View Full Version : U.N. small arms treaty begins on March 18

Swamp Man
03-09-2013, 02:32 AM
They want to disarm us.

03-09-2013, 02:34 AM
i think canada is gonna bail us out on this one.

03-09-2013, 02:51 AM
Oh wow say its not so.

03-09-2013, 03:12 AM
My bullets penetrate blue helmets. I'm not worried.

Swamp Man
03-09-2013, 04:17 AM
They better think twice before making their move is all I can say for them.

41 mag fan
03-09-2013, 10:20 AM
Doubt the treaty will be ratified. There's enough senators who are aginst the treaty to let it go thru or be ratified.
But if it does....those senators better go into witness protection, as there'll be a bounty put on their heads I'm sure

03-09-2013, 10:20 AM
i have just printed blue hats for my targets. as my mexican friends say viva la revolution.

Case Stuffer
03-09-2013, 10:35 AM
Move a foot in the UN since early sixties to disarm the civilians of all member nations. That was the primary driving force that encourged members of th JB association to purchase supplus MI carbins and all of the surplus ammon available back then and bury it so just in case .

UN also wants to unify our health care and legal systems. Care to guess how that is working out for nations that are further down that path than the US.

Yes big brother knows that he knows what is best for us and wants to protect us from ourselfs and only needs our cooperation.

The population of South VN desirved our support to be free to choose and now the same govement that tore me from home ,family and a decent paying job to train my young *** and send it half way around the world to serve(?) in a god for saken hell hole . Our best hope is that the govermaent fails as badly on the home fronts they have in other countries since WW II.

03-09-2013, 10:41 AM
i think canada is gonna bail us out on this one.

Don't the French owe us one also?
Maybe the Peoples Republic of Crappy Third World Nations we have been sending soldiers to die for all this time will step up.

03-09-2013, 10:58 AM
It's more likely that the foreign armed combatants will come to seek a revenge or to loot, in my opinion. Also I am becoming convinced that our president might just be the Antichrist.

03-09-2013, 12:04 PM
i don't know about THEE anti christ but he surely IS antichrist.
those muslims sure do hold a grudge don't they.
i mean seriously, it's been what 800 years since the crusades,and over 100 since we sent a few guy's over to tripoli.

C'MON canada
everybody else hates us....

Aces an Eights
03-09-2013, 08:16 PM
The UN reminds me of the Borg:
"We are the UN. Lower your missile shields and surrender your guns. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile."

Bad Water Bill
03-09-2013, 09:12 PM
Harry Reid better have a really big supply of everything and a fantastic hidie hole if it does pass.

Swamp Man
03-09-2013, 09:24 PM
Harry Reid better have a really big supply of everything and a fantastic hidie hole if it does pass.
Yes him and a lot more others better have a deep hole to hide in.

03-09-2013, 09:57 PM
I think if someone would like to research it you'll find that under the Constitution POTUS has the right to sign treaties.

How does that make you feel? Warm & fuzzy?


03-09-2013, 10:03 PM
The President can sign them, but they are not valid untill ratified by the Senate. If the senate ratifies it then the revolution begins.

Bad Water Bill
03-09-2013, 10:34 PM

We have a winner.

Reid better have a BIG cave in Nevada to hide in for a loooong time.:evil:

03-10-2013, 12:49 AM
i think the un should go some were else. All they do is cause problems for us.

03-10-2013, 01:23 AM
Here's an interesting thought, how about we just withdraw our funding for the U.N., terminate the lease on the property and send them packing to the Hauge. We already foot the bill for 2/3rds (more if you count food, monetary support to other contries, general good will missions and embargo/trade enforcement) of the operating budget of that paper tiger, it's time they pulled their weight and funded themselves if it's such an all important fixture of world well being let it stand on it's own.

This failed to even make it out of their general assembly last August. I fail to see how it's gotten anymore headway since then except for the tragedy in CT. However, if this is the first step needed to replenish the tree of liberty so be it.

"If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable; and let it come! I repeat, Sir, let it come!" -
-- Patrick Henry

mold maker
03-10-2013, 09:15 AM
The UN was a noble attempt at world peace whos failing time has come. It's a drain on our strained economy that we can no longer continue to support.
Take down the flags, roll up the rugs and send our greedy enemies packing. Deplomicy doesn't need the physical UN anymore.

03-10-2013, 09:50 AM
The UN was a noble attempt at world peace whos failing time has come.

Failing time has come? It was a failed organization before they had their first offices set up and was NEVER a noble organization. The UN is very simply the most useless and evil group ever devised by man. They appoint third and fourth world dictators to run the UN and then try to tell us what we should be doing. They have failed 100% at everything they have ever attempted, they cannot even deliver food that we give them to starving African villages.

If the U.S. pulled UN funding they would fold like a house of cards over night because like all liberals they exist off the labor confiscated from others, but the liberals here, yep the same ones that elected obummer TWICE, fully believe the UN is the hope of the world and will never allow it to happen.


Stephen Cohen
03-10-2013, 10:15 AM
Surely we can all see what is store for America now, registration then confiscation. And what short memories some people have, Japan leading the way a country that has never admitted or apologised for its war crimes of WW2, a country that to this day does not teach its youth the part it played in the Wars of past decades. But the real worry is how we all support the japs funding of this every day. How many of you drive a Jap car or wear a watch made there. I knew a wonderfull old gent who refused to own a car because it may contain a jap bolt or screw he survived changhi Prison seems he may have been right.

03-10-2013, 10:52 AM
I have read reports saying the Japs teach in their schools that in WWII the United States was the aggressor and they were only defending themselves.


Case Stuffer
03-10-2013, 11:13 AM
What is more of a concern to me than what other countries teach in thier schools is what we no longer teach in our public / tax funded schools
The flag need not be honored, bible has no place is schools, you really do not need to honor / obey your parents.

Vulcan Bob
03-10-2013, 11:33 AM
From what I have seen of UN troops in the field they may be bothersome but not much of a problem to deal with.

03-10-2013, 11:34 AM
If the U.S. pulled UN funding they would fold like a house of cards over night because like all liberals they exist off the labor confiscated from others, but the liberals here, yep the same ones that elected obummer TWICE, fully believe the UN is the hope of the world and will never allow it to happen.


What & ruin Rockefeller's wet dream?

The UN is & has always been, an "end run around national sovereignty."

As far as I'm concerned you can add the Council on Foreign Relations to this list. Cut their funding, hang them all for treason.

03-10-2013, 11:51 AM
Never have trusted the UN all they want to do in rule over all of us.

03-10-2013, 11:55 AM
I agree 100% with everything said. BUT!!! Our leaders support the UN's plans. And they can at there will give what funds they deem necessary to whom ever. With out anyone's approval or knowledge.

03-10-2013, 04:41 PM
From what I've seen, the blue helmets are not much to worry about unless the foriegn legion guys are underneath them and then it's a different ballgame./beagle

My bullets penetrate blue helmets. I'm not worried.

03-10-2013, 09:37 PM
I am optimistically hopeful that our prime minister tells them to **** off again.

We just got rid of our gun registry. We will not be fooled to register our guns again.

i don't know about THEE anti christ but he surely IS antichrist.
those muslims sure do hold a grudge don't they.
i mean seriously, it's been what 800 years since the crusades,and over 100 since we sent a few guy's over to tripoli.

C'MON canada
everybody else hates us....

03-10-2013, 10:08 PM
Holy Tin Foil Hats, Bat Dude!

I don't want to interrupt the UN bashing, which is all good, but the OP 's "news story " is like a Stephen Colbert skit. The mine resistant vehicles were bought by the Marines. They have a legitimate use for them, no? Can someone please direct me to pictures of all these "UN vehicles " allegedly tooling around the US? The UN cant run a peace sleeping mission Burkina Faso without the US armed forces running the show but you thinkbtbeh are coming to take away our guns? How can they be both "utterly useless " AND a serious threat?

The UN Small Arms Treaty is debauched Dickie Morris ' scam to regain some kind of traction in this country, a guy so low he was run out of Washington! Were Susan Rice, John Kerry or Barrack Obama to singly or jointly sign a UN Treaty it would have no force of law in the US. For the Treaty to be valid it must be ratified by a supermajority (2/3) of the Senate. Were it to contain provisions at odds with the 2nd Amendment, it would be unlikely to make it to a vote in the Senate, would be subject to challenge in the Supreme Court and would be struck down. It is not a real threat. This is Area 51 stuff.

Keep your eye on the ball. Our enemies are domestic in this case. DiFi, Shotgun Joe and El Presidente. They want our guns and are going after them in Congress. Stay focused. ;-)

03-10-2013, 10:34 PM
The corrupt UN and the poorly trained rental cops they send around the world can kiss my butt


03-10-2013, 10:46 PM

no un veh? look about 6 minutes into that vid,,

03-10-2013, 11:19 PM
Had a lot of NG vehicles running around SW Oregon last couple days, makes me nervous as the state of the union is a little disconcerting to say the least. Molon Labe.

Swamp Man
03-11-2013, 01:01 AM
Any of you see the video footage of the black hawk choppers firing blanks over the streets of Miami,I seen it while it was taking place in Miami. The government said it was training drills for over seas and we all know our government wouldn't lie. I've been told it has happen in Houston and other cities as well. With everything else taking place such as HLS,FEMA and others being armed the U.N. and Obama pushing for gun bans. There is a vary bad smell in the air and those who think everything is just peachy in our country needs to get their heads out of their ***. Call me crazy if you want to but when it hits the fan I won't be the one saying gee I never thought that could happen here.

41 mag fan
03-11-2013, 07:13 AM
Here's an interesting thought, how about we just withdraw our funding for the U.N., terminate the lease on the property and send them packing to the Hauge. We already foot the bill for 2/3rds (more if you count food, monetary support to other contries, general good will missions and embargo/trade enforcement) of the operating budget of that paper tiger, it's time they pulled their weight and funded themselves if it's such an all important fixture of world well being let it stand on it's own.

This did happen. I believe IIRC, Reagan and Bush Sr stopped paying U.N. funding. Good old slick willy paid out billions in past dues to get current on the U.S. membership.

03-11-2013, 11:17 AM
The only treaty org that is (or was) of any value was NATO. Period. Bush II tried to defund the UN but got beat up pretty bad and eventually caved. Another interesting one .. http://dailycaller.com/2013/03/07/billionaire-outbids-obama-donor-for-the-outdoor-channel/
Asked the RO at the local range where the SS are training, what they were shooting. Didn't get much of an answer. Uh, Homeland security dept is unconstitutional. Period. Senate and House just allow it Same thing Hitler did. Bypass the constitutional military.

03-11-2013, 04:17 PM
This just like Obama care won't cost the tax payer any money!

03-11-2013, 04:33 PM
I'll be honest I thought this was horsefeathers when I first read that...Then I read into it a bit- still inconclusive IMO. The video posted by 45nut above- I'm not saying it's all bunk, but, if they were shipping in tons of vehicles , why would they be so dumb as to allow people to see it on google earth? Or even allow that video to be on youtube?

03-11-2013, 05:29 PM
as to the why..there are only 2 available answers
1. incompetence, they insist they are fully qualified to run this nation as a business much akin to the most powerful mafia family in the last 100-1000 years so they cannot claim this as a defense.
2. pure malice and eagerness to do evil.

thats it, one or the other.

I already know his name.

03-11-2013, 06:22 PM
i think canada is gonna bail us out on this one.

If Canada bails us out on this one, I will never crack another Canadian joke (usually something about flapjacks and/or maple syrup) again. :-p

So looking for more info on the matter, I come across this:
Please tell me this is some farce webpage that someone made up as a gag.

Swamp Man
03-12-2013, 03:24 AM
If your interested in knowing just what their plans truly are check this out. http://www.nagr.org/massie_audio_A.aspx?pid=fb1

03-12-2013, 06:16 AM
Agenda 21. Put that in your favorite search engine and try it out. Scary! The worst part is that these yahoos have learned what "grass roots" means and are implimenting policy in every municipality in the USA. Look for the keywords "sustainable," "progressive,"and "green way."

03-12-2013, 06:20 AM
i think canada is gonna bail us out on this one.
When have they ever stood up for gun owners rights?

Swamp Man
03-12-2013, 11:53 AM
Agenda 21. Put that in your favorite search engine and try it out. Scary! The worst part is that these yahoos have learned what "grass roots" means and are implimenting policy in every municipality in the USA. Look for the keywords "sustainable," "progressive,"and "green way."
Yep I already know about Agenda 21 and those who don't should check into it.

Case Stuffer
03-12-2013, 12:14 PM
The NRA has been on the bleeding edge of this sword for longer than I can remember. I for one feel that if not for the NRA, and its' Political Victory Fund, Instute for Legistrative Actions Fund, Olympic Shooting Fund and other such areas the US would have alrady suffered the same fate as some other nations / countries.

Ever wonder why the Armed Citizen fom the news reports fail to get the same nation wise media coverage as any wrongful shooting be it a drive by , a mentealy deranged (defense plee) etc... In my mero area a senior(17 years old) at a local HS recently shot herself in the thigh and was taken to Emergency room for treatment. My best guees is that she gets a slap on the wrist and a lot of symophy. I feel she should be tried as an adult and do 10 years mininum. She violated several or more laws but like most other case the firearms violations only apply to decent law abiding folks and the goverment keeps making it more difficult to be law abiding while owning firearms.