View Full Version : Ebay Will No Longer list gun items - Per NRA

08-05-2007, 12:03 AM
I suppose I am not the only NRA member who just got the recent ILA alert that this week Ebay announced that they will no longer list items "cartridge related." Where will we now sell our used moulds, etc?

08-05-2007, 12:18 AM
Right here,as several members have stated-at least they will go to people who appreciate them!

08-05-2007, 08:55 AM
Kindred spirits boys, kindred spirits.

Ohio Rusty
08-08-2007, 11:01 PM
I had heard that Ebay received a bunch of hate mail because of Cho, the VT shooter had bought his pistol clips and accessories off Ebay. Consequently, Ebay thinks they won't ever be responsible for another shooting if they stop the sales of all the gun stuff. If they stop the auctions of all spoons and forks, do they think that will prevent or stop obesity ??? Ebay Management is clueless ......
Ohio Rusty

08-09-2007, 12:13 AM
The folk who run ebay are clueless. But they have been that way for a while, now. There are other items and groups they have kicked off, some people even got booted unexpectedly right in the middle of auctions. Which REALLY caused some dissent, let me tell you. One I know of was even a multi-thousands of dollars piece of artwork.

They do not seem to really think things through, just react at a knee-jerk level.

On the other hand, there does not seem to be any way of causing them TO think things over, either. Or to even think at all, it seems. So they are not at all likely to change their policy decision.

Unfortunately for them, firearms related stuff is about all I buy on ebay. So they will lose my business suddenly.

08-09-2007, 10:19 PM
The way they are operating ebay may commit sucide like TY of Beanie baby fame. Nothing like going out while your on Top!

"Business 101" states: As long as it is legal you don't STOP selling anything! Not to worry, someone will step up to fill the void. What a bunch of Idiots.

Beau Gee
08-20-2007, 12:33 PM
I suppose I am not the only NRA member who just got the recent ILA alert that this week Ebay announced that they will no longer list items "cartridge related." Where will we now sell our used moulds, etc?
The way the prices are bid up on that site, it may be a good thing. Perhaps we can keep our purchases to some sort of reasonable prices right here.
Beau Gee

08-20-2007, 03:24 PM
I just went to GunBroker.com to check out the reloading stuff. The reloading category seems to be dominated by a very few dealers. The general category of "Reloading" is broken down into "Equipment" and "Supplies". In "Equipment" there are 72 pages of items for auction. The starting prices these dealers list for the items I looked at are roughly one third higher than I can buy the same item from Graf's with my C&R FFL. Unless GunBroker makes some attempt to further break down the general category of "Reloading", I don't think they will be a viable replacement for Ebay. Too hard to find what you want.

I have bought some items such as molds from members of this site and have been more than satisfied. Hopefully, this site can become a good source of such things. I also hope that dealers and others who make a business of selling such things will stay away.

08-20-2007, 04:39 PM
I agree with your opinion of GunBrokers. Dealers just so overload their system I don't have the patience to search for anything reasonably priced. They should put in some software to allow people to look through private party ads only. Another thought; With Ebay kissing of millions of dollars worth of listings every year, there is a huge opening for someone to start a new auction for all the things Ebay doesn't allow. (Anyone remember that song, "Moma don't allow no guitar playing around here"?) Any of you guys with the technical knowhow, here's your chance to become millionaires! What's 5% of $50 million a year?

08-20-2007, 06:57 PM
I agree with Beau Gee. Prices have gotten out of hand on Ebay anyway in any kind of tool category, be it shooting or otherwise. Maybe by banning more stuff they will bring back the "quality" yard sales and swap meets, not to mention little nicks and crannies like this website. I will sure miss those "almost impossible to find at any price" items though.

08-20-2007, 07:17 PM
Thinking about my previous post on this subject, I sure wish I was younger, smarter, and better financed... But you know what they say about wishing in one hand and doing something else in the other...

Say what you will about Ebay's fuzzy political thinking, but they didn't become that huge, rich corporation by making stupid decisions on a political basis, there are some very smart, and very greedy, people in that company. Now maybe there are some little old ladies controlling enough stock to force anti-gun decisions on the corp, but I guarantee there are some smart people in ownership and/or management who know to the exact penny how much money they're kissing off and they have no intention of letting that go. They will already be planning to start a new company to capture that money, it's just a matter of time. Get ready for GunBay or Outdoor Sports Auction or something to fill the void.

Single Shot
08-20-2007, 08:02 PM
The best thing to fill the void in the mentality of E-Bay management is Preparation H

By the way, I just checked and they still are allowing reloading equipment, Lead for casting, and bullet molds.

08-20-2007, 08:25 PM
I believe they may be feeling a crunch. I got an email, offering me preferred seller status. With appropriate fees, of course.

Lucky Joe
08-20-2007, 09:14 PM
I believe they may be feeling a crunch. I got an email, offering me preferred seller status. With appropriate fees, of course.

What is preferred seller status, and what does it include. If I may ask, if not disregard.

08-20-2007, 10:46 PM
Funny, I also got a "preferred seller status" email from e-butts.
I wounder if they are trying to kiss-up to all of us gun guys?????
I've bought and sold a bunch of stuff on e-butts. Got some good deals.
Even if Gunbroker and Auction arms should redo their reloading section. I don't think it would be as good as e-butts, because most of the sellers were not gun guys. They just get stuff cheap from yard sales, estate sales, goodwill..... , and sell cheap on e-butts. Most gun guys know what this stuff is worth, and price it accordingly.
Would be great if Gunbroker or Auction Arms would make a non-dealer section. I'd support it.

08-21-2007, 02:13 AM
I have just been marking all stuff from EBay as spam,and when I closed my account I sent them $8.00 and a note saying IF they reconsider and want me back they can call or write me a letter of apology and mail it by USPS!

08-21-2007, 08:06 AM
What is preferred seller status, and what does it include. If I may ask, if not disregard.

No idea, I didn't pursue it!

ron brooks
08-21-2007, 08:46 AM
Perhaps the time has come to try an auction here again. Just a suggestion.

08-21-2007, 09:38 AM
Now I'm not defending eBay,.... but just for the record, if you read their new policy, it says nothing about reloading equipment or casting equipment in the prohibited items section,.......and in the items permitted section, it specifically mentions molds.

However, if you are listing any of the above, don't include a picture of a prohibited item like the bullets the mold makes, or any brass cases, or finished cartridges, or the auction could be cancelled.

Hopefully GunBroker, or Auction Arms will become the new place to go for all gun related items including the above, but I don't see any signs of it yet.

08-21-2007, 02:36 PM
As with most of these "Feel Good" policies, it's "shot" full of holes. They don't mind shotgun pellets, including buckshot, but sell the same pellets as bullets for muzzleloaders and they're banned. Wrong: They just voided my bid on 50#'s of shot - I reckon it's evil after all.

I have to believe that to really compete as an auction site you have to have a large base of buyers and sellers. Yes, prices went very high on most ebay items - but that's good for the sellers, and it keeps a lot of products on the block. The only improvement that I can suggest is that every auction start out at $1 with no reserve - and of course you can bid on your own stuff. If you want a minimum price for something - then bid that much on it yourself. It keeps the cash flowing, and if you don't want to sell it for what the market will bear - then Hang Onto It. One of GunBrokers problems is that it has become a series of billboards for dealers. Look how many items go through the process with no bids, then are re-listed at the same price to further choke the system.

I also use Auction Arms, and they do break down the reloading products into sufficient categories, but again - it's almost all "retail" at a price equal to or higher than Midway, Graf's, etc. I just don't have time to look through 4 dozen new Lee case trimmers at retail trying to find a good price.

Final thought - If people just don't have the huevos to put their listing at $1 with no reserve - then at least charge 5 times as much for the "Reserve" listing. It would let the little guy who really wants to sell something make his listing, and the dealer who wants to show all of his products can pay extra for the "billboard".

Whattaya think? :roll:

08-21-2007, 03:08 PM
... and of course you can bid on your own stuff. If you want a minimum price for something - then bid that much on it yourself.
Whattaya think? :roll:

Actually, I believe this is a form of "shill bidding" and is bad form on auction sites, and specifically against ebay policy (and others probably).
If I'm bidding on something I'd be a little P.O.'d if the person listing the item is bidding the price up on me. If you want a minimum price, thats what a starting price or reserve is for.

08-21-2007, 05:03 PM

08-21-2007, 07:19 PM
How many cars on Ebay motors do you think end up in DUI accidents? possibly resulting in death? Do you think any Louisville Sluggers they've listed have been involved in fights? What's next? I think it's all crazy This politically correct Bull$hit is just crazy. Do you think Ebay has just saved any lives by doing this? Anybody that thinks it has needs to have their head examined! For every one derranged nut that may have purchased a clip on ebay there has to be thousands of honest americans that have just purchased something to protect their own lives and the lives of their familys. When are these idiots gonna wake up? Mental instability is not gonna go away because ebay has made some hollow political statement.
What will it take to wake these idiots up? :confused: I really just don't get it! :(

Bad Water Bill
08-22-2007, 01:48 AM
They dropped 2 different Lyman moulds I was bidding on with the usual statement of their new policy. As far as rules go how about a 5 minute rule. If you havent bid on the item since it was listed you can NOT bid in the last 5 minutes. this may stop most of the cretans who get their ---- off by bidding in the last 4 seconds so no one can top them.
:confused: BWB

08-22-2007, 01:59 AM
Did the molds you were bidding on include pictures of the bullets they cast? Molds are not a prohibited item, but if they include a picture of a prohibited item, they can be canceled.

08-22-2007, 02:04 AM
Actually, I believe this is a form of "shill bidding" and is bad form on auction sites, and specifically against ebay policy (and others probably).
If I'm bidding on something I'd be a little P.O.'d if the person listing the item is bidding the price up on me. If you want a minimum price, thats what a starting price or reserve is for.

But who cares what's against ebay's policy? They're a morally bankrupt organization which is actively involved in stealing our rights - for our own good, of course. A seller on ebay can remove the item from the auction any time - even after it has bids. What's the difference between that and bidding on your own stuff? At least if they have to bid on their own property there will be a sale, and the auction site gets both the listing money and the percentage of the sale. If ya want to play - ya gotta pay.

My problem with starting prices and reserve prices is that they clog up the listings with items which are - more than half the time - priced way over market price. Since there is no sale on most of these, they just get relisted over and over again. Why not either let the market set the price - or let the seller bid it up until he has to pay 5% (or so) of an overpriced item?

Again - I don't know if I'm right on this, but it sure would add some life to the auctions. I guess that's why most of my purchases come from the "Penney" auctions. It's cleaner, somehow.

08-23-2007, 08:16 AM
I sold several items on our sellin spot here at cast bullets-it was easy and I enjoyed it becasue of who it was sold to ie guys on this site--& I was trying to move some unused stuff not make a lot of money --but I have looked at some of the other places and came to the same conclusion --I would like to have an auction style place to replace e-bay--hopefully it well emerge-- but again selling here is certainly fine--I just hope the guys will be happy with what they got from me

08-23-2007, 03:18 PM
I DO hope NO ONE is considering the use of Cast Boolits as an auction site now that E-Bay has evicted shooters and handloaders from use. If that sort of thing gets started--I'm outta here. This is a hobby site, or at least it was when it was developed initially. Private party occasional sales are fine, and an area is set aside for that. All good. But to morph into some auction site is a quantum degeneration that I will have no part of.

08-23-2007, 04:11 PM
Likewise, Al. ... felix

08-23-2007, 04:58 PM
Me too AL,


MT Gianni
08-24-2007, 12:16 AM
Well said. If willy had an auction site that was for firearms and not general posting I would support it but we tried that once I believe. Gianni.

08-24-2007, 12:36 AM
Nope, already tried it, and it didn't fly. And as we have seen, we have already drawn some questionable posters here, after Ebay banned the toys we like. I don't care to see people showing up here to peddle stuff. That isn't what this board is for. Yes, some members auction incidental items, but they don't show up as new posters, with a long list of items, that they "just happen" to have laying around. Especially when they treat the board members like fools, with fluff posts. They can take it to Auction Arms, or Gunbroker. Or anywhere else.

08-24-2007, 08:09 AM
Seems to me there are plenty of places set up to auction stuff off. This place is about right the way it is as far I'm concerned. Lets keep things in the staus quo.

08-24-2007, 08:21 AM
I had no intention nor thought about this site being used as an ebay replacement -- I was just reminding that we do have a place to simply sell things-
all the hoop la it brings is unwanted nor needed here--just to be clear