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Case Stuffer
03-02-2013, 09:07 AM
CBs can not be fired in Glocks ,well they can be but not with OEM barell unless you do not mind them blowing up..

Clays (powder) just is no good at all in 45APC.

+P much less +P+ loads will severely damage a SA XD 9MM.

Guns kill people. The people who discharge the firearms towards others or themselfs are in no way in control and are thus not liable /responsible in any way.

03-03-2013, 10:55 AM
Yeah, a gun on the coffee table will go off by itself and kill. A knife will jump from the rack and stab. A hammer will smash a thumb with every swing.
Cast does not work.
Nut cases with a gun are not dangerous, just the gun is.
I like your post, liberals control the net with lies.

I'll Make Mine
03-03-2013, 05:03 PM
Nut cases with a gun are not dangerous, just the gun is.

Really? How did nut cases kill people before the 14th century, then? Lots of recorded instances -- anyone remember a Biblical character named Samson, said to have killed a whole raft of folks (albeit, according to the story, enemy combatants) with a piece of bone? Seems to me most serial killers don't use guns, even today.

Yeah, liberals try to make lies into truth, but there are still a lot of folks who can tell simple imagination from plausible statements, and quite a few of us who know, for certain, that it's possible to lie on the Internet.

03-03-2013, 05:30 PM
The problem with stupid people is simple. They do not have the ability, either inherant or learned, to decern fact from fiction, right from wrong, or who is blowing smoke up their collective ****.

The fact that we have a News Media that is primarily seeded with liberals schooled in the liberal bastions of the east and far west doesn't make for an easy sell for the right. Especially when the stupid people I spoke of in the last paragraph are not even given enough information to make an intelligent decision even if they were capible of doing so. Believe me all but the most ignorant and those solidly stuck in their beliefs would pick the right answer if given the whole picture. People usually know right from wrong.

Socrates talked about "he who knows not, that he knows not is a fool,,, shun him." This applies to the left in so many ways. And you would think that people who have been wrong so many times would get the picture, but again they persist. However the reason they are fools is not that they have made so many mistakes, it is because they actually think they are doing it right and can't or won't see thier mistakes. In other words,,,"they do not know, that they do not know!"

I personally think that people on the committed left are traitors that are hell bent on destroying this country. It serves to reason that Obama, who is supposed to be such a smart guy, would be able to see that his policies are not working and in fact are killing us. Since he is supposed to be such a smart guy we must assume that he realizes this fact, and since he is not changing his direction he must be INTENDING TO RUN THE COUNTRY INTO THE GROUND. If this is true then he is a traitor.

If you look at the far lefts game plan, the end game is chaos. What do you think a financial collapse would yeild? Are we almost there? Maybe by 2016? only 3 years to go!

The only solution I see for this, is for somone big to step up and buy one of the major networks and make it right. Then it would be 2 to 2 instead of 3 to 1.

Whomever chose to do this and run it right would indeed be the savior of this republic. As it sits we are headed for either complete downfall or a civil war.

You'll notice that I keep using Right in multiple connotations. This is because the right is usually right, and is associated with being the right wing of the Eagle, and the left is usually wrong and not just the left.

I'm just glad I'm on the right when the lead starts flying, since we will be the ones with most of the guns. Right again, huh dumbo? :mrgreen:


03-03-2013, 11:18 PM
Actually, you can't make full factory velocity in .45 ACP with 230 gr boolits and stay in the
normal pressure limits - this is from Hodgdon's web page.

As to the other, the usual baloney.


03-03-2013, 11:24 PM
I have not cast or loaded for a Glock, but I have seen the barrrel of one and I know that it's a different critter for sure. I can see where it would be hard to get a good load compared to some guns, but not impossible. They sure do have weird rifling in them.

03-04-2013, 10:33 AM
Really? How did nut cases kill people before the 14th century, then? Lots of recorded instances -- anyone remember a Biblical character named Samson, said to have killed a whole raft of folks (albeit, according to the story, enemy combatants) with a piece of bone? Seems to me most serial killers don't use guns, even today.

Yeah, liberals try to make lies into truth, but there are still a lot of folks who can tell simple imagination from plausible statements, and quite a few of us who know, for certain, that it's possible to lie on the Internet.
Killing will NEVER go away and that is fact. I believe it is population control. Liberals blame the gun that is inert by itself. Liberals want everyone to live without fear but they kill unborn babies.
Imagine a nut going into a school with a machete. The first thing the libs will do is ban a rifle.
I am so sick of the blather and lies. I live around a bunch of libtards and it has to be genetic. Natural selection is long gone with medical science that keeps ignorant people alive. I assure you if the libs knew a baby was a liberal, all baby killing would stop.
It is not hard for me to say that all the libs around me are the most stupid people on earth with minds that will never be allowed to think more then a chunk of firewood.
The strange thing is that the worst lib lets us hunt deer because she HATES deer in her yard. How can you hate deer? All they need is control and protection to keep them healthy so why can't we control libs?
This person works at the voting booth every year and she says to me "I know, you will vote republican" like I am wrong.