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08-02-2007, 07:34 PM
You may recall a while back I mentioned my kid works as a model in New York. (And sometimes in other places like L.A., Milan, Paris...) Right now he's home relaxing, enjoying the peaceful East Tennessee life for a little bit and getting ready to head off to the beach for a last fling with the family before he has to hop on a jet and head back to the big city grind. He's got to enjoy it while he can, because pretty soon he'll have to again be earning his daily bread doing stuff like this:


Poor kid! :mrgreen:

08-02-2007, 08:02 PM
Is your son Joseph Culp?

08-02-2007, 08:18 PM
Yep, that would be him. :-D

08-02-2007, 08:46 PM
Then that makes you Robert Culp?

08-02-2007, 08:53 PM
Wasn't he a movie star of some sort?

08-02-2007, 09:21 PM
I guess Fusion is a band? At first glance I thought he was Iggy Pop. So if he's a bigtime rock band/model, he must be sending home huge checks. Life is good, eh.

08-02-2007, 09:37 PM
Naw, I wish I had Robert Culp's money, though! His boy Joseph Culp's been around long enough to show up on Google. He's played some bit parts on Star Trek as alien bad guys, and I think maybe he's doing some directing lately. Mine's just getting started. He's been in the modeling biz 4 months and the stuff that's in the publishing pipeline's just hitting the newsstands. Fusion's his New York booking agency. This spread that's quoted on the linked article is in Numéro, an artsy international fashion magazine that's published in Paris. He was over there on a shoot for a German magazine named FHM and hanging around looking for other jobs to make the trip more worthwhile when the magazine came out, so it was nice that when he went into casting offices they had the new magazine with his pics in it. Got a job while he was there modeling German clothes for a Japanese magazine, in Paris.

This stuff's pretty good work if you're 19 and single. Of course, he'd rather be home where he can play video games, guitar, work on his art and go shooting. That doesn't pay too well, though.

08-02-2007, 10:04 PM
Well darn. Now that ya got us all excited bout' you being a hollywood movie star and all.. :mrgreen:

Ahh to be 19 and in Europe. I was there at that age making money as a touring musician.

Good luck to your son and enjoy it whilst it lasts. Could wind back up being a hillbilly like me.. :groner:

08-02-2007, 11:48 PM
I've got hillbilly friends here who've been world touring musicians, too. :mrgreen:

08-03-2007, 12:56 PM
Them hillbillies do get around some.

Looks like Joseph caught a break or two, and has a good career launched.

08-03-2007, 11:06 PM
Yeah, I think he's off to a pretty good start. His sister's the one who got it rolling, by browsing the Web one sleepless night and running across specs for what the industry folks look for in male models. Said "That sounds just like my little bro!" Got him registered on Models.com with pics posted, and it just went from there. He ended up signing with a mother agency in Nashville run by a couple of older models, withdrew from university where he was on a full ride art honors scholarship with his professors' encouragement to go for the opportunity (they said they'd hold his spot and scholarship open if he wanted to come back in the fall, which he's not doing) went to New York for 3 days with them with a week's worth of clothes, and didn't get home for 3 months. Aside from that ugly incident with the gang back in April (he moved to a better place shortly afterward), he's had a good ride so far. I really think his real world education and daily contacts with working people in the art, photography and publishing businesses may be more useful to him in his art career later on than his undergraduate art degree, but college will be there when he's ready. And I think he'll be a lot more ready for it if he decides he needs it, with experience of "the real world," than when it's just what you go do after you finish high school because everybody else does it.

08-03-2007, 11:20 PM
Seems right when a good son has a good dad. Congratulations to both of you, oh yeah, and Sis, too!


08-03-2007, 11:33 PM
Thanks! :mrgreen: