View Full Version : Outers Foul Out III

03-02-2013, 12:11 PM
Production and sale of the "Outers Foul Out III" has very recently been discontinued for lack of consumer demand. ?? What the . . .!! I'm lazy! I refuse to scrub lead and that system will clean my 1911's in an hour . . . sparkling.

Does anyone have a recipe or source for the Lead Out or Copper Out solutions.

03-02-2013, 12:43 PM
I have one also, but only use it here and there to make sure my barrels are as clean as they can be. I believe there is a vinegar based solution for the lead-out(I have 2 jugs of the Outers stuff yet). I have yet to use my copper-out jug.

These guys may have some, Price is probably the biggest reason for lack of demand.http://www.gunaccessories.com/Outers/FoulOut.asp

03-02-2013, 03:02 PM
You can make the whole thing for less than 20 bucks. Study some internet articles on plating solutions and you'll quickly see what the chemicals are made of.

Now, if your 1911 leads to the point you need a FO to clean it, you REALLY need to do yourself a favor and fix what's causing the leading in the first place. I haven't used my FO III for lead removal more than two or three times, and the only time the copper removal is used is for friend's guns or new-to-me coppered-up messes other people have left in guns I buy. This is the main reason I quit the copper habit years ago.


03-02-2013, 08:54 PM
Thanks Gear. Fortunately, I know the contents of the solutions, and can even produce them. As I said, I'm a bit lazy after 35 years of this.

03-02-2013, 11:01 PM
here ya go
somebody else came up with one


03-02-2013, 11:44 PM
It's a shame that the product was discontinued. It did not help that I never saw it on dealers shelves. And it is/was pretty pricey for an average Joe to shell out hard earned bucks just to "clean" the bore.

03-03-2013, 02:59 PM
It's a shame that the product was discontinued.

I agree, on both points, and I don't understand the objections of so many of us old-timers to the system. I have ONE 1911 which I term my 'throw-away.' I've used this system on every occasion of its cleaning, as instructed, since buying the system. The barrel is as shiny and smooth as EVER. Horrible, apocalyptic warnings have been posted since the day it came on the market, and so far I have not been able to find one person who has experienced damage to their firearm using the system.

That being said, my Glocks hate lead. . . ANY brand, mix, and size of lead. And, I've never personally been exposed to a Glock that didn't. If I can't get it out in 5 minutes of scrubbing . . . the III gets plugged in. Barrels are cheap. So far -0- dollars.

04-03-2013, 05:37 PM
Looking for a Outers Foul Out III system. Does anyone want to sell? E-mail the terms to: sprague.mullikin@risris.com