View Full Version : Duck Dynasty

02-25-2013, 02:14 AM
Anyone else watch this show????
Those guys are funny.
How much of it is real??????
Are people who live there really that funny????
Women are cute.

02-25-2013, 02:17 AM
Tried to, looks fake.

02-25-2013, 02:31 AM
FAKE on tv, you can't be serious. lol

02-25-2013, 02:37 AM
There are way too few branches on that family tree, almost has a telephone pole profile.

02-25-2013, 05:12 AM
Love the show.

But unfortunately it is like Hollywood movies that "are based on a true story". Which means a very small grain of truth, and the rest is highly embellished.

Oh, and big KUDOS for every show being clean, family entertainment, without cussing or sexual implications and ending each episode in a short prayer and a moral to the story.

02-25-2013, 06:05 AM
My wife got me to watch it and now I really enjoy it. I doubt very much of it is "real" but it's a lot better than a lot of TV shows on right now.

02-25-2013, 06:35 AM
Dunno if you'all know the history behind the Robertson clan but it's pretty interesting. Should give them a chance, granted some is scripted but for the most part strike me as more down to earth and more belivable than most of the other offerings on the boob tube. Besides, if I had that spread and some funds I'd prolly have my own show too. ;-)

Oh, and belive it or not, Phil the "Duck Commander" was on his way to the NFL, opted out of football for ducks and family, we ended up with Terry Bradshaw.

02-25-2013, 06:47 AM
I personally try my best to avoid the "reality" shows.

02-25-2013, 07:27 AM
I love the show, it is one of the few things besides cartoons that I can watch with my children, and my children even the youngest of 7 years really enjoys the show. I am sure that some things are embellished for the camera, but I had heard of the Robertson Clan before the show, and some of the things I had heard I thought were not possible, then when the show started I figured the truth was somewhere in the middle.

Best wishes,


02-25-2013, 07:43 AM
I think the funniest episode is when the ladies can't sew an apron and Sy comes in and sews this amazing perfectly done apron. That was a riot. Actually, just saw the episode where the daughter brings her boyfriend over and they take him snake hunting. That one was funny too.

02-25-2013, 07:53 AM
The family and I enjoy the show. The wife thought I was crazy for watching it until she sat down and watched a few episodes...it makes her "Happy, happy, happy".

Great family entertainment. Would reccomend it to anyone of any age.

Yall need to catch the countdown to season 3 commercials, they are hillarious.

02-25-2013, 08:42 AM
Ive heard rumors on how its all setup at the warehouse. i guess that actually hire people to make the duck calls.

With that said... This is still a great damn show!!!! I cant watch it without laughing. Thats including re runs! lol

02-25-2013, 10:30 AM
I'm sure a lot of it is scripted, but I enjoy the foolishness. It reminds me of my Gran'daddy and his appreciation for life.

One thing I REALLY appreciate is the family being able to communicate without having to be 'bleeped' out. I have a lot of respect for people that can talk without using profanity.

I also have a lot of respect for Phil, the patriarch, giving thanks and asking a blessing on the meal at the end of the show. He has no compunction about showing his faith in front of the entire nation.

02-25-2013, 10:49 AM
I have been a fan Phil Robertson for a long time before the tv show and met him on a few occassions, Ill tell you what I know. First if you like the show, find some of the original Duck Commander videos that he made with Warren Coco, the owner of Go Devil Boats. These guys are the real deal, die hard hunters. The videos are crazy, but funny.
From what I understand about Phil's football career, he turned down the NFL because he wanted to hunt and fish for a living, he has a Masters in Education, he wanted to pay the bills teaching and hunt and fish on the weekends and summers. He kind of fell into the Duck Commander business as he could not find a duck call that would not screw up when they got wet, he made his own, and the rest is history.
Before the show, he would come speak at your club, gunstore, banquets, but no alcohol could be served, he is a very devout Christian. He also is not a big fan of Ducks Unlimited, rather supporting Delta Waterfowl.

02-25-2013, 10:51 AM
I for one LOVE the show. My wife too. It is a good clean family show that we both enjoy. What is not to like.....plus Uncle Si keeps us rolling!!!

02-25-2013, 10:55 AM
I too enjoy it. Wife bought the first season over the weekend. A good show the kids can enjoy with us. Beats those morons on Sons of Guns.

02-25-2013, 10:59 AM
Hey Jack! I love that show. I like how they're not afraid to be good decent people and not resort to fighting and swearing at each other. I like how Phil has a prayer for dinner every episode. I never thought I would like the show until I watched an episode and got hooked.

02-25-2013, 11:01 AM
I enjoy the show but it has to be set up for tv. We are supposed to believe that 4 guys make all the duck calls and operate that entire warehouse. Where are the wood working tools to make the bodies of the calls. It is however a great show that is a great change from the other stuff on tv.

02-25-2013, 11:22 AM
I am a big fan of the show, but I have been a duck commander fan for probably 10 years before the TV show.

I'll admit the guys most likely don't still build the calls as they are too popular now to do that. I think it has not been long since they made the calls themselves. Sean Mann calls made locally here has a similar warehouse with a few guys sitting in a room of a pole barn making calls. At least they did a few years ago because I called them to about re-tuning one of my calls. They said bring it by and I was kind of shocked at the setup.

The duck commander guys are pretty poor actors to be acting out a script. I seen them attempt to act out a script for a segment on a talk show and can't see them acting in the show by that performance.

For me it is mostly very believable because the actions on the show remind me of what goes on in my duck and goose blinds every year.

02-25-2013, 11:26 AM
I just a week ago found out about duck dynasty.
I'm not a hunter so thats probably why.

I watched as couple of shows this past weekend and enjoyed it.
I figure if the cameras show everyday things that go on then it might be boring to watch so they have to add some things to it to keep people interested enough to watch.
It is a heck of a lot better than other shows I've seen and I REALLY like the no profanity part.
I'm no saint, but I'm sick and tired of hearing all of the cussing and bleeps on the shows they put out these days.
I hear enough of that in real life.

I'm not yet familiar with the names and faces yet, but the older guy who says kids these days are spoiled "or something to that order" I am beginning to really like him.
I believe he was the one who threw his g-sons cell phone away.
I just loved that part.
I can only imagine what a kid would do these days if mom or dad did that.

The older guy that ( I'm assuming ) is the head of the family, I really like his thoughts when it comes to kids these days, it sounds like me talking.:mrgreen:

02-25-2013, 11:39 AM
A few months back they did an interview with Outdoor Life magazine.They were asked if they were like what was depicted on TV, the craziness and all. They said no, they had to scale it back a bit for TV.

This is a show that everyone can watch, unlike Ax-Men where the bleep button goes off every other word.

02-25-2013, 11:52 AM
Who cares if it's real or not. It is quality entertainment that you don't have to cringe when the grand kids walk in and it's on. Here, if they walk in--- they sit down and watch it too !!
As far as the craziness goes, don't look too far into my past.
You would never believe what we did with a pound of FFF on the fourth of July a few years back !!!


02-25-2013, 12:03 PM
I love it! I have watched the Duck Commander since i was a kid, and know that they act a little different on tv than they do on their vids, but i still love it. The lady friend and i watch it together whenever we get a chance, she loves it as well, i bought her a tee shirt and Uncle Si cup for Valentines day even. I like that they are a big family out to just have fun and this would probably be exactly how they would be with or without money, and i'd like to think i'd be the same way if i ever have money.
And you just gotta love Uncle Si!

02-25-2013, 12:06 PM
Hey Jack! I love that show. I like how they're not afraid to be good decent people and not resort to fighting and swearing at each other. I like how Phil has a prayer for dinner every episode. I never thought I would like the show until I watched an episode and got hooked.

I agree and the kids are well behaved and mannered. Good wholesome show.

Jim Flinchbaugh
02-25-2013, 12:11 PM
Accept the fact that it is TV entertainment, and enjoy it. It is funny to watch, I too like the fact that every other word isnt bleep
like so much TV anymore. Really dig the meal time saying grace and supporting some family values

Smitty's Retired
02-25-2013, 12:44 PM
I think the show will do well if they can keep the shows director and writers from wanting to start injecting a whole bunch of needless drama. Several of these type of shows seem to do well the first couple of seasons, then the director wants to convince everyone that a bunch of drama is needed. Case in point was the show Sons-Of-Guns. First couple of seasons was decent. Then they started all the drama, worker conflict, love affair, etc. On another forum one of the members worked at Red Jacket. He wasn't one of the ones featured on the show. He told us that there were several other people who worked at Red Jacket that was not on screen. He was able to convince the owner to let him post some photo's of the shop. And of some of the workers. He could not give out a lot of info, but did tell us that all the drama that started showing up was because the director had convinced Will that was what the public wanted. It seemed that Will, the director and one of the writers were at odds "A Lot" and even he had said he did not know if the show would continue much longer. According to him, Will did have a very dedicated work ethic, and his main concern was their contracts.

I guess I said all that to say this. Duck Dynasty will probably do well untill the director or writer wants to start interjecting something, or some drama against their beliefs or values.

02-25-2013, 01:23 PM
I am a big fan. Note that every show is ended with a prayer at the family dinner. And they do make the worlds finest duck calls.

02-25-2013, 07:02 PM
when I first heard about it, I was thinking "no way". some friends (who are "citified" and never even been near the woods) told me how much they liked it-I tuned in. I don't remember laughing so hard at something in a very long time. Love Uncle Si and Jase cracks me up. They all kind of remind me of Jim (in a good way of course!).
Faked or not - gotta love a show with no drama, no bleeps, respectful kids and good values.
Can't wait to see what happens next!

Gator 45/70
02-25-2013, 09:00 PM
Nothing in Louisiana is real...If your not from here...

02-25-2013, 09:42 PM
I honestly was lost the first time I saw it.
Once I understood the background and what the deal was I found it funny and entertaining.
I believe there is some Hollywood Embellishment on the show.
As others have said good, clean, funny, family entertainment with decent moral values and a healthy final prayer.

02-25-2013, 10:14 PM
All my family loves the show. My son is a die hard duck hunter and was watching videos of the duck commander back when they were wearing old mil camo and just shooting ducks before church. Seeing those videos long before the TV show came out is kind of cool. Good show for the entire family.

02-25-2013, 10:23 PM
It shows a lot of wholesome family values,which is rare to find anywhere these days! GT27

02-26-2013, 06:17 AM
My better 1/2 reminded me that both our kids had duck calls and camo before they had pacifiers....HEY!

From the Horses' mouth, well Willie's anyway in an interview with "The Blaze." Some funny video and pic's in the origional story here:http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/02/25/guns-faith-and-that-bandana-we-asked-duck-dynastys-willie-robertson-the-questions-youve-always-wanted-to/

Guns, Faith, and That Bandana: We Asked Duck Dynasty’s Willie Robertson the Questions You’ve Always Wanted To
Feb. 25, 2013 8:30amJonathon M. Seidl

Picture this: A big-boned Jesus-looking figure with flowing hair, a folded up blue bandana across his forehead, and a long beard reminiscent of a 30-something Santa walks into a gas station. In many parts of the country, that might be when you start eyeballing the exits. But in the town of West Monroe, Louisiana, that just means at least one of the Robertson brothers has pulled up – and it’s about to get good.

The latter reaction is also the one seen wherever there are fans of the A&E hit series “Duck Dynasty” – the show (premiering its third season on Wednesday at 10/9c) that follows the Robertson clan as they camp, shoot, and pray their way through life while trying to run their successful Duck Commander duck call business. And there are definitely plenty of fans.

Take Melbourne, Florida, for example. On Friday, Duck Commander CEO and the show’s main character, Willie Robertson, called this reporter to talk about the show’s success and what it’s like having a family reality show. Seven minutes into the interview, we got an answer.

“Hang on,” he says to me, interrupting himself. “Hey brother. Hey man, appreciate it. Thank you, thank you.”

“Good to see you!” someone yells in the background.

‘Good to see you,” he responds in his slow, Southern drawl that almost tastes like a tall glass of sweet tea.

Then he explains. He’s heading to Melbourne to visit his friend — Washington Nationals first baseman Adam LaRoche – who also happens to be his partner in another show called “Buck Commander” on the Outdoor Channel. LaRoche is there for spring training and Willie is hoping to hit some baseballs with him before heading to the Daytona 500. But an impromptu stop at a gas station means a little delay.

“As we speak, I’m taking a picture right now – right here in Melbourne, Florida,” he explains, talking and posing simultaneously.” [The fans] are really all over.”

And in some ways, that’s a little surprising for Willie.

“I didn’t really know if we would translate into TV, even hunting TV,” he admits. That’s despite the family having made countless videos and DVDs since the 80s.

“You know, we would spit, we would do these things that most people wouldn’t do on TV … . Also, I didn’t even know if a hunting show– I didn’t know if the American public could take a family about hunting, you know, because it might seem a little too taboo.”

The numbers say America not only can “take” it, but America loves it. The show’s season two finale in December was the “most watched series telecast in network history” according to information provided to TheBlaze by A&E. And just as important in this age of social media, it “was also the top trending TV show on Facebook in 2012.”

That might just explain why Willie can’t even stop at a gas station without taking a picture.

How Real is Duck Dynasty’s “Reality” TV?

With the shows addicting qualities (a funny twist on scenarios faced by everyday people, a mother obsessed with cooking finger-licking southern dishes, and even a crazy uncle named Si) comes the obvious question: Is the reality show really “real?”

Yes, says Willie. But he explains how the finished product comes together.

“When you’re doing TV, it has to be shaped to some extent or it would never have a beginning and an end. It’s not just random hidden cameras,” he says, having pulled over to the side of the road after his gas-station photo session.

“So we’ll get put in a situation and then, you know, most everything that happens is what happens in there.”

That doesn’t mean the production company won’t make suggestions about certain scenarios or that every interaction goes off without a hitch.

“Sometimes you get there and somebody just doesn’t know — they just sit there and say nothing. So you gotta, kind of, you know, figure [it] out. You’re trying to tell a story in 22 minutes, so it needs to begin, needs to end.”

“And you also have to let people know the little things that you have to say to let people know what the heck is going on because they don’t know,” he says, a reference to the post-production interviews that are sprinkled throughout each episode. Those interviews – especially those with the sometimes-hard-to-understand Uncle Si – are many times the highlight of the show.

“But it’s real,” he emphasizes. “Somebody says, ‘Oh I don’t know if you guys are just putting it all on.’ Well, you know, I don’t remember going to acting school, so if we’re all great actors, none of us studied how to be actors. We’re all just being ourselves and doing what we’re doing and the situations just come up.”

And while each situation is rich in comedy, sometimes there is Robertson history baked in that might be lost to those unfamiliar with the now-millionaire family’s humble roots – roots that aren’t ignored in the show.

Take one of season three’s premiere episodes, which features the clan’s tradition of camping out before the duck hunting season’s opening day. While Willie’s brother Jase, Uncle Si, and a few other Duck Commander employees try hard to stick to the traditional, outdoor, tent-and-camp-fire method, Willie decides to use the company’s extravagant RV. Hilarity ensues. But for Willie talking about it after-the-fact, it’s also a reminder about where the family has come from and how they haven’t abandoned their humble beginnings.

“I figured, ‘well, y’all can sleep outside if you want, I want the bed and the toilet and all that,’” he says. “My wife always wants to go camping, and I say, ‘Hey, I grew up camping. My whole growing-up was a camp-out, so now that I have enough money, I want to go to a nice hotel.’”

He adds later: “Our house was like a camp-out growing up and I certainly slept outside and all that. … There’s no doubt in real life that’s exactly what I would do. You know, that’s the kind of stuff that I’d do and then Jace, that’s the kind of guy he is. He just wants to go out and sleep on the ground and, you know, that’s just him.”

“I lived that life,” he says. “If you grow up rich, you want to try to go out and try to live like poor people, so it’s funny how that kind of changes in life.”


It’s no secret that the Robertsons’ livelihood is entwined with the gun industry. Hunting, despite what theories some might come up with, is a gun sport – especially duck hunting. As long as there are guns, there will be duck hunters. And as long as there are duck hunters, there will be the need for a duck call company.

So what does Willie think about renewed calls for gun control?

“We’re certainly pro-second amendment and pro-guns,” he says. But it’s not a business-driven stance. “It’s not just our livelihood, but that’s what we like to do, you know: we hunt.”

And in his opinion, guns aren’t the problem — “evil” people are.

“I think it’s the person behind it, and you know, who’s doing these crazy, evil things. I just think it’s evil and I think that certain people are evil, and whether they do it with a gun or a car or airplane or bottle of poison, you know, evil people are gonna do evil things whether they have a weapon or not.”

“Gun owners and non-gun owners, you know, everyone hates that stuff,” he adds. “But, you know, when things happen, I think it’s best to discuss and have a debate and not overreact too soon.”

Given his affinity for firearms, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that he has a favorite one. But what might be surprising is what that gun is.

“I’d say I’m a rifle guy, ‘cause I do a lot of deer hunting,” says the man whose current fame has a lot to do with ducks and thus shotguns.

Which rifle?

“I’d say my 7mm magnum Savage … with an accu-trigger,” he explains. “I actually built mine. I went to the company. I went to the facility and built it myself. … Those Savages, man, I’ll tell you what: They say out of the box they’re the most accurate rifles there are. … Great workers up there, pretty cool deal. I like them as a company, and it performs very well.”

Ever Wonder About the Story Behind His Stars and Stripes Bandana?

Most stars can hide behind dark sunglasses and a hat. But when you have as distinct a look as the Robertsons, that’s not as easy. Willie’s signature stars and stripes bandana makes him even easier to spot. So what’s the story behind it?

“I always wear a bandana, and it wasn’t to be cool,” he says, chuckling a little. It was to keep my hair [out of my face], because when your hair’s this long– I don’t know how women do it ‘cause it was constantly in my face and all of that, so I would just wear a bandana to keep my hair back.”

When it came time to start filming “Duck Dynasty,” the network said it was having a hard time telling all the Robertson brothers apart. So producers brought Willie a slew of bandanas and told him to pick one. Naturally, he went with the U.S.A. theme.

“It’s not the American flag,” he stresses, “it’s a version of it ‘cause if you tie an American flag [to your head], it doesn’t look right and people didn’t like wearing a flag anyway.”

In the name of consistency, the show has him wear it during nearly every episode. Now it’s become an identifying marker, and something he’s likely not to change. He says he’s joked with producers, asking them,“Am I ever gonna get to wear a different bandana?”

Maybe not on the show. But he does try to limit wearing it when the cameras aren’t rolling, like in gas stations across the South.

“If I’m out in public, I try, I really try, not to wear that one ‘cause that’s a dead giveaway.”

Faith, Family, and Flirting

If you want to know what type of people the Robertsons are, just ask about religion.

“Faith is the number one thing in our lives, and so everything revolves around it: our marriages, our families, our business,” Willie says unashamedly.

And each episode is a reminder: the show always ends with the family saying a prayer before a meal. And in an age when one’s Christian faith is increasingly a closet belief, the Robertsons aren’t ducking out (pun intended). The family’s patriarch, Phil, regularly is shown reading his Bible – and scripture even makes an appearance in the season three premiere (but not in the way you might think).

“That’s how we can be so successful, that’s how you can work with your family, that’s how we can stay married, you know, because it’s a higher calling than just that. If you stick with God’s plan, it makes a lot of things a lot easier.”

“To put all the time and everything that it takes to make a show like this and have a bigger platform to get the message out and this particular vehicle of doing it, it’s not a lot, but you know, it’ll help us do the baby steps. … In today’s world of mainstream TV, it’s a pretty positive view to actually show prayer and all that on TV. It used to be that was more common, and now you really stand out in the crowd.”

And the success of the show has shown that there is a large segment of America that appreciates the faith aspect of “Ducky Dynasty’s” brand of reality TV.

“I mean if nobody watches it then who cares?”

Still, that’s not to say that each episode is modern-day “Andy Griffith Show.”

“I mean, dad [Phil] is pretty crude and some of the stuff he says, I’m like ‘holy cow.’ [Still], I heard the same speech when I was 15. He’s just like that, I mean, he just lays it out there the way it is. And I think a lot of guys see that in their dads too: just kind of a little bit different attitude, different generation. And he’s certainly open with it and lays it out there.”

In fact, on Wednesday viewers will see how Phil, after all these years of marriage, is still trying to woo his wife, referred to as “Miss Kay.” That’s where the scripture comes in – and a lot of flirting.

When asked about sexual banter between Phil and Kay – which is regularly featured – makes him feel, Willie takes an approach that might surprise some.

“I’m going to take a different spin and say it actually makes me feel proud,” he explains. “I’m glad that they still do, and that they’re happily married. I’m proud that they are, you know, I’m glad that they’re so open with themselves. Hopefully I will be too at that age.”

For now, Willie and the Robertsons have turned flirting with hit TV into a marriage between great television and hot ratings. And as Phil regularly says on the show, that makes both the family and the audience “Happy, happy, happy.”

02-26-2013, 08:37 AM
1 more day for the new season! lol

02-26-2013, 09:51 AM
Duck Dynasty and Amish Mafia are about the only things I watch on TV anymore. I like Amish Mafia becauce about half my family is Amish, And my birthplace is near Lancaster Pa. Where the show is filmed. Only, I was born in a hospital, And not at home like most traditional Amish. My Grandparents gave up the "Amish way" after they where married and raised my mom (Thier Foster Daughter) and my uncle (Thier adopted son) to be more like "normal" people. I couldnt imagine growing up without electricty and having to use outhouses. Ick.

02-26-2013, 12:53 PM
I was born in Monroe, grew up in Monroe, and came back to Monroe after school and the Army. It's people like the Robertsons, and family, and friends like Bo, and Don, and Willie that make it a place to come home to, that make it home. If you are from the city you might not think it real but what they do is what happens here routinely, just dressed up and packaged for television.

Jerry Liles

02-26-2013, 03:11 PM

05-19-2013, 05:45 PM
Now rumor has it that that some bleeding hearts are complaining about the God and guns on the show!

Why?! because it is not like 95% of the other garbage on the tube?!!

Nobody is forcing me to watch it or anything else on the box, moist of the time the off button suits me just fine!

05-19-2013, 06:35 PM
Of course the show is scripted but so what. It beats the silicone enhanced, high maintnance sluts of New Jersey, Miami Beach and any other too-expensive-to-live cities reality shows. I don't think the Robertsons are the inbreds they appear to be having seen pictures of them before beards. They are as handsome as the woman are pretty. It's part of the Duck Commander/Duck Dynasty schitck. It's moral, it's fun and I'm a big fan.

05-19-2013, 08:16 PM
That is valuable family TV watching. No sexual connotations, no cursing. Yes there is a grandfather that teaches his grand children that were born with money, how to live off the land and birds and bees, not to rely on the refrigerator to be full.

Duck Dynasty has prayer.

These guys live the way that makes sense. Not living like South Park, or Simpsons, or Jersey Shore, or any of those other totally stupid and pointless shows.

Duck Dynasty takes American families back to their roots, of religion, God in my Country, family.

Read my signature and you will know what I watch vvvvvvvvvv

At both of my part time jobs(75 hrs a week) all the employees call me SI. For the simple fact I act just like him. And some of those people that say I'm SI, don't even watch the show, because they are yuppies and prefer to watch nudity and listen to "beeep be beeeeeeeeep" from curseing beeps. But people bring it up on YouTube and the yuppies are like yea you are like him, and laugh along with us.

To me Phil is like a father figure to me. Teaches you what you need to know and that it. If you don't need to know it, he won't speak about it.

05-19-2013, 08:18 PM
Great entertainment.....

05-19-2013, 08:39 PM
We love the show in this household. It is good family entertainment, I don't know if it's all 100% not put on, but hey it looks like fun. I hope my wife and I are like Phil and Miss Kay when we finally grow up. Faith, Family, Friends; nothing better.

05-19-2013, 08:42 PM
Don't know if its real or fake but it is funny either way!! I watch it a lot and like many fans Si just cracks me up!!

Anyone else watch this show????
Those guys are funny.
How much of it is real??????
Are people who live there really that funny????
Women are cute.

05-19-2013, 09:46 PM
It made beards mainstream again. Everywhere I go people ask me if I am duck hunter and why you have to have a long beard to hunt ducks. I grew a beard because I have mile walk into work and it keeps my face warm in the winter. I haven't shaved because I am lazy, but everywhere I go people ask if I watch duck dynasty. After constantly getting asked about it I started watching in and I have to say its great TV. The only time I watch is when dexter is on and TN Vols football games but they haven't been worth watching as of late.

05-19-2013, 10:14 PM
We love that show! Sure they know the cameras are rolling and there are still writers and producers involved so you have to take it with a grain of salt, but it is still a hoot and good entertainment.

05-19-2013, 10:36 PM
Like the show. There is a script that allows the good ole boys to have laid back fun.
The simple down to earth logic works. And there isn't much more fun that pretending you are dumb when you know what is going on.
Years ago I met some guys hunting in Northern Alberta who made duck calls for Cabellas and Bass Pro. Could have been these guys, could have been another crew.
Still fun to talk to.

05-19-2013, 11:27 PM
I too, am a big fan for all the above reasons. It's the only show I have watched lately that makes me laugh out loud. Not much to laugh about in life lately. I like Si, sometimes I think I have a bit of his crazyness!!

05-19-2013, 11:51 PM
Great show! If you really want to know about the "Robertsons" you need to pick up Phil Robertson's book "Happy, Happy, Happy". It wasn't all fun and games before the TV show. The book was previously published as 'Legend of the Duck Commander'. Wife brought it home from Wally World one afternoon and I couldn't put it down. Think I'll have the kids (and grand kids one day) sit down and read it too.

05-20-2013, 01:29 AM
I stumbled across another hunting show this evening, American Hoggers. Kinda fun watching a couple good looking girls wrestling hogs. They also pray on the show.

05-20-2013, 03:30 AM
I was just across the line from West Monroe in south Arkansas. I spent a lot of time on the Ouachita river befpore I joined the arny and wound up in Vietnam. I came out of the service, married a girl that I started first grade with. When we married we moved to Ruston Louisiana and enrolled in Louisiana Tech. I don't know if Phil Robertson was there but Terry Bradshaw was. After graduating, we lived the next almost 15 years in Louisiana. Duck Dynasty does an excellent job ofportraying the essence ofthe area. Aresome of the stories taall tails? Of course!! Prevarication is avalued art form there. There is also a lot of verasity. Country people and southerners aren't as stupid and naive as they are often pictured and they like to have fun

05-20-2013, 04:38 AM
Life is way too short not to have fun. lol It is probably the only reality show that I have watched a whole episode, much less more than once. lol

05-20-2013, 09:00 AM
I absolutely hate reality TV show. But this one gets the thumbs up, makes me happy happy happy. It's a good clean show as well.

05-20-2013, 11:03 AM
Saw it for the first time last week. Almost as funny as the Red Green show. Much better than most of the junk on TV.
bleeding hearts are complaining about the God and guns on the show Appears that DummyWood is pressuring to make it more like survivor, so it's ratings must be really good. They only go after successful competition.

05-20-2013, 12:08 PM
It made beards mainstream again. Everywhere I go people ask me if I am duck hunter and why you have to have a long beard to hunt ducks. I grew a beard because I have mile walk into work and it keeps my face warm in the winter. I haven't shaved because I am lazy, but everywhere I go people ask if I watch duck dynasty. After constantly getting asked about it I started watching in and I have to say its great TV. The only time I watch is when dexter is on and TN Vols football games but they haven't been worth watching as of late.

I was once in the communal washroom of a campsite. A fellow with beard walked in while I was shaving and asked why I was doing "UNNATURAL" things to my face..
A beard is natural... Shaving ain't...

Rick N Bama
05-20-2013, 12:48 PM
There are way too few branches on that family tree, almost has a telephone pole profile.

Would you mind explaining your statement? I've not watched too many of the shows, but I've yet to see anything to support what you said about the family. Maybe you know something we don't?


05-20-2013, 01:43 PM
I love it and watch it all the time. Yeah, the factory is a front and I've seen clips of "behind the scenes" in the plant. They have all the normal stuff like shipping and receiving and a manager (not Willie) and workers cranking out duck calls.

It's good, clean fun with an outdoor setting sometimes. It's always good to see a family sit down for dinner even if it is staged and good to see prayer on an ordinary TV show. Seems that each show has some underlying lesson if you'll look close for it.

Read the backgrounds on the family. The "American dream". Wealth, land to hunt on and a lot of fun. I'll be watching for a while unless they start campaigning for Hilliary and I don't see that happening./beagle

05-20-2013, 03:44 PM
With all due respect to those that like the show - the Duck Dynasty people are the poster children for the reasons I machine gunned my TV 25 years ago.
PLEASE....find something better to do with your time.....smelt ingots, sort brass....cut the grass....garden....walk....cook....write....read (now THERE'S an idea!) hike....fish.....anything but that.

05-20-2013, 04:04 PM
big thumbs up for Duck Dynasty

05-21-2013, 11:35 AM
With all due respect to those that like the show - the Duck Dynasty people are the poster children for the reasons I machine gunned my TV 25 years ago.
PLEASE....find something better to do with your time.....smelt ingots, sort brass....cut the grass....garden....walk....cook....write....read (now THERE'S an idea!) hike....fish.....anything but that.

If you machine-gunned your TV --- how can you make that strong a statement? Do you slip out to watch your neighbor's TV? Are you a "closet" reality TV junkie? Just askin--LOL!!!

05-21-2013, 12:01 PM
With all due respect to those that like the show - the Duck Dynasty people are the poster children for the reasons I machine gunned my TV 25 years ago.
PLEASE....find something better to do with your time.....smelt ingots, sort brass....cut the grass....garden....walk....cook....write....read (now THERE'S an idea!) hike....fish.....anything but that.

We cut cable right around Christmas time and have not regretted it. My wife bought me season 1&2 of DD and we enjoy it. Generally speaking I detest television. I would rather reload, read, hang out, shoot etc. than be plopped down in front of the tv.

05-21-2013, 12:18 PM
Well now, I wear a beard year 'round because I hate shaving and I get ingrown hairs all the time! But those boys REALLY have BEARDS! I guess the concept of keeping it trimmed is foreign to them. They better hope they don't get a brush fire started in them!

I never have watched a complete episode. Seemed there were better things to do or I went channel surfing. I set my DVR last night to capture a few shows on the A&E channel. After reading this post, they've got to be worth watching.

As for "reality shows" I like pawn stars, American pickers, the restoration show, and counting cars. I accept that the shows are contrived and scripted, but it's interesting none the less.

As far as shutting the cable off, or shooting the TV, no thanks. I'll sacrifice a lot to allow the cable to still come in here.