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View Full Version : recovering range lead?

03-11-2013, 02:47 AM
So the snow seems to be heading out up here in the north. Meaning the ranges are going to ne opening back up for the season. How or should i say is thr best way to go about reclaiming that sweet range lead with the hill being mud now. Do i fill a pail and clean it or wait till it dries?

03-11-2013, 05:26 AM
i will be lead mining in michigan next week. i have a frame of 2x4's with metal wire nailed to it for sifting.
thankfully where i will be working it is all sand :)

for your purposes filling a pail and letting a hose run into it will clean most of it.
however i imagine you could throw it in the pot and start cooking. i dont think any contaminents that would melt around 650 would change alloy at all. mostly just work as flux.

i am sure some of the more experienced members will give ya a better reply, but those are my thoughts

03-11-2013, 05:37 AM
IMHO, Plowed up snow makes a perfect back stop for all shooting during the winter months. Less than 6' of plowed up snow bank will stop any fired projectile including my 50BMGs those being armor piercing. I use snow banks all winter long as back stops, my drive way is conveniently 300 foot long, and I use it in the winter on occasion as a range. I also have a 27 yard range in the turn around portion of my drive way.

When our snow melts I can simply pick the boolitz up off the ground flattened grass before the grass begins to grow. Very simple and efficient.


41 mag fan
03-11-2013, 08:03 AM
So the snow seems to be heading out up here in the north. Meaning the ranges are going to ne opening back up for the season. How or should i say is thr best way to go about reclaiming that sweet range lead with the hill being mud now. Do i fill a pail and clean it or wait till it dries?

If you got access to a hose, i'd build a box, with a small screen bottom, put a few shovel fulls in wash with hose till fairly clean. Otherwise it's best to wait till its dry.

03-11-2013, 08:05 AM
If it's in mud let it dry then go mine. If you can't wait, wash it down with a hose first and if you have a lot of the back stop material you may want to consider returning it so the managers of the range will not stop people from mining. I always take and rake out the entire hangun birm (six lanes) when I finish so it looks neat.

03-11-2013, 08:37 AM
I will be doing much berm mining this summer. I wait til it is dry, mud isnt worth dealing with. Unless you have competition in mining those bullets will still be there this summer.

03-11-2013, 11:58 AM
Our range has chirt backstops. I tried washing off boolits but it was too much trouble. I could pick up boolits. It is far easier to wait until it is dry and sift the dirt off

03-11-2013, 12:44 PM
if you are gonna mine mud you might as well get a riffle box set-up and just run everything through that.
recirculate the water,and trap the mud on the bottom to put back on the hill.