cost a lot more than a 3 minute walk down in the woods..

03-13-2013, 11:28 PM
i have a haz-mat endorsement on my cdl.
i can assure you the haz-mat charge is warranted by the D.o.t.
just one incident and hopefully the entire shipment is haz-mat charged just to pay the cleanup.
anything haz-mat has special rules as to where you can park,what types of things you can drive past,and how close.
the vehicle has to be attended by a haz-mat driver unless it is parked in a approved type yard.
you also have to load the truck according to the types of materials on the trailer.
so you have to know all the materials going into the trailer and plan your loading accordingly or leave some of the stuff off the truck.

03-13-2013, 11:44 PM
Yes I guess I should join the closest gun club which is 30 miles away and cost I believe $250 a year and then perhaps after shooting some matches and some practice range time I might be able to swap some haves for some needs.

Part of the problem is that while enjoyable that also gets to be expensive and I do my shooting at home. One advantage of living out in the country having some acerage. Being retired means having more time than money trips to the range would cost a lot more than a 3 minute walk down in the woods..

Well, why didn't you just say so up front?

Case Stuffer
03-14-2013, 07:07 AM
Well, why didn't you just say so up front?

Really? .. Sorry you misunderstood my post thus this thread.

I posed a question , provided one or to possible answers for it ,explained my experience with Notify When list to date and provided a possible solution.

03-14-2013, 07:17 AM
I am on Notify Me when available list and my guess is many others are also. After being on many sid list for well over a moth SAt. afternoo I received an email but was not aare for almost 3 hours and they were all gone. So this mornin 3 days later Ireceived anothe email and responded to it in less than 1 hour after it was sent. Guess what they were all gobe again.

This got me to thinking,say a dealer has 1,000,000 active customers and 1/10 or 100,000 of them are on such Notify list and the supplier receives a shipment of say 500,000 primers ( 1,000 X 5, 000) they would sell out when only one percent of the Notify list responded. This means that unless one has a smart phone and responds within seconds they are up the creek witout a paddle and even they may be notified afte they are all gone.

The addational cost of the Hazmat on orders is also making the situation a lot worse,IMO. I would be content to order a mere 1K now and another 1K in a few weeks or even perhaps a couple of months from now but has mat doubles cost on 1K.

Same issue with powder and hazmat. About six weeks ago I ordered a 8 lb. canaister of powder that wa not even my first ,second or third choice but was available. With luck Fedx will deliver the powder today. Extremely trying times to be a reloader and yes I know I should have purchased 50 pounds of powder,50,000 primers and 20,000 rounds of .22 LR last summer but I did not and neither did many others.

We may need to form unofficial Co Ops for group buys and the ability to trade primer,powdes, ec. among ourself. Not really a new idea as members of gun clubs I belonged to in th pastdd thatfrequently nd even invited othe membes over to use our progrssve relodes, casting / sizing equipment etc..

Have you beat... I was on the notify list on Midway USA and on last Tuesday I was notified that primers were in stock. In approximately 5 minutes after receiving the email, I went to their website and they were already sold out. I sent them a "I'm unhappy" note and never heard anything else.

Case Stuffer
03-14-2013, 07:23 AM
i have a haz-mat endorsement on my cdl.

Thanks but that does not really answer

I wonder how much the hazmax cost the shippers? Reason I ask is one place I order from charges,$25 ,one $27.50 and one $20.

Most powder and primer deliveries here in the USA are by FedX ground or UPS . From talking to a few drivers I have know over the past 30 plus years of having hazmat material delivered to my door non are aware of any instance where there was a hazmat incident which called for a clean up.

EPA as many know are brain dead and serve not real purpose other than to piss good folk off ,much the same as gun gtrabbers.

Friend of mine a fellow Ham worked for the FCC in local office electronic engineer type ,helped design and build their then new remote based / controled monitoring equipment . Their office had a tool shead with a push lawn mower for the purpose of cuting their lawn. EPA inspector came around on routine look see and found a half can of 30 wt. oil in the shead with no top on it and thus he reported it and they were fined. Big boss at that office got pissed off , sold the lawn more and yard hand tools and bid out grounds maintaiance to a lawn care service.

Great job EPA, 16 oz. of 30 wt.(even if it did spill) is not a nuke melt down site ,there is more leaked oil at most any Atuto parts store weekly. Gov. fineing the Gov. which is just another way of saying us fining us and I feel like I have been fined (taxed) enough. Sixty eight years young and still have to pay school tax ,one and only son (child) is 33.

tomme boy
03-14-2013, 01:00 PM
I used to work at a company that made over 1/2 of their goods were hazmat designated. I asked the shippers one day what was charged to our company for hazmat charges. They told me that there were NO charges. They printed out a separate paper that went went with the shipper.

I talked to my dealer one day to have him order a pound of varget for me the next time they ordered their powder. He told me he could have it here the next day. I then asked him if he was making a big order as the hazmat was $$$$. He then tells me that the distributor that he gets his powder and primer from does not charge him the hazmat. Might be why he charges pre-Obama prices on powder and primers. This was last June as a time frame. He can't get anything right now.

So, take that for what it is worth. The company I worked for shipped 2 semi containers each day of hazmat. I know we got very reduced shipping charges. UPS might have waived the charges I don't know. I used to shipp all of my firearms and parcels from there as it was cheaper than USPS flat rate boxes.

03-14-2013, 08:00 PM
Have you beat... I was on the notify list on Midway USA and on last Tuesday I was notified that primers were in stock. In approximately 5 minutes after receiving the email, I went to their website and they were already sold out. I sent them a "I'm unhappy" note and never heard anything else.

Bonz, I was on the same notification but was having a stress test done when I got the e-mail, so got it an hour later. Amazing how fast this one sold out again. I found a local shop that has small magnum pistol primers. I bought 1000 as I don't have any SPP, might just go back and buy some more and work up a load with them so I can shoot some more.

03-15-2013, 01:09 AM
I've been slowly stocking up on primers and powder since last time this happened. I have enough lead, primers, and powder to last 10-15 years if necessary. With the amount I shoot, I'll be fine. I might like to have some certain powders for rifles, but, I can make due. Lead and primers are no issue.