View Full Version : What I think will happen from all this buying

03-10-2013, 07:10 PM
I went & looked at Gun Broker.I have NEVER seen so many guns for sale EVER in my ole life.
They had almost 600 page,s of guns for sale, & all way over priced.I see these people buying
up stuff they could never sell & the bottom falling out of the gun market in the near future.

What are your thoughts?

03-10-2013, 08:20 PM
Exactly! I have bought a few and I will buy more, but I refuse to do any business with these price gougers.

03-10-2013, 08:28 PM
explain to me how it is price gouging to put an item up for auction,do they somehow force
people to bid

03-11-2013, 12:34 AM
Well I saw 500 9mm polished cases go for $67 tonight so the morons aren't out of money yet. :drinks:

03-11-2013, 02:14 PM
Same thing happened in 08. Junior is gonna need a T Ball uniform, or taxes are gonna have to get paidor the ol lady is gonna find out how much money was spent and the guns will be sold. That is fact.

03-11-2013, 02:29 PM
explain to me how it is price gouging to put an item up for auction,do they somehow force
people to bid

+1 - AFAIK, no one's forcing anybody to bid ( "a fool & his money are soon parted" :D ).

03-11-2013, 05:50 PM
Well I saw 500 9mm polished cases go for $67 tonight so the morons aren't out of money yet. :drinks:
I got a bucket of 9mm that i do not use think I will run them through the tumbler and put them up for auction and see what happens.

03-11-2013, 06:09 PM
I'm hoping it means there's a point where demand drops off and there's a huge supply. Not like I could buy anything at the moment anyway so I've no choice but to wait. :-p

03-11-2013, 06:34 PM
I waited out the madness the last time and I will this time too. It's the new shooters/reloaders that are trapped in this though. For them, the prices are high and the availability is between a rock and a hard place. I feel sad for them. james

03-11-2013, 08:27 PM
If the bottom does drop out, I may finally decide to buy an AR after all.

I'm in no rush. If it happens, it happens. If not, I'll find something else to shoot.

03-12-2013, 09:49 PM
+1 - AFAIK, no one's forcing anybody to bid ( "a fool & his money are soon parted" :D ).

Or buy. Now's the time to sell.

03-12-2013, 10:01 PM
I didn't see a bunch of stuff for sale after the last 2 panics blew over... Wishful thinking if you ask me. A gun on the shelf doesn't eat much.

03-12-2013, 10:42 PM
A gun on the shelf doesn't eat much.

"But it sure feeds a bunch." I heard that somewhere.

03-13-2013, 12:02 AM
"The more you pay, the more it's worth" was the old time auctioneers' cry.

03-13-2013, 11:19 AM
Treat it like the stock market. Sell when it is high an buy at the lows.

03-13-2013, 11:53 AM
There are still good deals come along, especially if you are the DIY type. I got a bag full of nice .32 ACP autos, surplus from Europe, because they weren't perfect. A "gee I never bought a gun before but I guess I better oh my!" type needs a new gun with bells and whistles and self-aiming and all that. With gunbroker flooded with everyone trying to feed the "joiners", good deals arise for guns that are less than perfect, but being sold by a business, but crowded by all the chaff.
At least that's what happened for me. I also buy either using saved searched with a routine report (that's a nice feature) and I just bid my max, forget it and let the system work, OR, jump on GB about once every 3-4 monhts and hit the "going going gone" search and see what pops up. There you find the DIY stuff that has been listed and relisted and can gauge when the shop selling it might be interested in a doscounted deal.

Deals are out there, but there sure is a lot of chaff to sift through lately. Patience helps, as does not needing a gun at the time.


Larry Gibson
03-13-2013, 12:55 PM
Took a long time for the prices to come back down after the 1st "assault weapons" ban. They still did not come down to pre ban prices. The prices were coming back down after the 1st Obama election panic but they still were not down to pre election prices. I see once that idots over pay the prices will stay up to a certain degree even after the "panic" buying subsides. I see us paying a lot more in the future because of this......just like with gasoline/diesel.....

A guy out here is breaking down bult boxes of Fed 22LR into 50 round baggies. He is selling them for $14 per 50 and idiots are buying them........

Larry Gibson

Bullet Caster
03-13-2013, 03:21 PM
Just last year I purchased 1018 9mm cases for $25.00/1000. What gives? Why all the madness? Just last week I went to Wally World and there were NO handgun rounds and only .270 and .30-06 rounds on the shelves. I asked if they were getting out of the ammo business and they told me no. They sell out as soon as they come in. I was wanting to stock up on some .22 rf. Not any in any of the stores. They told me they even limit it to 3 boxes per customer. Too bad no one's figured out how to reload rimfire cases.

Guess I'll continue to reload what I have and hope that .22's will be back on the shelves soon. I'm down to only 350 .22's. I cannot fathom 9mm cases have quadrupled. BC

Love Life
03-13-2013, 04:21 PM
I sure hope the prices on the Springfield Socom 16 rifles drop. I really want one of those.

03-13-2013, 07:08 PM
Took a long time for the prices to come back down after the 1st "assault weapons" ban. They still did not come down to pre ban prices. The prices were coming back down after the 1st Obama election panic but they still were not down to pre election prices. I see once that idots over pay the prices will stay up to a certain degree even after the "panic" buying subsides. I see us paying a lot more in the future because of this......just like with gasoline/diesel.....

Just before the current round of panic set in, J&G had ready to go AR-15s for about $600. I thought that was pretty reasonable.

03-13-2013, 09:44 PM
I loaded up before the elections and all I can say is when things stabilize I will make sure shooting in my family is very secure. This is like any other commodity now, let the market run its course and jump in on its downward turn. No doubt will make at least a fifty percent correction from the price prior to obamas's declaration.

03-17-2013, 01:15 PM
I just got back from the gun show today and was suprised. First time I had been there in about 10 years. The crowd was a little bigger than I remember, but not alot. That being said, it was always packed even before the Illinois Idiot got elected. Just a little more so now.

The pricing was not too bad either. I saw numerous 30 round AR mags for sale. Including a Colt for $20. Magpul was well repesented by the case load for sale around 30-35 each. I priced out M1 Garands anywhere from 800+, mostly around 1000. This is consistent with my memroy of 10 years ago.

Am I in an area that was not touched by the frezy or has it settled down now?

Meanwhile, I picked up a Lee 10lb pot for $25! Getting closer to getting in the game.

03-18-2013, 10:20 AM
Looking at this from a different angle - these first time gun owners will beef up the gun rights groups.

03-18-2013, 10:30 PM
Gougers are trying to unload their "Gold mine" Ar15's around here. We are seeing more and more of them"Never been fired, still in the box" guns NOT selling for the huge profits(over double purchase price)that the greedy jerks that bought them had hoped for. 22rf ammo is nonexistent here as well, unless you want to shell out $60 to $75 per brick. I hope the greedy *******s who are buying up every round they can lay their hands on choke on them. Our local youth shooting organizations have taken to begging for ammo donations just so they can keep the kids shooting.

03-19-2013, 08:34 AM
The best time to buy will be just before Christmas time, a lot of people unloaded their goodies to pay for presents in 08. That will be the cliff at the most this year, if not sooner. That is unless AWBII becomes reality, then all the bandwagon sellers will be F$%^&!

03-19-2013, 03:48 PM
I never sell. Only trade. ;)

03-19-2013, 05:35 PM
A friend told me that homeland security ordered like 5 million rounds of 9mm and other handgun calibers. What for?

03-19-2013, 06:19 PM
A friend told me that homeland security ordered like 5 million rounds of 9mm and other handgun calibers. What for?

Your friend got it wrong. They have ordered 1.5 BILLION rounds.

03-19-2013, 09:51 PM
Your friend got it wrong. They have ordered 1.5 BILLION rounds.

It probably wasn't his info, it was my memory, LOL! Anyway, they certainly don't need that ammo, they're just trying to keep it from the American public.

03-20-2013, 09:06 PM
CORRECT! Ammo manufacturers only have a finite production capacity. They don't seem to care who they sell to. The more the Government buys, the less there is available for civillians. Pretty slick,eh? The scumbags are using taxpayers dollars to buy up the ammo so that taxpayers can't buy it.

03-28-2013, 10:03 PM
I think it is getting better. I've picked up a bunch of stuff over the last month. All of it was purchased through vendors selling at or around pre-panic pricing. I also see that PSA has had mags in stock for about a week now. That being said, I think it needs to get a lot better a lot faster.

03-29-2013, 02:46 AM
Any of us that remembered the last panic stocked up a year ago. i like to shoot and didnt want to get caught short so i bought some primers along as money was available. i have over 20,000 primers and around 15,000 rounds of 22 ammo. (and no i am not selling any of it) it didnt take a brain surgeon to see this comming. We all knew that with the current bozo in office it had to happen. argie1891

03-29-2013, 05:29 AM
I was already stocked and prepared before this recent panic with reloading supplies for my rifles.When the ar panic started I bought hand gun ammo supplies knowing that wouldnt be far behind. When the hand gun panic began I moved on to stocking and reloading my shotgun supplies. So far that's the only thing that hasn't been affected yet knock on wood. For now I'm completely content shooting my clays! I guess it's all about being prepared and staying ahead of the game. It's not hard to predict what sheep will do when there's panic, you just have to keep your eyes open and the answers become clear.

03-31-2013, 05:07 PM
Your friend got it wrong. They have ordered 1.5 BILLION rounds.

Check for statement by Senator Tom Coburn(Republican),Oklahoma. I have seen video of him saying Homeland security ordered same amount of ammo in past years and large size of order is to save money... not some grand plot. I think Coburn is a pretty conservative guy.

04-02-2013, 10:15 AM
Check for statement by Senator Tom Coburn(Republican),Oklahoma. I have seen video of him saying Homeland security ordered same amount of ammo in past years and large size of order is to save money... not some grand plot. I think Coburn is a pretty conservative guy.

I think he's absolutely correct and there is no grand plot. There is a LOT of panic buying, hoarder buying and guys who just want to make a killing but I doubt if the government is really stocking up for a war. On the other hand, if they REPEAT a buy of this size within the next couple of years........well..........there's someone in the woodpile.......................................... .......

04-03-2013, 02:37 AM
Gunubroker has always had 600 pages of guns for sale, and the asking prices are always high. You can list on Gunbroker for zero cash up front, and set the listing to automatically renew indefinitely. You only pay if/when the item sells. So many dealers and traders have taken their entire inventories and listed them in hopes that one or two a month will sell at those ridiculous prices. And they do, so the sellers keep doing it. What saddens me is that the antiques I used to be able to pick up at funshows for reasonable money are now all sitting on Gunbroker waiting for the silly money to buy them. Why I rarely go to shows anymore.

BTW I heard a story, which may be apocryphal, that a buyer bit on a listing, and eventually learned that the seller had died months before, and the gun had been sold with his estate. But the zombie listing kept renewing, and renewing, like the Energizer bunny.

04-07-2013, 05:48 PM
Numbers on Homeland Security buy are WAY inflated. They have "rights" to buy at
a fixed price that much over a 5-7 yr period. Basically, locking in prices for future POSSIBLE
buys. NOT actually buying that much ammo.


04-07-2013, 07:14 PM
What Bill says is backed up by a story on Breitbart, whom I trust more than I do Alex Jones.

04-07-2013, 07:50 PM
While the DHS is/will be taking physical delivery of millions of rounds of ammo in 2013, one has to remember that in 2011 the US produced and sold over 12 billion rounds to civilians. That didn't include any local, state or federal government agencies. The following article may be of interest.


04-07-2013, 07:54 PM
never mind

04-09-2013, 09:21 PM
Numbers on Homeland Security buy are WAY inflated. They have "rights" to buy at
a fixed price that much over a 5-7 yr period. Basically, locking in prices for future POSSIBLE
buys. NOT actually buying that much ammo.


Exactly, it's an open ended contract for up to that amount at a given price. They do this on a regular basis.