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Love Life
02-24-2013, 04:29 PM
Every winter I lament the absence of quail. During the spring, summer, and fall my yard is heavily populated by quail (it helps that I throw out seed) and relatively safe (I trap 3-4 feral cats in the yard per year).

Well today I looked out the window and what do I see? My favorite feathered friends! Quail are peculiar birds. They will watch you warily, but will stick around if you don't bother them. I just like to sit and watch them and listen to them. At times they will do their quail call while walking towards you to see what you are. They seem very offended at you being around.

Funny story: At the 2012 NCBS where were camped there was a pair of quail. Early in the morning I was awakened by the load call of a quail. I leave the tent and see this quail about 20 ft away and he is looking dead at me and calling loudly. I'm pretty sure he was telling Harter66 and me to pound sand.

Anywho no real point to this story, but I am glad they are back. I'll be headed out in about an hour to Jack Wright pass to try and get pictures of a huge Golden Eagle I have seen there lately.

What birds do you enjoy watching and what is in your area?

02-24-2013, 05:06 PM
There are a whole lot of quail here year round. have not thought to feed them as they are pretty fat buggers. Funny to watch the young ones following the pack. Memorizing to watch a bevy of 60 quail and their beautiful feather spikes. There are also "packs" of other birds of varying type and of course humming birds which I feed. Will soon see some small yellow breasted birds which I love. Need to break out my field guide. I'm right there with you on the birds.

41 mag fan
02-24-2013, 05:10 PM
I love to hear the bob whites sound off. When we first moved here, we had them in the yard all the time. Then the coyotes and a bobcat came thru and cleaned them out. Last year I heard them calling in the woods beside us. First time in almost 6-7 yrs.
I seen a Golden Eagle while in Wy 2 weeks ago...beautiful birds.

02-24-2013, 05:34 PM
I have a feeder outside my office window- loads of nuthatchers, wrens, several kinds of finches (my favorite) tons of mourning doves along with two types of woodpeckers, a hawk or two and horned owls at night. My favorite part of living in the country!

02-24-2013, 05:38 PM
Haven't seen a quail around here in at least 15 years now. Not very many rabbits either.

02-24-2013, 05:49 PM
I haven't seen many quail "bobwhites" around the house in years.I miss their calls as well as the wip-poor-will.I do enjoy watching the many species of birds in the backyard.We have several feeders and attract a large variety , including the occasional hawk.The hawks don't seem to stick around long for some reason.
I guess my favorites are the many species of woodpeckers and the hummingbirds.

02-24-2013, 05:52 PM
We have chickadees, and the everpresent sparrows and starlings and geese. A few robins and doves hang around. Few crows, but for some reason they don't like to come around the house:mrgreen: Sometimes a few red-tailed hawks, or bald eagles will be around. Chicken hawk or two. Later we will get bluebirds and hummingbirds.

Every now and then a pheasant will show up. Too many cats and foxes around though. First 10 years or so here, I had alot of pheasants. One time on my garden fence, there were 17 adults and 18 half grown pheasants. Now, just a few in the neighborhood.

02-24-2013, 06:39 PM
Our quail numbers are really down from what they were when I moved here 23 years ago. I suspect the planting of Weeping Love grass on CRP (creates a monoculture with almost no food) and more recently the planting of milo has been almost non-existent. Then we had the boll weevil eradication program that sprayed fields and pastures in mass and killed the little bugs the young quail feed on to provide the protein needed for growth. The recent droughts have almost nailed the coffin. There are some around, but few. Turkeys are still hanging on ok, but the numbers from when I moved here are a fraction now.

Love Life
02-24-2013, 06:52 PM
No Eagle pictures so far. I drove out to the pass and every place with at least room to park a truck had somebody shooting into the side of the mountains...at rocks...at close range. I'll head back out towards sunset and see if I can get a picture. I swear this Eagle is 2 foot tall.

We have a large population of quail here and I set out a live trap every Sunday for feral cats and replenish the attractant weekly. Right now our Coyote population is huge, but that doesn't surprise me with the huge rabbit population we had this summer. I enjoy quail in my yard and try to make it as stress free for them as possible. Unfortunately my boxer likes to chase them away.

02-24-2013, 06:59 PM
Thanks for posting about the Quail there Lovelife ...good to enjoy the simple things that are in front of you now and then .
We have our share here in down town G-ville , the wife and the neighbor's all feed them so they are around all year long and fun to watch ... now if I could do something about the loose cats ....
As I type this I can see them in the front yard pecking at the seed thrown down , they have one tree here that they like to sleep in at night.
It is almost time for the Bald eagles to show up in the pastures with the calving going on between here and Carson City , some people set up their cameras next to the highway looking over the pastures for a chance for a pic when they can.
Gives me something to look forward to as I drive home every day for a glimpse some times of the beautiful , majestic birds , certain parties organize bus tours of the ranches in the valley to see the eagles.
Thanks again Lovelife .... kind of a stop and smell the roses thing for a moment.

Cactus Farmer
02-24-2013, 07:01 PM
I have quail in my yard all the time. I do feed and water 'em as we are in a drought to beat the band. I also feed finches with black thistle seeds in a special feeder that just a finch can use. I had about 50 in the tree a couplpe days ago. I feed all the birds with milo and cracked oats. There is a red bird that looks like a cardinal but I think it's something else. Some have orange beaks and some have dark/black/brown beaks. Anyone know what they are?

Love Life
02-24-2013, 07:09 PM
Good to hear from you Digger. I have several Pinion Pines in the yard quail like to sleep in and a couple cottonwoods. Speaking of the people on the highway I will probably be one of them this year. I also see bald eagles out here in between Coleville, CA and Walker, CA. We also get Bald Eagles up on the base in Pickle Meadows along with Goshawks and several other Raptors. It is truly a sportsmen's and outdoor person's paradise here. It is less crowded where I am and the ranchers are very amenable to letting you set up cameras and look for birds.

Seeing the big raptors in person and close is something that is hard to put in words. The sheer size, power, and beauty of them is awe inspiring. I'll tell you what. The Bald and Golden Eagles will put a bit of fear in you when their big shadow comes down the valley. I reckon if one wanted to they could put the serious hurt on a person.

You are correct Digger. Sometimes you just have to step back, and look at what is directly in front of you.

02-24-2013, 07:42 PM
Every winter I lament the absence of quail. During the spring, summer, and fall my yard is heavily populated by quail (it helps that I throw out seed) and relatively safe (I trap 3-4 feral cats in the yard per year).

Well today I looked out the window and what do I see? My favorite feathered friends! Quail are peculiar birds. They will watch you warily, but will stick around if you don't bother them. I just like to sit and watch them and listen to them. At times they will do their quail call while walking towards you to see what you are. They seem very offended at you being around.

Funny story: At the 2012 NCBS where were camped there was a pair of quail. Early in the morning I was awakened by the load call of a quail. I leave the tent and see this quail about 20 ft away and he is looking dead at me and calling loudly. I'm pretty sure he was telling Harter66 and me to pound sand.

Anywho no real point to this story, but I am glad they are back. I'll be headed out in about an hour to Jack Wright pass to try and get pictures of a huge Golden Eagle I have seen there lately.

What birds do you enjoy watching and what is in your area?

I enjoy watching turkeys until I can get a clear shot!

Bad Water Bill
02-24-2013, 08:23 PM
Several years ago friends and I went after Walleye on the Mississippi. The Bald Eagles were on their spring migration north. Almost every tree big enough had 2-5 in it. A sight I will never forget.

02-24-2013, 08:26 PM
i like to watch the eagles try to kick ravens and magpies off a deer carcass.
and watch the starlings harass them to tears as they fly across the pastures.
those little birds just swooping and pecking that big ol' bird lumbering along is quite a sight.

Wayne Smith
02-24-2013, 08:31 PM
I have had the chance for the past four years to watch a pair of Ospreys nest and raise young out my office window. Unfortunately a tree has now grown up so I cannot see the nest from my window when it is in full leaf. I can still watch the birds, though, and the young ones learn to fly. People wonder why I have bino's in my office.

02-24-2013, 11:42 PM
So many bald eagles around here we call them fish buzzards. Had one land on the back of my rowboat once and beg for a bass so I gave him one and he didn't even say thanks then went off to steal another fish from an osprey. Lazy buggers. Golden eagles - that's an impressive bird.

Love Life
02-25-2013, 12:02 AM
I am always amazed at the amount and variety of Raptors here. Drive on the 395 northbound to Carson City from Gardnerville and you see birds of prey at pretty much every Solar pole, on fence poles, and everywhere in between.

I like the big owls as well. We have a couple that like to sit on the telephone poles in front of the house. The ravens are very impressive and will gladly show you why you shouldn't leave a bag of trash in the bed of your truck...

What I want to see are shrikes. I need to see if they even live out here.

To be honest Quilbilly, if a Bald Eagle landed on my boat I would set a swim record.

02-25-2013, 12:27 AM
Our quail numbers are really down from what they were when I moved here 23 years ago. I suspect the planting of Weeping Love grass on CRP (creates a monoculture with almost no food) and more recently the planting of milo has been almost non-existent. Then we had the boll weevil eradication program that sprayed fields and pastures in mass and killed the little bugs the young quail feed on to provide the protein needed for growth. The recent droughts have almost nailed the coffin. There are some around, but few. Turkeys are still hanging on ok, but the numbers from when I moved here are a fraction now.

I know what you mean. The quail population is down all across Texas. I read an article the other day that said that there are virtually no quail left in Texas on the east side of IH-35. That is about half the state! The game biologists blame it on the mass poisoning of the fire ant population and the fact that almost everyone in East Texas has gone to "improved pasture grasses such as costal bermuda" and there are no weed and grass seed for the quail. We still have quail on the deer lease in Coke Co. in w. Texas, but we feed and help them with shelter every year. I love to watch them and take pictures. The cock birds are so feisty. I saw a nesting hen try to run a doe away from her nest. The doe seemed to be curious about the nest and eggs, and the hen attacked her and flapped in her face! It was quite a show. I really wished I had a camera.

We keep trying to increase the quail population on the lease, but it seems that everything eats quail. We have seen skunks, coons, bobcat, coyote, and cougar all catch quail or raid their nests! But at least it provides some good varmint hunting! :Fire:

Uncle R.
02-25-2013, 12:50 AM
Thanks for posting about the Quail there Lovelife ...good to enjoy the simple things that are in front of you now and then ... Thanks again Lovelife .... kind of a stop and smell the roses thing for a moment.

Yes indeed. A very pleasant thread. I too thank you Love Life for posting this thread.
Uncle R.

02-25-2013, 12:59 AM
Cactus Farmer--I think that is also a type of Finch.

Used to have quail at my Grandads farm in Oklahoma. Always loved to listen to them in the evening.

Love Life
02-25-2013, 01:01 AM
One bird really miss hearing are loons. I loved hearing their calls while camping in Minnesota.

02-25-2013, 01:07 AM
In an area where trees are not a naturally occuring object our yard is kind of a bird sanctuary. We have several large trees and two honeysuckles on 8' tall by 8' wide trellises as well as a pair of butterfly bushes and a Mexican broom. We have a large population of dove, a ridiculous population of grackles, hummingbirds and occassional quail that nest in the yard. The grackles are a nuisance and the hummingbirds are hands down our favorites.


02-25-2013, 02:56 AM
I love looking at quail close up too, like say on the dinner plate. Ymmm

02-25-2013, 01:16 PM
One of the biggest predator problems with nesting quail is hogs. We have reduced the wild hog population dramatically, so maybe that will help. One large ranch nearby has started having helicopter hunts and have taken hundreds of hogs and lots of coyotes. We went to lunch at a local restaurant not long ago and there were three helicopters in the parking lot while the hunters were having lunch.

02-25-2013, 01:22 PM
Baldies are an impressive bird from five feet even if they are lazy buzzards. They can be a nuisance if you are out coyote calling. If they come to the call first, the coyotes go the other way.
The story of that baldy in the boat is even better. It was a rescue. He was watching me catch bass on almost every cast trying to figure how to steal a fish. He dove and got trapped in the weeds in the water so might have drowned. I backed the rowboat up and he climbed into the back "looking very disgusted with himself". He wouldn't leave until I gave him a fish ( I was still catching bass almost even cast).
Sadly, the state ruined the lake the following year by poisoning all the weeds to make it better for trout then made it a flyfishing only lake.

02-25-2013, 07:32 PM
I wasn't aware of a quail species that roosted in trees. Our Bobwhites and Scaled quail are strictly ground roosting birds.They gather in a ring with heads pointing out. The little dung piles reveal where they spend the night, often in the same area.

02-25-2013, 07:49 PM
Just picked up an old Ithaca double in 16ga. Just the ticket for quail!