View Full Version : I'm really mad at myself .....

Ohio Rusty
02-26-2013, 12:00 PM
My New Years resolution was to do a better job of saving this year. Now I find myself amid the other panic buyers trying to find primers, powder and select ammo types so I can stock up and not be with out for a while. On top of that .. One rifle I had been wanting showed up after 2 years of searching .... and I bought it.

I'm mad because I've found myself in this panic trap with everyone else, feeling like I need to get a little more of this and that just to be prepped reloading wise. I already had enough probably, yet the anxiety of the current situation makes me get more. ..... I'm mad because I fouled up my plan of saving better for the year and I already blew that ...... I find myself saying stop buying anything ... then if primers show up that I should have, I get them ...... That anxiety says if you don't get them, then you may not or they will be alot more $$$ down the road. We need a Dr. Phil for reloaders .....

Come next Christmas ....I'm sure to get a stocking full of coal because the commitments I made to myself have been trashed. I's alot like a diet I guess ..... You started out well, then fell off the wagon with a full box of krispy kreme doughnuts and a whole pecan pie !!

Ohio Rusty ><>

02-26-2013, 12:24 PM
I went through the panics of 1968, 1994, 2008 and now this one. After the one in 1994, I swore I would never again be caught without at least a two year supply of what I think I'll need. I've been able to pretty much keep that stock on hand, and the shortages in 2008/2009 didn't affect me at all. It was satisfying to be self sufficient during that time, but it didn't happen overnight. I bought a little bit here, and a little bit there during the fat times, until I was satisfied that my stock levels were just about right.

I'm afraid this one is going to be longer than the last one. All the manufacturers are producing product as fast as they can, but it's being sucked up faster than they can make it. There is only so much production capacity, and it's all being utilized at the present time.

The political climate has gotten worse for our sport, and the administration was just waiting for the right moment to pounce, and they feel this is the right moment. The difference this time is people's attitudes have changed. The majority of states allow some type of concealed carry, with many being "shall issue". The predicted gun fights in the streets haven't materialized, and there hasn't been the blood bath the anti-gunners said there would be. We've also gone through the ten years of the Clinton ban and it was shown to have no benefit.

The other difference is the internet, for good or bad. People on both sides of the issue are able to hook up with like minded people and spread "the word" quickly via the internet. It's now much easier to "rally the troops" and get those "cards and letters coming", like they used to say.

In the past, we just rolled over and accepted what they dealt us, but I think that mindset has changed. At least it has with the people I know. I know my mindset has changed, and what's mine is mine, period!

Hope this helps.


02-26-2013, 04:06 PM
Time and the demographics of todays population is working against us. The majority of the population now resides in cities, not rural areas. Most city people are interested in things other than the outdoors. Our sport is not the only one that will suffer in the future. Fishing, hunting, and sport shooting are all going to suffer in one way or another in the future. Cities elect progressive/liberal politicians to office and they will outvote the more conservative/middle of the road politicians in the future US Congress. They have already started by electing their choice as President. The last election for president was a glimpse of the future. The current president did not win any of the rural areas of the country, he was elected by an overwhelming majority of city voters. The future belongs to them. The Constitution, Christian values, moral instruction, etc. all will be changed and is being changed as we speak. It is being destroyed in the classroom by the NEA teachers changing the mind of the children into their vision of the future. We sit back and worry about which party to vote for and they are interested only in where the control of society is located. That is the reason that the communist stated way back in the 50's that the way to dominate American was through the teachers and they went after the teacher unions--they won. Today the Supreme Court takes up the issue of whether the individual has a right to a carry permit. Stand by folks.

02-28-2013, 05:06 PM
TNsailorman, I couldn't have said it any better, if anytbody is wondering how we got to this
point please read:Congressional Record--Appendix, pp. A34-A35

January 10, 1963

Current Communist Goals



Thursday, January 10, 1963

*You can easily find it on line and it will make your head spin and will explain a great deal
of what this "president's" agenda(and the left) is all about ..please read it for those who
haven't and pass it on to the remaining Americans you know, we have to start somewhere.

02-28-2013, 05:27 PM
They have their agenda right in line with Hitler, I prepared for this reloading wise but I will buy if I can.

02-28-2013, 05:38 PM
I swear, when this one is over, I'll over-buy components gradually whenever I can afford them. Hopefully, the next one will go by without even affecting me.

02-28-2013, 07:37 PM
I have a feeling this is going to last longer than we think. For this to ease just a few things have to happen politically.
1. The current administrations gun control push has to finally come up for a vote and be defeated by Congress.
2. If he decides to take action through Executive Orders they have to be turned back by the courts.
3. Manufacture of these components is increased and people stock up
but some will still feel they never have enough if the political climate doesent change.
And even if it does at the federal level that still wont stop individual states from taking their own actions like NY already has.

The panic buying and hoarding wont stop until people feel they wont be denied these things in the future. I dont see this reversing for awhile.

03-01-2013, 05:39 PM
I have a few friends in the club and we get together and place an order to save on the hazmat. By the time I got everyone's order, the place ran out of sp primers. I placed the order anyway and am fixed pretty good on everything BUT sp primers!!!! I am not low but would have brought my stock back up and would have been in a lot better shape with the 5000 I had planned to buy. That brand was a great price compared to what they want now and maybe I should have ordered a few K of another brand just in case. Just call me "kickin-self-in-the-rear".

03-01-2013, 05:50 PM
I would not say I was farsighted by any means, but my reason for buying what I could afford for the last few years is that I knew I was going to retire someday and would not have any money to buy, especially at today's prices. My soc.sec does not go that far.

Mr Ed

03-01-2013, 06:16 PM
Old Pa Dutch saying: "Ve got too soon olt and too late smart! Seems to apply to a lot of us.