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03-08-2013, 09:36 PM
Need prayers? Need guidance? Need a hug from a brother or sister of Christ? This is our town's chapel.

03-08-2013, 09:56 PM
This is a GREAT idea Ken!

square butte
03-08-2013, 09:58 PM
Thank you Sir.

03-08-2013, 10:54 PM
i'll give an Amen

and god bless

03-08-2013, 10:59 PM
Amazing. I am going to be here a lot!

Charlie Two Tracks
03-08-2013, 11:16 PM
Thank you for putting this here. I would like to lift up smokemjoe. I haven't heard anything about him since his surgery a week ago.

03-08-2013, 11:38 PM
Amen,, prayers to joe ..good opener.

03-09-2013, 12:02 AM
Yes, prayers for Joe. I'm really concerned that we havent heard anything.

03-09-2013, 12:03 AM
This is a great idea Ken!

Thank you and God bless!

smoked turkey
03-09-2013, 01:49 AM
Ken I whole heartily agree. Wonderful idea for us. There are so many needs and this will make it easier to know where to go. Joe is on my list.

03-09-2013, 02:16 AM
the claim is this song is about a woman all exited about her man,, well I see the meaning to me as a love song to Jesus.


Spring is here
The sky is blue
Birds all sing
As if they knew
Today's the day
We'll say I do
And we'll never be lonely anymore
Because we're

Goin' to the chapel and we're
Gonna get married
Goin' to the chapel and we're
Gonna get married
Gee, I really love you and we're
Gonna get married
Goin' to the chapel of love

Bells will ring
The sun will shine
I'll be his and
He'll be mine
We'll love until
The end of time
And we'll never be lonely anymore
Because we're

Goin' to the chapel and we're
Gonna get married
Goin' to the chapel and we're
Gonna get married
Gee, I really love you and we're
Gonna get married
Goin' to the chapel of love

The bride of Christ is us,,and He is coming.

03-09-2013, 08:30 AM
Praise God!!

03-09-2013, 09:50 PM
What a pleasent surprise and a great ending to another Sabath.
Yes he is comming just as he promised. But it is going to be a tough trip to paridise. As the Bible say " if those days were not cut short even the very elect will be deceived. THE VERY ELECT! The ones called by the grace of God called from blindness to see the truth would as well as the rest be deceived if God does not intervien. That my brothers is great deception.
Set your mind now to be ready. Put your faith and trust in the only sure thing.
The world believes the lie. The lie is the same now as it was from the very first that we of ourselves can be as God if we just listen (obey) to the father of lies. The world is blind to the truth because God made them blind to it. No matter how much anyone may preach truth to a non believing world they will never see the truth that the only way to the Father is by the Son.
Gods word says in the end time he will send great delusion so that those not sealed with the Spirate of God would be deceived and believe the lie.
Seat your anchor in Jesus and hold fast to what you have. Its going to be a rough ride! Keep the Faith!
This site can now be another rallying point. This is now a place to come for reinforcment when you become battle weary. Fight the good fight and keep your eyes on Jesus and you will not fall.
God bless us all! Se you down river.

03-09-2013, 10:00 PM
Thank God in Jesus' Mighty Name that we can glorify him on this forum. God Bless you brother 45nut for this site and most importantly for this "Chapel" - I really try to remember that we who are Saved will spend eternity with one another. Said something I regretted today and was immediately convicted about it and edited my comment. More important, I agree, is to keep Joe in our prayers.

03-09-2013, 11:35 PM
To me, this new section is the crowning jewel of Castboolits.com.
It gives visibility to the truth that has been here all along, and no better way to thumb our nose at the devil and what he has done to our country!
Ken, you will be blessed for this in the hereafter.
It is an honor to know you, and to serve this sight under your leadership.

03-10-2013, 01:45 AM
Great addition, Ken.
Many times, I see people posting about their grief and sorrow, and I am just too heart broken to comment on the thread. I went through way too much of it personally this winter, and do know that a kind word and support helps.
If I don't comment on such a thread, it doesn't mean I don't care. I have either missed it altogether, or am saying my prayer for the afflicted in private.

03-10-2013, 01:45 AM
Bless you Brother Ken! His eyes are ever watchful over those who labor in His name, their struggles shall not be in vain and their bodies shall not go weak. They shall mount up with wings as if eagles, He promised us this renewal in Isaiah 40.
I'm certain you'll be rewarded for creating His newest temple and sanctuary for the Bride to assemble.

03-10-2013, 10:17 AM
The Bible tells us to not anounce our prayers for all to see but to pray privately in a closet and to not let your right hand know what your left hand is doing.
Praying is a two way streat as much for the person doing the praying as for the person being prayed for with blessings on both ends.
Praise God!

03-10-2013, 10:45 AM
This is a great idea, Thank you Ken.

Laus Deo,


03-12-2013, 05:42 AM
Being new here, I wondered if this forum was like others I've visited... where religious mention is banned. I am glad to see that here that is not the case.

I look forward to getting to know some of you, and especially sharing in one another's burdens and discovering Truth in our King together.


03-12-2013, 04:22 PM
Thank you Ken for making this a part of the forum,God bless you for this gift to all!

03-13-2013, 11:54 AM
Ken this one fits too.

There's a church in the valley by the wildwood,
No lovelier place in the dale.
No spot is so dear to my childhood,
As the little brown church in the vale.

How sweet on a clear Sabbath morning,
To listen to the clear ringing bells.
Its' tones so sweetly are calling,
Oh, come to the church in the vale.
Oh, come, come, come, come,
Come to the church by the wildwood,
Oh, come to the church in the dale.
No spot is so dear to my childhood,
As the little brown church in the vale.

There, close by the church in the valley,
Lies one that I loved so well.
She sleeps, sweetly sleeps, 'neath the willow,
Disturb not her rest in the vale.

There, close by the side of that loved one,
'Neath the trees where the sweet flowers bloom.
When the farewell hymns shall be chanted,
I shall rest by her side in the tomb.

Oh, come, come, come, come,
Come to the church by the wildwood,
Oh, come to the church in the dale.
No spot is so dear to my childhood,
As the little brown church in the vale.

03-13-2013, 01:59 PM
Well aint this just interesting. Whodathunkit, religious talk amongst cast booliters.

Good addition. I don't get much into small talk and the such. But when it comes to guns and God, I could talk all day long. I have engaged in other subjects in the past, on other forums, but found it always leads to fighting and such. Everyone has an opinion for sure.

I'm glad to see you putting this on here. This forum is where I spend most of my time when I'm online. I have only one other forum I visit, but only because its a home state forum. I just talk guns and such on there. Been talking a lot about boolits on there also, got one of them to come join over here recently and have even seen a few guys from here on there.

Anyways, glad you decided to add this to the list. Just about makes for a well rounded forum now.

Bullet Caster
03-13-2013, 02:24 PM
Way to go, Ken. I'm certainly glad and praising the Lord Jesus Christ for your decision to include Jesus in the greatest forum on the internet. Folks, just remember what Jesus said, that the world hated me before it hated you. I also found out that one does not choose Jesus, but He chose you even before the foundations of the earth.

I also want to add to the prayers for SmokemJoe. Now I know that this board will take off even to new heights as we give thanks and praise to the Saviour. I personally thank you, Ken, for this decision. My heart leapt with joy when I saw this subforum. BC

03-13-2013, 03:44 PM
The church this speaks of is in Nashua, Iowa. Been there several times over the years.


Ken this one fits too.

There's a church in the valley by the wildwood,
No lovelier place in the dale.
No spot is so dear to my childhood,
As the little brown church in the vale.

How sweet on a clear Sabbath morning,
To listen to the clear ringing bells.
Its' tones so sweetly are calling,
Oh, come to the church in the vale.
Oh, come, come, come, come,
Come to the church by the wildwood,
Oh, come to the church in the dale.
No spot is so dear to my childhood,
As the little brown church in the vale.

There, close by the church in the valley,
Lies one that I loved so well.
She sleeps, sweetly sleeps, 'neath the willow,
Disturb not her rest in the vale.

There, close by the side of that loved one,
'Neath the trees where the sweet flowers bloom.
When the farewell hymns shall be chanted,
I shall rest by her side in the tomb.

Oh, come, come, come, come,
Come to the church by the wildwood,
Oh, come to the church in the dale.
No spot is so dear to my childhood,
As the little brown church in the vale.

03-14-2013, 05:03 AM
Good morning and another Thanks to God for this.
Been praying for Joe and others . Ya get saddened to see kind fellers suffer but. Praise God we can know Who does have the Power to set things right and make sense out of the turmoil of life.
Mike in Peru

03-16-2013, 07:35 PM
Just want to add my thanks for this new area, even if a little late.

03-17-2013, 06:28 PM
Great idea, thanks! I think any forum should be able to let members know that other members may need their thoughts and prayers. Most times praying to lighten anothers' burden makes our own seem a good bit lighter. I've even seen prayer threads on a secure Ford (owned & operated) website used by dealership parts & service professionals. Mostly we help each other out with catalog issues, dealing with company policies and share best business practices but sometimes a member needs our thoughts & prayers and invariably he/she gets dozens of them from all over the country. More than once they've been printed out for the stricken member and his family to read, it lets them know they aren't alone.

Down South
03-20-2013, 07:24 AM
Thanks for the new forum. I appreciate it.

03-26-2013, 02:27 PM
Great idea. Thank you. Really adds to the feeling of community here.

03-26-2013, 08:46 PM
Seems more and more folks are dropping in to look around. pleasing to me!