View Full Version : 38 super How to find a good load?

03-01-2013, 05:29 AM
I just got a 38 super. I've got 2 Lee molds and a .357 sizer, ingots of WW and range scrap, and 2 powders that should be suitable. Due to the current supply situation in my area (no primers) I was wondering if anyone has a system for finding a load that works well in a particular pistol while minimizing supply useage. I usually just make 20 or so rounds of whatever I want to try out but I'm thinking I should be a bit more conservative with the round count now. Mabye 5 rounds of each recipe shot from a bench rest?

03-01-2013, 07:49 AM
I often go with as few as 3 rounds of each type when trying something new.

If 3 look promising, then I might make up 10 or 20 more to test them out with greater confidence.

Case Stuffer
03-01-2013, 08:02 AM
I would say the number of test rounds per batch would depend on what you are testing for. If it is for accuracy it may require 50 or more fired in groups of 5 at difference distances. If you are checking for pressure or trying to reach a min. velocity or power factor then one round at a time could be made to work and then small batch to confirm.

Back when I competed in pistol games the most common useage of 38 super was in 1911s to make major power level and have 10 round capacity.

03-01-2013, 08:17 AM
If you are just looking for something safe and warm to shoot try a batch of bullets with 5 subsets. Double check your charge in every case and oal to make sure it all matches. Use the same exact brass if possible. And just do 0.1 charge differences. So 5 each of a charge. You should be able to gage accuracy and peppiness of the round. Just be sure to take notes! I always forget! If you were in Phoenix I could help you with finding supplies

03-01-2013, 12:52 PM
IME the cast 125gr RN bullets are the least accurate , i have 2 a Saeco #384 & RCBS 125RN GC
I also have the Saeco #377 125gr TC and the #929 145gr SWC which i get better accuracy from my guns than the RN.
I have also foud that for the absulate best accuracy, med fast to med buirning speed powders work the best AKA WSF, Powerpistol , HS6 in several pistols in 9mm & 38 super caliber.
The faster powders will work fine AKA BE, TG, 231! but the other powders provided a little better accuracy.
I also size cast bullets @ .357 dia for all guns.

03-01-2013, 08:24 PM
If one of the Lee moulds is the 120 TC size them at .357, cast 'em hard and try 4.5 Bullseye. It's not a fast load but it has proven accurate in three different Super 38s for me and will operate factory sprung 1911s very well.

09-13-2013, 01:12 PM
Been a while getting back to this one, but to update, I settled on a load with a 125rnfp at about 1100fps. It was more accurate than I can shoot and worked the gun fine. Trouble is I sent the gun back to the factory because the barrel was only locking on the rearmost lug, now I'm getting it back with a new barrel so I'll have to start testing again. At least I have somewhere to start now.

09-13-2013, 01:26 PM
At least you've got a baseline with your load, more engagment surface should help with accuracy and consistency.