View Full Version : Mec Super 600 restoration

02-26-2013, 06:38 PM
One of the guys at work mentioned he had an older Mec 600 Jr he was interested in selling. Well, for $50 more I got a crate full of extra charge bars and a slightly rusty, locked up solid Super 600 progressive. She's already soaked with Kroil and will get a nightly soaking after I get home from work every night until Saturday.

Is there anything I need to be aware of taking this beast apart? I'm already on board with taking numerous pictures and notes. The rusted stuff is coming to work and will visit the glass beader. Well, after that thought, might as well do everything and re paint it.

The 600 Jr is a pre '82 and immaculate. All I need to get for it is the primer seat assembly, should be showing up in the mail in a few days.

Guess I had better get the Lee buck and slug molds and also start shooting a crapload of trap to justify all this.

02-26-2013, 06:49 PM
Can't help, but congrats on two fine machines!

02-26-2013, 07:20 PM
Before you take the dies off, you might want to measue how much of the bolt threads are protruding with your calipers.

This will give you a starting point when you put it back together. This way adjusting the dies won't be QUITE as troublesome.

Congrats, and Have Fun!

02-28-2013, 05:11 PM
Make sure you document it with lots of pictures so you can remember where everything went and hopefully have a nice tutorial for those of us who will need to rebuild it next.